Harry potter: the ring maker

Talking to Mcgonagall(2)

"I won't go into the details of exactly how I enchant things as currently the wizarding world doesn't deserve to have that knowledge but even you must be able to see how advanced this piece is , no?" He said like a tempting devil whispering sin in ones ears. She reluctantly nodded in agreement "It is indeed beyond your current capabilities and is close to being beyond my own as well. Not because of power but complexity as the ring never ceased it's transformations and yet isn't draining magic from you to fuel itself." she said honestly.-

"I know the shield spell and I has enough energy so making the single use protective enchantments are simply a matter of time and effort on my end. I'll be honest with you this isn't about money as after getting this" he showed the Ravenclaw signet ring "I have access to a vast fortune at any given moment. The charge for the rings will not only be entirely reasonable for most to afford but is also a sort of craftsman problem on my end , I simply refuse to give out my work without getting paid for it as is my right." Nick explained seriously.-

"I admire your honesty , but the fact remains that I have no guarantees that what you are offering is even true." she said with a stern expression but Nick merely grinned widely showing off his white teeth. "So you would consider it if I could give solid proof of my claims then?" he asked and she froze for a moment before sighing as she realized that she had fallen into a trap and was now looking at a checkmate. "Very well , if you can produce solid proof of your claim than I shall send your request to Albus. However it is out of my hands after that Mr. Ravenclaw." She said all business.-

Nick grinned widely "I don't that will prove much of a problem , after all the old man owes me dearly." he said before bidding her farewell and leaving her office with a sort of spring in his step. What he didn't know was that Mcgonagall had always believed him capable of what he said but really didn't like the way he was using fear for his business and had tried to softly reject him. Instead he had played the entire conversation like a game of chess and she lost without even realizing it until it was too late.-

'He is rather adept at misdirection it seems." she thought with concern over his path. Despite interacting with Nick on a regular basis she couldn't get a clear read on him as he was a walking mass of complex's that had no business being found on the same person. He was cold , kind , courageous , paranoid proud and humble at the same time and to top it off he clearly didn't care for tradition or useless prizes. Every professor and a very few students were aware that the house point competition was little more than bragging rights at the end of the day.-

'He has some sort of agenda with this request but It can't be political he seems to detest the stuff. Perhaps Albus may be able to shed some light on the matter.' she thought before beginning to write up the formal paperwork for Nick's request as she gave her word and knew he was undoubtedly going to produce the proof she asked for. Still the sentence Nick left with about Dumbledore worried her greatly as it showed that he was still holding a grudge for what had happened.-

Nick meanwhile had already returned to the workshop and after shooing off Steve started up the furnace and switched it over to dragon fire. Metal worked under dragon fire was slightly better at holding enchantments than normal flame forged metal so even though Nick was going to use iron for the rings(cause it's cheap) he still used the magical flame for it. 'That reminds that now that I have so much money I need to look into getting more flames.' He thought as he tossed a bar of iron into the roaring flames to melt.-

It didn't take long at all , merely about a minute or so for the metal to liquify letting him take it out of the furnace with magic and then dunk the molten metal in a bucket of water he had prepared to rapidly cool it into shape. This time he had specifically turned it into a long rod about half an inch thick and half a foot long. Once cooled and solidified Nick put the metal back in the furnace  but only until it was hot enough to work at which point he began segmenting the rod to turn the segments into rings.


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