Harry potter: the ring maker

Talking to Mcgonagall

Nick was currently playing fetch with Steve using a joke toy the twins made that was a ball that moves away from you every time you try to pick it up. It was amusing to watch as the surprisingly fast creature dashed all over the room after the ball that was always one step ahead of him. Steve was clever however and eventually managed to pin the ball in a corner after which he held it up above his head triumphantly. "Looks like something I'll need to give those two a heads up about." Nick said with a smile that Helena shared.-

"Yes , an uncatchable ball that can be caught using a corner is quite flawed." she said seriously and Steve looked horrified at the conversation. Nick laughed at the creatures expression "I promise you can keep the ball Steve , relax." he said before standing up and patting the dust off the backside of his robes. "Come along Steve I've got to go talk to Mcgonagall about something and maybe you can sweet talk her into agreeing." he said before walking to the door of the workshop and opening it.-

Steve quickly dashed across the room and up onto Nick's shoulder before he could shut the door again. Nick merely smirked at the creatures antics before making his way to his head of houses office. It was a short trip since his workshop was on the same floor as her office and merely a few doors down in fact. Knocking on the door Nick waited for a moment and a voice came from the other side. "You may enter" Professor Mcgonagall said calmly and he opened the door. The elderly witch smiled warmly seeing who had entered her office. "Mr. Iron." She paused for a moment "Apologies , Ravenclaw. It is still difficult to keep track I'm afraid." she said apologetically.-

Nick chuckled "Believe me I am aware and it's my own name." he joked and she smiled a little wider. "Indeed , but I imagine that this is not the reason you are here?" she said with an implied question. "No it is not. You are aware of my newest spell from the rumors correct?" he asked calmly. "I am not one for gossip but yes I am aware of the rumors saying you have learned the shield charm , I take it they are true then?" she sought confirmation and Nick waved his wand "PROTEGO!" he said and a thin blue but stable barrier appeared at the tip of his wand.-

He then cut the flow of magic to the spell and it faded out of existence just as fast as it appeared. "Rather weak for a shield charm but you clearly have the basics down so well done , twenty points to Gryffindor for your efforts. Nick shook his head "I take it you are familiar with my craftmanship as well?" he asked entirely not caring about the points he received , a fact Mcgonagall noted mentally.-

"Indeed , Filius and Rubeus speak nothing but praises for the pieces they have seen and even though he doesn't speak of it Severus is clearly fond of the ring you crafted for him." she said with a proud smile. "Yes well I was hoping to get it authorized to sell mass produced rings with a single use shield enchantment on them , much stronger than what I can conjure myself of course." He said pulling off the band aid immediately to get the issue out in the open without dancing about it for a hour as he lacked the patience for such a thing.-

Mcgonagall frowned when she heard what Nick said both for the reason he had speculated she would disapprove of but also because there was something that didn't add up with what he said. "I do not claim to be any professional in enchantment such as Filius but I am aware that all enchantments require the enchanter to be able to perform the spells for them at the same strength as the enchantment." She said with a stern gaze. Nick merely smiled up her stare "If I enchanted things in the normal fashion then you would be correct , However I do not." he said with a confident smile.-

"Is that so? How pray tell is what you do different?" she asked intrigued as he definitely seemed to believe what he said. "You see unlike the normal methods of enchanting my method is only limited by two factors , energy and knowledge. So long as I have ample of both I can create enchantments far beyond my means to create via the normal method. An example would be this ring here which I named Greed that has the properties of a boggart and yet I am unable to transform freely nor detect the deepest fears of others." he explained showing off the ring for the umpteenth time.


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