Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 47: Conspiracy of the Honey Badger

  Chapter 47 Honey Badger's Conspiracy

   "Get out of my sight, don't let me see you again!"

  Was awakened by such an angry voice early in the morning. She has a strong intuition that today will be a very bad day.

This melancholy mood was brought to the breakfast table by her. She was absent-mindedly stirring the pasta on the plate, feeling that she had no appetite. The people around her were far away from her in order to avoid being infected by her emotions. Only Pete returned. Willing to come over and talk to her.

   "Melancholy girl, what's the matter with you?" Pete came over with a scent of smoke, obviously he was smoking again.

   "I think I have lost that power."

   "What power?"

   "Alive." She ate the noodles on the plate like chewing wax, and couldn't taste anything.

  Pete patted her **** the back of the head, and she screamed with pain.

  "Tomorrow is Saturday, do you want to go to Hogsmeade with me?"

  The course of Hogwarts is not very tight, but the first week of school is very busy in order to get everyone from the vacation state to the state of study, and the freshmen must know as many teachers as possible, so everyone is non-stop.

  Two days off on Saturday and Sunday, the second week will become two classes in the morning. As long as the afternoon is not a potion class, everyone can have more time to do what they like.

Love is also a matter of business. Get married and have children as soon as you graduate. This will increase the population of wizards. People who don’t want to do this can participate in various clubs, including Quidditch, Death Eaters, and Slug Clubs. Remember to go back to the bedroom at the specified time.

"We have an astronomy class tonight, maybe it will be very late." She said exhaustedly. After pretending to be separated from Snape and returning to their respective colleges, she went to check the construction of the secret road under the beating willow, a phoenix. The members of the club communicated with the local mink on the spot. This kind of animal, which looks like a ferret, can speak human words. According to the schedule, it will be possible to arrive at the "cage" by tonight at the latest.

   "Susan told me you have a surprise for me, what is it?"

   "You'll know in a few days." She raised her head and glanced at the owls hovering in the sky. Can they bring in something the size of a flying broomstick?

"Oh, professor, you just asked me how you got on the quiz test. You'll know in a few days. Come and show you something." Pete looked around and made sure there were no professors around. Just put a piece of parchment on the table.

"what is this?"

   "Secret road map." Pete said in a low voice, "This is a secret passed down from generation to generation by Hefpaff, and it has been for a thousand years."

   Badger is good at making holes, and making holes requires a lot of clay-related magic. Suddenly Pomona has a new interest. She wants to learn clay-related magic.

   "Where did you get it?" Pomona watched him unfold the map, which showed the corridors and rooms of Hogwarts, and even the principal's office.

   "Ah, don't ask." Pete shook his finger and reminded, "If you don't know Pringle, you won't get news from you."

   "What else can he do besides waving the whip?" As soon as she finished her voice, the cat who I don't know was ran on her lap and lay on her lap, startling her.

   "Desperate mind." Pete looked unbearable, "I really don't know who gave him the power."

   "How do you think we chase him away?" The civet cat that Pomona is holding seems to like someone scratching its chin and meowing while rubbing her.

"I hate him too, but things have to come one by one. If we go to Hogsmeade tomorrow, how about we go and visit the Honey Baron?" Pete pointed to a secret road on the map and said, "Go out from this road. Their storage room."

   "Why repaired here?" Police Pomona frowned, "Could it be for theft?"

   "They put so much food, even if we don't go there will be other animals." Pete sneaked away the map.

  What is this fallacy?

   "Yesterday I heard that a girl was pregnant. She said Pete did it. Did you do it?"

   "What? Merlin's chair legs, what does it have to do with me?" Pete seemed to be scalded by boiling water. "Speaking of so many Pete, how do you know she is talking about me?"

   "Who told you to do this kind of hiding thing!"

   "You don't know that I like Angie."

   "Come on, Pete, I asked others, you and many girls are playing very well, you can't be like this." She hates his game-world style, she hopes he can be more dedicated.

   "You are so funny, why do you control my life?"

   Pete smiled weirdly, as if he thought it would be a waste of time to continue talking with her, and left without even having breakfast. Pomona didn't know if it was a breakup.

  The hot water was squeezed out of the towel and flowed down the back into the bathtub again. She looked at the two familiar and unfamiliar reflections in the mirror and felt confused. Who are they?

  Time passed in silence. They didn't have any conversation, or there was nothing to talk about, only a desk clock made a regular sound to record the time.

  There is no school bustle here, and there are no students who are constantly making trouble. It feels like something is missing, or as the Weasley brothers said, there is no fun.

  Dorian Grapland believes that the dementor is a resurrected dead person, so his emotions are chaotic, only interested in human emotions, and she resurrected one with the resurrection stone.

  The girl who was resurrected in that fairy tale was very confused, and finally died in melancholy. Is she a wizard or a Muggle? Sometimes she felt that the monster in the cloak looked a lot like death.

   "Is it really that fun to play with Lily?" He suddenly asked, "She still insists on cooking in that Muggle way?"

  You don’t know, as long as she makes a decision, she can’t get her back. The petite woman is more stubborn and stubborn than anyone else.

  "Professor Sprout, who is good at food magic? Even Carlos brothers and sisters were fooled by you." He laughed weirdly, "They call you Sweetheart."

  That's because they graduated in 1970 and just missed that great show!

"It says in the book that if you are with Veeva, you will be stricken by bad luck and disease. Maybe just like you said, I will die early." He put down the towel and began to slowly stroke the skin of her back with the back of his hand and middle finger. "The Lord of Darkness once said that if you don’t want to live, you can eat oatmeal to live a hundred years, but that’s not a real Slytherin. If the price of surrender is mediocrity, then it will be as glorious as a nobleman. , I thought I could do it, but I begged for mercy when Dumbledore raised his wand."

The hands that often fiddled with caterpillars, toads, and snakes began to cruise around her, and then he stuck them up and whispered like a snake in her ears from behind, "I want to live very much, but not the one in Spider's End Alley. This way of living, I want to have a beautiful wife like Lucius, and everyone can be educated to sit at the table and eat. My mother used to cook at home without a magic wand because my father didn’t like it and they often quarrel. , As if food can't make them shut up."

  He whispered on one side, then switched to whisper on the other side, "Magic changed my life. Do you know what I thought when you turned a table of food out with a magic wand for the first time?"

He adjusted the mirror so that two people appeared in it at the same time. "The Magic Mirror of Eris can make people see the most urgent and strongest desire deep in their hearts. This is what I saw at the time. What did you see? "

   Same as you see.

  "You are not the sleeping beauty waiting to be rescued in the Muggle fairy tale, but the witch who wraps the entire castle with thorns. We are not good people in the first place. Why should we care what other people think of it?"

  He lifted her chin and asked her to look directly into his hollow eyes. "You are not my mother. I am going to tell the Dark Lord to do what I want in my heart. Do you want to stop me?"

  I can’t do anything even if I think about it.

  As soon as this thought appeared, he smiled triumphantly.

   "Are you right?" He raised his wand, "I have learned the silent curse of sedentary mind."


  He stood up and began to unbutton his clothes.

   "Let’s play some other tricks today, dear, no one will bother us because they think I’m so pitiful now."

  (End of this chapter)

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