Harry potter: the ring maker


Author here! So quite a few people have been complaining about how Dumbledore had hit Nick with a confundus charm despite him wearing Sanar. I had assumed that I had explained it enough so far but apparently not so pay attention. The ring IS very weak magically speaking due to it having been made when he literally couldn't have been less skilled with the crafting method. This means gentle mental manipulations like the whole eye contact legilimency stuff could be defended against but brute force attacks on the mind such as the confundus charm overpower the rings defenses at the moment. I had already explained that none of the enchantments he makes are EVER absolute by now and merely got more powerful as his skill rose but there it is , his craft has the potential to be unrivaled but is not at that level yet since that would make this story rather pointless. I thank you for your support and understanding.


Each of these rituals will give Nick a distinct advantage in the future if he pulled them off doubly so in the case of the ritual of breath. His sustainability in both forging and spell casting would greatly increase with that ritual alone. The best part about these particular rituals was that he could gather the ingredients without drawing suspicion. All the ingredients were either potion ingredients or things he could get himself with some effort. The dragon lung was actually an ingredient used to make some wizard specific food like fire whiskey.-

The first ritual Nick had in mind was the ritual of reflexes as he needed the heart of an animal he hunted , some of his hair and a pair of birds eyes. He even had the best target in mind for the heart in question though he'll need to brave the forbidden forest to get it. See it was specified that the more powerful the creature hunted the better the rituals effects and there happened to be a very large and dangerous colony of monsters in the forest. Hagrid was a great guy but getting Aragog a mate was the stupidest thing he could have done as acromantulas reproduced by the dozen four times a year.-

The forbidden forest had hundreds of very large notoriously man eating spiders in it that are only stopped from being a problem by Aragog and the centaurs who regularly thin their numbers. Nick had a pretty powerful lightning spell that if he was careful could be used to kill one of these acromantulas to acquire its heart. This would likely give him a very good result when used in the ritual. 'Looks like I need to go and have a little chat with the twins.' he thought as he walked to the great hall to eat.-

Nick satisfied his hunger during the meal all while planning exactly how he will hunt his target safely. So far he will have the twins lead him into the forest as they have experience in this regard before he carefully approaches the edge of the acromantulas colony. He figures that he will likely find at least one singular member of the colony testing it's luck there. He then fries the big spider takes it's venom and heart before hightailing it out of the forest. Nick wasn't stupid enough to try to do more than this in the forest.-

One spider out of a few hundred is almost unnoticeable but he would have to be a mad man to even consider trying to hunt any of the things that weren't pushing their luck at the border of their territory. The giant spiders loved to ambush potential prey so heading into their territory is asking to find oneself surrounded. Still before he decided to go through with his plan he needed to practice the lightning spell he accidentally discovered before school started. 'The room of requirement should be able to create a target range.' he thought seriously while eating.-

Nick turned in for the night right after dinner since he wanted to be well rested for tomorrow. The classes should also be easy as it was merely flying , astronomy and DADA for a single period each. He laid low in flying class like usual much to the disappointment of madam Hooch who knew he was doing it. Next up was astronomy that was super easy as the class was basically canceled for the rest of the week since the professor was satisfied with their current level of knowledge and thus was shuffling their schedule.-

Nick merely chatted with his friends for the entire class since the professor gave them permission to do so. DADA was a joke with the way Quirelmort stuttered through every sentence and they had barely gotten into the interesting stuff such as how to deal with magical creatures. In fact the man avoided that topic all the time and when specifically asked about the topic he would change the topic entirely. Thankfully this was a topic that could be self taught just fine and didn't really need much input from a professor and everyone knew it.-

After the class was over Nick immediately took a series of shortcuts to reach the seventh floor and then secretly went into the room of requirement. This time the room was a huge area with fast moving wooden puppets moving around it erratically. The reason for this was because he had asked for the most difficult target practice room possible for long range spells. The acromantulas is a very dangerous creature and the mobility it has is no laughing matter so Nick needs to hit a fast and tricky target from range with a bolt of electricity. Close range combat against a spider is asking to get killed so hellish target practice it is.


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