Harry potter: the ring maker


Everyone watched as Dumbledore looked over the new years with his gaze briefly stopping on Harry and Nick before moving on to the rest. "Soon you shall all be sorted into your houses and begin your journey to magical mastery. Those in your house shall be your friends , your family and your classmates for the next seven years. I welcome you all to Hogwarts and wish each of you a happy next seven years!" The old man said loudly before stepping down to give McGonagall the floor to speak. "When your name is called sit upon the stool and wait to be sorted before joining your houses table!" she said succinctly.-

On the empty stool just in front of the professors table a old leather hat that had clearly seen better days was placed carefully by the woman before a face made of wrinkles formed on it and it began to sing. "Oh you may not think I'm pretty. But don't judge on what you see. I'll eat myself if you can find a smarter hat than me! You can keep your bowlers black. your top hats sleek and tall. For I'm the Hogwarts sorting hat and I can cap them all!"-

"There's nothing hidden in your head the sorting hat can't see. So try me on and I will tell you where you ought to be! You might belong in Gryffindor , where dwell the brave at heart , their daring , nerve and chivalry set Gryffindor's apart! You might belong in Hufflepuff , where they are just and loyal. Those patient Hufflepuff's are true and unafraid of toil! Or yet in wise Ravenclaw if you've a ready mind. Where those of wit and learning will always find their kind! Or perhaps in Slytherin you'll make your real friends. Those cunning folks use any means to achieve their ends!"-

"So put me on! Don't be afraid! And don't get in a flap! You're in safe hands  , though I have none , for I'm a thinking cap!" The hat finished it's song and everyone clapped in appreciation of the interesting spectacle. McGonagall the brought out a list and began the sorting "Abbot , Hannah!". There was a few people who went before Nick including Hermione who like she did in the story chose Gryffindor as her house. When it was finally Nicks turn he approached the stool calmly and sat down as the hat was placed on his head.-

"Hmmm , how unusual! Normally those who sit here are unaware of their place in the world and need my help to find it. You though are not only aware of your place in the world but also know of my own dilemma! As you think you could thrive in any of the other houses equally which truly only leaves your own opinion as the tie breaker , but choose wisely for you may never change your answer!" The hat said before going silent and leaving Nick to think about he choice one last time.-

The professors were surprised when five minutes passed and yet no house was called , but they weren't unaware of what was happening as it had happened before. Events like this were known as "Hatstalls" and usually happened when a student was suited for more an a single house equally. Only Dumbledore was nervous about the outcome of the stall as it might force him to change his plans. In the end Nick decided that his original choice was the best and and the hat finally yelled out "GRYFFINDOR!" sealing the deal forever. Nicks robes shifted to the gold and red of his new house and he walked over to his houses table under the congratulations of the other students.-

Nick thought it was funny how the two resident pranksters Fred and George Weasley tried to filch Greed as a joke and ended up with Fred having a bite mark on his hand after it shifted into a zombified version of Georges face. Neither seemed to take it personally as they could tell it was just a defensive prank on Nick's part. "You gotta show us how you got it to do that mate!" George said excitedly and even Fred agreed despite how bothered by what he saw he was.-

Nick shrugged "You guys know about Boggarts?" he asked with a smirk. The two older boys think for a moment before figuring out why he asked that. "It turns into someone's fear before attacking?" They said at the same time excitedly. Nick chuckled at their synergy but nodded in agreement. "Yeah , the enchantment works like a boggart when it seems like someone is trying to steal from me." He explained with a knowing smirk. The twins looked sheepish at being called out but could tell Nick wasn't angry at them and came clean about how they noticed his ring changing shape all the time he was getting sorted and were curious.


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