Harry potter: the ring maker


It was clear to the entire school where the source of the information in the paper came from as Nick reveled in the look of disbelief on Dumbledore's face. The professors all had varying expressions at the situation from disbelief to amusement. Snape actually seemed slightly proud of this absolutely vicious retaliation on Nicks part. He better than most was aware of the terrible things the old man had done "for the greater good" and had a bit of frustration built up at the lack of punishment the man seemed to get for it.-

Mcgonagall was in disbelief at the information found in the paper that shed a falsehood she had been living with for a long time. Her long time friend wasn't some paragon of all that was good in the world but just a flawed man who would do whatever it took to achieve his goals. She had been in denial about the things she had seen the man do over the years since he always said it was "for the greater good" , but the things in this paper were simply dreadful. The worst in her opinion was Harry himself as she always assumed that he was well taken care of but now knew the truth.-

Flitwick was enraged to see the things written in the paper as unlike the other professors he had never involved himself in the going ons of the world past the paper and so only had the gossip of students and personal interactions with others to go off from. Before now he had assumed Dumbledore to be a stanch supporter of the light and had a strict moral code he adhered to. Clearly though this was all wrong as from Albus's reaction the things written in the paper were all true , this lead to the question of how Nick uncovered all of this however.-

Dumbledore knew that with the right kind of digging quite a few of these pieces of information could be verified however others were of an extremely personal level with no more than three people at most knowing them. He immediately figured out what the most possible option was however and felt dread at the idea. It was back when he first noticed the boy and went to read his memories but was struck with a vicious counter attack. The possibility existed that the boy had gotten a glimpse of his most secret memories through that brief mental clash but had kept them to himself until now.-

By violating the boys privacy he in turn forfeited the right to have his own maintained and he could understand this. It was a bitter pill to swallow but one he had prepared himself for the moment he acted as he did. Dumbledore wouldn't deny that this truly was a painful blow to his person and might be one he would never recover from but the same could be said of what he did to Nick and so he considered them even.-

Nick was in a fantastic mood after the announcement in the papers came out and Dumbledore got a taste of his just deserts. "How do you know all of this mate?" Ron asked curiously since it was clear Nick had been the one to tip off the press. "That I will keep to myself , though I will say that if you look closely to the records of the past , proof of what is written there can be found." Nick said with a wide smile. "After what he did to you I'd say he deserves this." One of the twins said honestly from nearby on the table and most of the table nodded in agreement.-

After breakfast was over Nick made sure to get the twins help to head into the forbidden forest without getting caught. "Now why would a ikkle firstie like yourself need to go there?" one of them asked with an amused expression. "Quite hard to believe it is dearest brother of mine." the other said with the same expression. "I need something not exactly easily obtained for a project of mine that can be found there. so will you help me or not?" Nick said impatiently.-

"Don't get your knickers in a twist mate , we'll help you." one of them said before they both broke out into wide smiles ""For a price of course."" they both said at the same time. Nick shrugged and removed ten golden coins from Greed "I assume this'll suffice?" he said neutrally. Nick may be a greedy individual but that was only because money gets things done and with enough money few things are truly a problem. As a result if he can simply part with a sum of money for a much more valuable service he had no problem at all doing so.


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