Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 46: bloodletting

  Chapter 46 Bloodletting

   "Quick, James!"

  When Pomona brought the temporarily blind Snape to the vicinity of Hagrid’s cabin, she heard a voice coming from the forbidden forest.

Through the moonlight she saw two figures, one of them was Sirius Black. The Black’s hair was pure black, but his skin was as pale as a vampire. The moonlight radiated pearl white on his face, just like the castle. He looked back at another figure with his back facing her from time to time, even if she couldn't see his face, she knew it was James Potter.

   "Stupid Gryffindor." Snape suddenly felt energetic at this time. He closed his eyes and straightened his back. His mouth was laughing tauntingly, not as fearful as he was just now.

what happens?

  Pomona did not understand what was happening before her eyes.

   "You said there are werewolves in the forest?"

   "There are many James in this world, how do you know he must be Gryffindor?"

   "I will always remember his voice, isn't it just that he raised his hand on the dock and asked those two impressive questions?"

  The first one is whether someone died at Hogwarts. The second one is whether he can be dropped out of Slytherin, Merlin’s beard, why is James Potter so good at causing trouble?

   "They dare to go to the Forbidden Forest for a night tour, I want to tell the teacher to go, tomorrow they can go home as they wish."

   "How do you explain that you found them rushing to the forbidden forest night tour?" Pomona reminded him, Snape swallowed as if choking.

  "Why are there only two of them? How about his roommate?" Pomona looked around, and she didn't find Lupin or Pete Pediru.

   "You can have a lot of friends, but maybe only one or two are the closest." Snape said with disgust, "especially the pushy kind."

   "How many classes did you have with Gryffindor?"

   "What are you asking about this?"

   "I'm just curious." Pomona said. Some people say that after getting along for a long time, the relationship will become harmonious with a deep understanding. She wants to see if this statement is true.

  "Do you still want to work with me?" Snape tried to open his eyes, as if he wanted to see if he could see things, and then he could stop relying on her.

  At this moment, the door of Hagrid’s hut opened, and the half-giant came out with a large bucket of hot water and poured it outside. In an emergency, he found two little wizards.

"Hello, Professor Martin, what's the matter with you so late?" Then he saw Snape behind her again, and his expression became disgusted when he saw the academy badge on Snape's robe. .

"Hagrid, I just saw two students go to the Forbidden Forest." Pomona immediately pointed to the direction where James Potter and Sirius disappeared. "I heard that there may be werewolves in the forest. You should go to them. ."

   "What about him?" Hagrid glared at Snape with anger. His facial features were wrinkled, and with his beard all over his face, he looked as cruel as a giant.

   "I will take him back to the castle." Pomona said.

   "Why did you run to the edge of the forbidden forest after nightfall?" Hagrid bypassed Pomona and asked Snape directly.

   Originally she thought he was going to continue hiding behind her, but she didn't expect him to take a step aside, walk to a position half a step ahead of her, and sneered at Hagrid.

  "I came here to follow them. They violated school rules. You should catch them, half giant."

  He speaks powerfully, as if everything he said was the truth.

Look, the power of language is so powerful, and it’s also a skill to speak the informant so righteously. Although he also violated the school rules and went to Hogwarts night tour, but he was to help the teacher, Gryffindor General Slytherin was planted to blame, who told them to do things regardless of the consequences.

   "You are a snake." Hagrid said with disgust. Muggles often compare snakes to informers with poor quality and people who seduce people to do bad things.

  "Thank you for your compliment." Snape smiled and touched the silver-white snake on his academy badge. "This is my glory."

The sharp pain from the back of her neck made her open her eyes. She left the forest hut full of soft lights and came to a quiet and deserted room. The middle-aged Severus Snape still hadn't gotten rid of the greasy hair. The enlarged face was close at hand, and behind him was a pot of crab claw orchids that were about to wither.

   "Sometimes, I'm really grateful to meet him." Snape whispered, "He taught me a lot of things that you and Hogwarts couldn't learn."

what did you do to me?

  She could feel a sharp pain spreading from her neck down the spine, but after the pain she did not feel tired, but an unspeakable pain, and she still had the strength to open her eyes and stare at him.

  "Do you remember the wolf-binding potion I gave Lupin? After drinking it, even if he transforms into shape, he can stay sane and won't bite people everywhere like a mad dog."

  He tidyed her sleepy hair for her, then moved the position, leaned against the bed, and put Pomona's head on her chest.

"Dumbledore hoped that I could make the formula public or sell it to the Ministry of Magic. I didn’t agree. When he died, I gave it to the Auror. One of the medicinal materials is very precious. The way it is extracted That's it." In the middle of speaking, he suddenly stopped and took a couple of breaths, as if he was very tired. Compared with that, Pomona felt much better.

"Fenrir Greyback is the leader of the werewolves. On the surface, he is loyal to the Dark Lord, but he is actually planning for his own race. They bite the little wizard to infect more people and keep the children away from their parents. Growing up in the group, accepting the fact that they are werewolves, hating those normal wizards, and conquering humans. He claims to be a pure-blooded werewolf, and he does have extraordinary abilities. After transforming, he can remain sane. The Dark Lord ordered me After studying him, I found out that his blood has a peculiar magical power. The potion I gave Lupin mainly works on his blood, but it does not exist for a long time and will disappear soon, and special tools are needed. For extraction, the potion must be finished and drunk as soon as possible after extraction. I handed him the boiled potion that day. On the way back to the cellar, I found someone wandering in the corridor. Later I found it was Harry Potter. I guess At that time, Lupin didn’t go far. He heard the voice and rushed over, did a favor to the savior and returned him the magic props made by James Potter. "Harry’s father’s name seemed to follow him. It was the same as stool, and it was disgusting just to read it out, but his tired face disappeared.

  There are old enemies in this world. In order to defeat it, creatures will stimulate their own vitality, and then exert power that they can't even imagine.

   "How do you feel?" he asked in a low voice.

   "Much better." She also replied weakly, but he laughed.

   "Me too." He held her in his arms and sighed softly, "I feel better."

   "How did you get Fenrir's blood?" Lupin came when Harry was in the third grade. He had reconnected with the Death Eaters at that time?

   "He is in Azkaban now, and he was taken blood by the Auror like a leech." He evasively said, "They won't let him run away."

   "Siris has run away, how do you know he can't run?"

   "What do you want to eat later?" He changed the subject again.

   "Honey cake and chocolate."

   "Okay, I get it." The thing stuck in her neck was removed, and the force that had been continuously entering her body disappeared, and she felt extremely sleepy again, and her eyelids became heavier and heavier.

   "See you tomorrow, Pomona." She listened to him before falling back into the dream.

   "See you tomorrow, Severus." She said vaguely, not knowing he couldn't hear him clearly, and then in the dream she really tasted honey cake and chocolate.

  (End of this chapter)

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