Harry potter: the ring maker


"That'll do nicely , yes ." one of the twins said as they snatched up the coins eagerly. "I've done my part now it's both of yours." Nick said all business. "Not to worry mate , we haven't let you down so far and we've no plans to start now. Follow us." The other twin said with a grin and they left quickly. "We'll need to keep an eye out for professor sprout but otherwise it should be a cinch to get you safely in the forest after that though you're on your own since even we need to be careful in there." One of the explained seriously as they made their way to the greenhouses of all places.-

Specifically the fourth greenhouse that after verifying was empty they entered carefully while Nick mimicked the twins actions to not disturb anything inside it. As it turned out there was a secret passage to the forbidden forest hidden under a pile of empty planters pots at the back of the greenhouse. 'I can honestly say that I'd never have found this without someone pointing it out.' Nick thought impressed that the twins had found it.-

"We normally use this to collect stuff for our products or to earn a bit of coin for the same purpose." one of the twins said as they pushed open the trap door that revealed itself to be hidden between the roots of one of the tall trees of the forest. "This is where we part ways mate , best of luck." the other twin said before they went back into the underground tunnel. 'Already so first and foremost I need to mark this tree so I can find it again later.' Nick thought before waving his wand at a stick on the ground turning it into a flag that he then hung from one of the trees branches.-

Besides that he also memorized the tree's appearance just in case something takes the flag down. Nick noticed how dark the forest was and was glad that he had completed that ritual before he came here as most of the sunlight was blocked by the thick overhead foliage. He kept his wand in his hand at the ready as he began to walk further into the forest while keeping an eye on the area above him as well as on the shadows of the tree roots.-

Even the smallest acromantula was the size of a cat and much like most other spider species they were very good at hiding. As a result Nick needed to keep his eyes peeled for even the smallest abnormality. Clearly he was worried for no reason as out from the trees a head of him a large horse with pearl white skin and a silver mane walked out into the open. The most distinguishing feature of the creature however was the long spiral ivory horn on it's for head , it was a unicorn. Acromantulas would never be found anywhere near a unicorn as their nature heavily clashed since unicorns were creatures of purity and innocence.-

The giant spiders on the other hand were dark and evil creatures that couldn't stand the presence of something like a unicorn. It was for this reason that Nick relaxed when the unicorn made itself known. That's right the unicorn willingly showed it's self as Nick would have never known it was there otherwise. Nick bowed to the unicorn respectfully but not submissively and the creature returned the bow like one ruler greeting another. "If it's not too much trouble could you point me in the direction of the nearest member of that spider colony?" Nick asked politely.-

The unicorn seemed surprised to hear this and paused for a moment before nodding it's head slightly and pointed in a certain direction with it's horn. "Thank you." Nick said and the unicorn walked off leaving him alone again. Following the direction that the unicorn had pointed out carefully Nick soon started to see signs of acromantula activity in the form of the occasional web. He didn't dare to go further into this area however as entering a colony of the things is a death sentence in most cases and his certainly counted.-

Thankfully he didn't need to go deeper as he immediately noticed a figure slowly but surely creeping towards him from the top of a nearby tree. Acting like he didn't notice it Nick turned to walk away and the figure paused for a moment as if in conflicted about whether to follow him away from the colonies territory. But it seemed that greed and hunger won out over logic as it still did so. Nick didn't walk fast but he still managed to gain quite some distance from the colonies territory before he launched a sudden surprise attack on the figure stalking him.


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