Harry potter: the ring maker

Leaving an impression

Nick got lucky and found a medium sized classroom two doors away from the charms classroom that was filled with unused desks. Nick checked the room thoroughly to make sure there weren't any nasty hidden things in it before nodding contentedly. He pointed his wand at the desk nearest him and spoke "WINGARDIUM LEVIOSA!" and the desk rose up at which point he pointed the wand at one desk after another causing them all to float. Nick felt his magic reserves quickly emptying and he waved his wand send the desks floating towards the far wall where they were stacked neatly.-

"A splendid use of the levitation charm!" a higher pitch voice than normal said appreciatively from behind Nick making him flinch and turn around quickly. There at about two feet tall was the very professor he chose this classroom for. It's very rare to see a first year perform multiple levitations at the same time , much more so when I haven't even taught the charm yet!" Flitwick said with a happy smile. "I actually learned all the spells in the book over the summer." Nick admitted awkwardly. "Not to worry my boy I did the same thing when I was your age." the small man said honestly.-

"I hope you'll forgive me for asking but why were you rearranging this room to begin with?" Flitwick asked curiously. "I was planning to request this room to set up a workshop next week after getting comfortable with my classes workload." Nick said honestly. "Oh? a workshop you say? what sort of workshop?" Flitwick asked intrigued. Nick removed greed and handed it to the professor "I'm a ring smith and I wanted to set up a workshop here at Hogwarts for my free time and maybe earn a bit of coin as well." Nick said with a grin.-

Flitwick rolled greed around on his palm carefully observing it as it shifted constantly and unpredictably. "What a fascinating piece of work , yours I take it from your words?" the small man asked handing the ring back to Nick who nodded. "I took inspiration from boggarts when crafting it" Nick said honestly. Flitwick nodded "a pretty good way to dissuade people from trying to steal from you if a bit cruel." he said sternly. Nick raised his hands in surrender "purely defensive on this piece I promise." he said honestly.-

"Very well , but how did you learn to enchant items , I don't recognize the method used here?" the professor asked curiously. Nick scratched the back of his head awkwardly "It's my own personal method , it's one of the reasons the forging is so rough." Nick answered honestly. This surprised Flitwick who looked at nick carefully for any signs of deception but could only sigh when he found none. "If it's no bother I'd like to sit in on one of your crafting sessions to see what makes it so different from what I am familiar with." The professor said seriously.

"You would need to swear an oath or sign a contract not to share what you learn but otherwise I don't mind much." Nick said after some thought. Flitwick was surprised to hear this but quickly agreed since it was a pretty common practice meant to protect secrets from slipping out. In fact most enchanters do something similar with their own apprentices that only allow them to share their knowledge with their own apprentices. This lets the art get passed on without getting passed out to the public. Nick definitely didn't want the celebrimbor style reaching the public since horrible things could be created with it in say , Voldemort's hands.-

The charms professor was surprisingly knowledgeable about metal work and even made suggestions on good alloys for carrying magic. Goblin silver and orichalcum for example made an alloy that was good for incredibly corrosive magics or things so powerful they would fall apart if placed on regular metals. Nick asked the small man if he would help him keep the noise from the work isolated by enchanting the door to which he agreed. Nick got a few looks from all of the houses when he walked into the great hall for dinner alongside the professor in deep conversation about the best way to mix metals.

It was probably hard for anyone not dedicated to a craft to understand where such passion came from but the other professors minus quirelmort got it. Dumbledore caught bits of the conversation and could only give a wry smile as he knew more about the reason the conversation was likely happening than the rest. He had personally confirmed that Nick did indeed know his craft and knowing Flitwick had been engaged in conversation on it for quite a while. Needless to say nick left quite the first impression on the first day of classes.


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