Harry potter: the ring maker


Dumbledore couldn't help but have a complex expression as he looked at Nick from the professors table in the great hall. He had spoke to Minerva earlier and learned that not only was the boy just as gifted at transfiguration magic as a metamorphagus but that he was cursed with situational awareness. Most children his age wouldn't realize what his power and influence could accomplish but Nick did and it made him clearly terrified of him. It was rather ironic to Dumbledore that the boy is afraid of him while he was afraid of the boys potential.-

This did explain a considerable amount about the boys behavior however in school that was an odd mix of cold introverted and radiantly extroverted. Too much situational awareness is very much a curse as it can leave one paranoid and unable to enjoy their everyday life fully. 'Unfortunately nothing can be done to fix this problem at the moment as the gap between he and I is simply far too vast and he knows it. Wait , perhaps.....' Dumbledore fell into thought but smiled lightly as a plan formed in his mind. The next day Nick woke up at dawn and left the common room immediately after getting dressed to head to the nearby disused classroom.-

Nick figured that it may be best if he simply avoided Hermione entirely till fate could work it's magic. 'Besides it's irritating having to hide what I'm reading from her everyday to keep her from trying to figure it out.' Nick thought honestly as he propped himself up in a chair to read his book in peace. Unfortunately he had underestimated how stubborn Hermione was as she tracked him down when she failed to find him in Gryffindor tower. "Why are you here?" Nick asked irritated at the bushy haired interruption to his peace.-

"You weren't in the common room so I came looking for you." She said like that made any sense at all. "Ok but why did you come looking for me? I thought I made it abundantly clear that I'm not interested in whatever childish competition you seem to think we're having." Nick said with no small amount of vitriol. The girl withered under his glare but couldn't come up with a retort since he was correct and it was only her who seemed to care. She could only tear up and flee the classroom upset at the situation while Nick was contemplating if his plans were worth this hassle.-

At seven Nick closed the book having not learned anything of note in the last hour save some small details missing from the normal book. He walked to the great hall and sat down at the table where he ordered some grits with pepper jack cheese and bacon cooked in them. Todays schedule was a bit odd as it had two classes with two periods though only potions had it this time. Astronomy , charms and finally potions were the classes for today and no one seemed happy with them.-

For good reason too as the first class was basically a cramming session followed by a much more mild practical session on the Lumos charm. The worse part was easily Snape's class though as he finally caught Harry lacking and took ten points from the house for it. Nick of course evened out that loss with yet another perfectly brewed potion , Wiggenweld this time. This potion was once again a modified recipe provided by Snape but nick was unable to perfect it further since it seemed perfect as is.-

"That was bloody terrible  , I can't believe the greasy git took points because Harry didn't know which salamander's blood was best for Wiggenweld! and did you see the way he looks at Harry , like he wants him dead." Ron was fuming loudly on the way away from the classroom. Nick shrugged "Everyone knows he hates Gryffindor , the only reason I think he gives me points is so he has an excuse to give Slytherin more , no offense girls." Nick said and neither Daphne or Tracy seemed bothered by the harsh but accurate statement. Harry didn't seem all that bothered by Snape which Nick found amusing since it seemed to directly remove any joy the big batman wanna be may get antagonizing him.-

"You two gonna join us as we go visit Hagrid or nah?" Nick asked the two girls once they reached the separation point. "I don't mind tagging along , if it's no bother that is." Daphne said hopefully. Tracy nodded in agreement at this "Yeah what she said." and so Nick nodded in understanding before walking out onto the castle grounds. Far in the distance was a shabby looking stone hut with various gardens around it , pumpkins being the most prominent with the huge orange fruit.


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