Harry potter: the ring maker

Tricky chat

Nick was pretty good at manipulating his own facial expressions since remaining stone faced all the time makes people avoid you. In public you need to look calm or cheerful in order to fit in , a fact he learned the hard way in his past life. While the memories regarding information that this world simply lacked were gone his habits and temperament hadn't changed much. In fact losing his previous worlds memories barely effected his person at all which he assumed was due to some mystical thing he simply couldn't understand at the moment.-

He soon caught up with his friends but noticed the awkward situation they were in as Ron was trying to avoid the two girls. "Stop being such a git and trying getting to know them before you judge them , they don't bite." Nick said to Ron with a cheeky grin. "Well Tracy might but she's the exception in this case." he joked and Tracy looked offended but Harry and Daphne laughed. Ron relaxed a little seeing that they were in fact normal people and nervously tried to start a conversation about the only thing he was knowledgeable on , quidditch. -

Daphne could only sigh in exasperation since as it turned out Tracy was also a huge quidditch fan. "So what was that whole bit with Mcgonagall about?" Harry asked drawing everyone else's attention back to Nick. 'Damnit Harry I almost got everyone to forget about it till you went and said something!' Nick cursed mentally "It was simply about how I am too advanced to learn alongside the rest of our year." he said casually like it wasn't a big deal. "What!?" they all exclaimed dumbfounded making Nick flinch slightly. "What you didn't think that I kept up with the professor in that game with luck do you?" Nick asked with a scoff.-

"But how?" Tracy asked jealously. Nick shrugged "Talent mostly , the subject just comes to me easily." he said with shrug. "That's SOOO not fair!" Tracy said with a pout and Nick chuckled at her act. "I didn't choose to be like this you know." Nick said honestly. "Can't you like , I don't know , slack off so the rest of us don't look so bad?" she asked in exasperation. Nick snorted "Absolutely not , that would be wasting my potential for someone else's benefit. That's like asking Harry to stop flying because he is too talented at it , rather unfair to him no?" Nick said seriously.-

"Yeah I know but still." Tracy said with a sad look. "Cheer up mate I'm not going away or anything , just learning a bit different than you." Nick said to cheer her up. "You know she's just trying to get you to part with some unique spell or another right?" Daphne asked getting a betrayed look from her best friend and a chuckle from Harry. "Oh , I know but it's a thousand years too early for her to think she can pull a fast one on me." nick said with a grin.-

"Drat! I was sure this plan would work!" Tracy cursed at her failure and everyone including Ron laughed. "You know you could just modify a spell yourself right?" Nick asked with a smirk knowing her answer already. "What? Why the bloody hell would I do that for when you are a walking treasure trove of the things already?" Tracy asked with a scoff. Nick shrugged "No idea but then again no man knows why women do as they do or at least if any do they don't share that knowledge." he said and the other boys nodded at his sagely wisdom.-

The girls tried to argue about that topic but were quickly crushed by the boys overwhelming amount of evidence to back them up. The group of course completed the "homework" the professor gave them with nick helping them improve the best he could. An interesting thing that Nick noticed when normal students like his friends played the game was that they also grew very quickly in the art. Not like him of course but the game worked well to ingrain the fundamentals of transfiguration into them which let them change an object far easier.-

Dinner came in a short two hours and the group split up based on their house to eat with Harry , Nick and Ron continuing their chat about what Hagrid might want since Harry had gotten an invitation to see the half giant at breakfast. It was set for their free time tomorrow so it might just be a social visit to see how Harry's first week was going. Nick remembered this was when the golden trio learned about what was being guarded in the third floor corridor in the books. Oddly though one of the precursor events of Malfoy challenging Harry to a wizarding duel simply hadn't happened so it was less important to them to know.


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