Harry potter: the ring maker

Slight change and food

"To be honest I am more surprised that so few people have noticed it." Nick said honestly. The twins shared a look "don't take this the wrong way mate but it's hard to look at anything other than your face." Fred said seriously which confused Nick. "Why?" he asked curiously. "It's that wicked scar you got on your forehead and those eyes mate , they're hard to look away from." George said honestly. "I can get the scar but whats so interesting about my eyes?" Nick asked confused. The twins shared another look "We thought you could tell us mate , they are golden , like a hawk." They said at the same time.-

Nick frowned when he heard this as he had assumed it might have something to do with his wand and current location. Just like the wizard it's bonded to wands grow alongside their wielders and very rarely this manifest as an external feature. Usually it's a very small change like a slight shift in the tiniest parts of a wizards eye like with how Dumbledore has the tiniest bit of phoenix like eyes. Nick thought that because of how special his wand was and how much pure magical energy was in Hogwarts his eyes must have made an almost instant flip in color when he arrived.-

The worst part was that he was certain that this change was permanent too since it was based on his connection to his wand. Nick could only tell the truth and say he has no idea and try and change the subject by dangling the offer to get similar rings in front of the twins. They noticed his reluctance to talk about his eyes further and willingly took the bait he offered them and promised to hash out the details later.-

The sorting ceremony was still ongoing which is why the conversation was cut short but Nick didn't mind. Much like he expected Harry also got put in Gryffindor which created a whole ruckus from the house who were excited to have wizarding Jesus. Ron also got put in Gryffindor as well but Honestly speaking Nick wouldn't put it past the hat to pull a fast one and send him to Hufflepuff for his loyalty. Even in the books Ron never truly abandoned his friends despite falling out with them a few times which proved his loyalty.-

Once the sorting was done Dumbledore took to the podium again and began to speak "I have a few start of term notices I wish to announce. Please note that the forest is strictly forbidden to all students. Also our caretaker Mr. filch has asked me to remind you that the third floor corridor on the right side is out of bounds to everyone who does not want to die the most painful death.  With all of that said I have said enough and will leave you to your meal with four words. Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak!" he said and food appeared on the tables in copious amounts.-

Nick curiously grabbed the cup near him and took a sip of the orange colored juice in it but grimaced. "Pure pumpkin juice taste a bit weird , should add some vanilla , honey and cinnamon to it." he muttered and much to his surprise the liquid vanished for a moment before returning with a slightly darker color. Tasting it again he found the liquid to now taste like pumpkin pie in a cup which was totally fine by him. "Thanks." he muttered to what he assumed was the house elves eavesdropping on the students to fix any complaints they had.

The food was fantastic and varied but mostly english in origin which bothered Nick a bit as he kinda wanted some tacos. he voiced this and grinned as moments later six supreme tacos appeared in front of him and if he had been looking at the professors table , Dumbledore as well. The old wizard had been paying close attention to Nick since he appeared and as a result was aware of the new ring he was wearing as well a what it seemed to do. After their last encounter the headmaster had looked into Nicks background and was surprised to learn that he seemed to appear out of thin air one day a few months ago.-

He had even asked Olivander what wand the young man had been matched with and was surprised at the answer. Hagrid vouched for the boy however so Dumbledore didn't let his own worries tempt him into doing something rash. When Nick was sorted into Gryffindor the old wizard breathed a sigh of relief and lowered his vigilance of the boy a fair amount. So when the headmaster noticed Nick specifically asking the house elves for things he curiously asked to receive the same and was delighted he did , they were delicious.


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