Harry potter: the ring maker

First ingredients

Nick brought out his wand and took a stance he was comfortable with before pointing down range at the erratic targets "AGLAD!" he said and a thin blindingly white bolt of electricity shot across the room. Unfortunately the target he was aiming at moved the very same moment he cast the spell causing it to miss and strike the far wall and leave a black scorch mark. Nick tried again and again for the rest of the day even skipping dinner as he stubbornly attacked with the spell. As he grew more familiar with it the power and accuracy of the spell increased drastically.-

Nick left the room of requirement late at night and evaded Filch and his cat Missus Norris via a series of shortcuts to the common room. His entrance was noticed by Harry but the boy didn't confront Nick about his whereabouts. The next morning Nick woke up and yawned tiredly as he get ready for class. He ate a large breakfast in order to cover for the lack of dinner the night before and prepared for the mornings DADA class. Nick was bored during the class since he already knew all the stuff that Quirelmort was teaching and it showed.-

The fact that they had history of magic right afterwards wasn't much bettor and Nick had trouble not dozing off the entire time. Lunch better for Nick as he mostly recovered by that time and ate heartily. The final two class period in the day belonged to transfiguration class and was easily the most mentally challenging part of Nick's schedule. See McGonagall's request to have Nick removed fro general transfiguration class and taught privately had been denied so the crafty old witch had to get creative. While the rest of his classmates were working on their actual class lesson Nick had to perform rapid transfiguration on multiple objects while Mcgonagall constantly sabotaged his work.-

This wasn't technically beyond what the other students were doing but was still very good training for Nick to transfigure in an instant without issue. It helped that they both clearly enjoyed the process as they challenged each other to a good degree. After the class was over Nick was finally confronted by Tracy and the rest of his friends about where he was yesterday. "I got a bit carried away while practicing a spell is all." Nick said with a shrug.-

"What in morgana's name could possibly keep you of all people so focused?" Ron asked incredulously. The rest nodded in agreement as they were all aware that Nick was leagues ahead of literally everyone else in their year in terms of casting. "It's a spell on the level of the blasting curse in terms of power , so you'll forgive me if it might take me a bit longer than normal to fully master." Nick said sarcastically. "I don't know what the blasting curse is but that sounds rather dangerous." Harry said concerned.-

Nick shook his head "So long as I don't go trying the spell out on myself I'll be just fine." he said reassuringly. "You wouldn't happen to be willing to share said spell right?" Tracy asked while giving him her best puppy dog eyes. "Nope!" Nick with a grin as she looked horrified that it didn't work. "One of these days I'll get you to spill those juicy secrets of yours!" She vowed indignant at her loss. "The only thing you'll get from me is what I no longer have a need for." Nick said with a wide smirk. "I really hate you sometimes." Tracy complained. Nick cackled madly "Good! Let the hate flow through you!" he said imitating a certain character.-

No one got the reference but they laughed anyways before splitting up since Harry had quidditch practice today. Nick didn't go back to the room of requirement to train his lightning spell since he still had other ritual ingredients to obtain before his hunt. The castle had a large population of predatory owls in it so Nick saved him the effort of having to track down a bat and a bird to take the eyes from. In fact all he needed to do was politely ask for the things from the owls in the aviary and the owls went straight to it.-

He barely needed to wait five minutes before the dead body of a quail and a bat were deposited in front of him. Nick thanked the owls for their help while carefully storing the two sets of eyes in special preservative potion. The eyes of a beetle were even easier to acquire as Nick merely needed to flip a few large stones before he found a nice sized beetle under one of them. With this he now had the items he needed to conduct the ritual of night eye and gain night vision , which was very useful in a dark place like the forbidden forest.


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