Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 785: Retreat

   Chapter 785


  In a restaurant with a beautiful view, three Italians and two Englishmen toast together. Their glasses are filled with golden-yellow wine as a blessing.

  It is not French champagne, but a wine exclusively for the former Venetian governor. It tastes a bit dry, but has a rich fruity and spice aroma.

Ombra puts steamed scallops, sweet shrimp, seafood risotto and grilled flounder on the table. In order to enhance the artistic effect of the display, he also specially put a vase and a white magnolia, if you ignore Severus' ugly face , This dinner is "perfect".

  No matter how beautiful the revolving dance is and it can be enlightened, you will feel dizzy after stopping.

  The ghost has broken free from the cage of the body, but Myrtle is not happy at all. She still likes the boy's "warm body".

The reason why the anti-Protestant alliance was almost formed in 1689 was mainly because the Protestants regarded their interests too much. When everyone was uniting against the Ottoman Empire, the "Royal Pirates" were plundering merchant ships in Spain or other countries. The anger of the people will of course be besieged.

  When the glory is no longer there, "glorious isolation" will only leave isolation. British diplomacy has failed, and friends made up of interests will eventually betray for the greater good.

During the Religious Trial, the Republic of Venice still confronted the Holy See and the Habsburg family. They did not blatantly confront, but used their usual rules, the three people acted in groups and dragged their feet until the last "witch" was not burned. Death, so so many heretics went to Venice to avoid disaster.

  Being a heresy is not to stand out and attract attention, but not to follow blindly. The famous scenic spots mentioned in the travel magazines are played in that way. That is a one-of-a-kind game. Pomona and the others have not been to the St. Mark’s Church, which everyone goes to. She just likes the Church of Our Lady of Angkhang.

  Oh, this kind of gameplay is too unconventional!

  Now it’s the 21st century, is it possible to set up a torture frame and burn her to death?

  The Venetians can trade with the Genoese while fighting, and of course Protestants and Catholics can eat at the same table.

Oh, the two of them are not Protestants yet. Catholics can also eat with wizards. There is a field, which lies outside the realm of right and wrong. Now they are in this field. This is the "world of heaven" in this world. .

  Ombra’s cooking skills are also master class. After putting the food on the table, he also sat down to eat with everyone. Gianluca did not scold him, as if it should have been.

There is only enjoyment and talk about topics that everyone finds interesting. The University of Padua is one of the oldest universities in Europe. It is home to many famous European scholars at that time. These scholars have one thing in common-they just want annuities and don’t want to bring them. Students, because taking students will affect their own research, later there was a school rule, that is, there are two teachers in each class, and the teacher who has no students to attend the class will be expelled.

The standard for students to choose teachers is the kind that can improve their academic performance, and Galileo is the type who does not like to make up lessons. The most important thing is that the supplementary lessons are free, and he needs to provide drinks by himself, even if he feels stable at first. He felt happy at work, and he was tortured enough.

Galileo used to teach at the University of Pisa. After the experiment in which the two iron **** of the Leaning Tower of Pisa landed at the same time, he became famous. There were so many people who took his course, so that the teachers who taught the same course with him were already a little worried about their jobs. So he came up with a way. He often moved classes to docks, factories and farmland, so that students could see the application of knowledge in actual production and life, and let them know how to explore from people's actual needs. And discover new knowledge.

  This makes many people feel that he is not doing his job properly. Of course, he is in the classroom. Therefore, there are fewer students in his class, but there are still people who think his class is lively and interesting. On one occasion, he took the students to inspect the farmland and saw that the farmers had to carry their hands on their shoulders to fetch water for farmland irrigation, which was very hard. He went back and after repeated trials and studies, he invented a small and practical water-lifting machine that can be driven by a horse, which greatly saves labor and reduces the labor burden of farmers. During this period, under the influence of the free and active academic atmosphere of Venice, especially the University of Padua, Galileo became extremely active from academic thinking to scientific research. He first conducted a more in-depth study of the free fall experiment and laid the foundation for classical mechanics. It can be regarded as a successful conclusion to the scientific research during the period of Pisa. Later, thanks to the rich library collection of the University of Padua and the convenient exchange of information, Galileo also came into contact with a large number of astronomical theories about Copernicus, Kepler and others during this period.

The earliest record of the heliocentric theory is from Aristarchus in ancient Greece. His doctrine is quoted in Archimedes’ "Sand Counter", and it remains very brief, and it did not have much influence at the time. His only extant work is Calculate the volume of the sun and moon and the distance to the earth based on the geocentric theory.

The Latin translation of Archimedes’s translation of the Greek manuscripts in the Vatican’s collection includes "The Counting of the Sands", but there is no evidence that Copernicus has seen the transcript of "The Counting of the Sands", and "The Counting of Sands" was first printed It was published a year after Copernicus's death.

  The world of heretics is full of doubts. Some books will not be published while the author is alive, but after their deaths, even if they die, they are not safe. Gravediggers will dig up their bodies.

For 400 years, Galileo used a self-made telescope capable of magnifying 30 times to observe the moon. It has always been a mystery that the manuscript for measuring the surface area of ​​the moon is a mystery, so it is impossible to determine whether the "forbidden book" written by Copernicus he read contains Archimedes' numbers. Sander.

  People believe in another legend even more.

  It was the autumn of 1604, when a bright new star suddenly appeared in the night sky of Padua. This made most people feel uneasy, and people talked about it. They explained the new star with their existing knowledge and experience, and for a while they even concluded that the new star is a signal of the end of the world.

  People were in panic all day long. After several months of observation, Galileo discovered that this new star is a star whose brightness is changing, and it will slowly disappear after a while. Galileo told people: This new star is by no means a signal of the end of the world. Please don't panic and live with peace of mind. Based on Galileo's contributions to academic research and social production in scientific research, and his reputation in academia, people are very confident in Galileo's research conclusions. Galileo's astronomy research became a household name in Venice for a while, and everyone knew it. In order to let more teachers and students of the University of Padua and the general public understand the situation of the new star, Galileo gave three speeches on the new star. In his speech, Galileo explained in detail the movement of celestial bodies and the reasons for the emergence of new stars. Galileo also took the opportunity of these three lectures to clarify the correctness of Copernicus's astronomy theory, which aroused the vigilance of the Inquisition.

  Galileo became more famous. At a palace banquet, Galileo heard that in the Netherlands, someone invented a "distant-looking lens" that could see things in the distance, which is a kind of children's toy. After the banquet, Galileo went to the store to look for such lenses, but found nothing.

  There is a student, Cali. He has been following Galileo. They are like explorers and glassmakers to study how to make transparent glass.

  After repeated considerations, the lenses were ground into concave and convex shapes. After many experiments, they finally succeeded. At first, the scenes were reversed, but after countless experiments, the scenes were turned upside down.

  The rose window of the church is always colored, not intentionally, but does not have the technology to make transparent glass. At that time, it was the Arabs who had this technology.

Since the 7th century, the Mesopotamian plains, Persia, Egypt, and Syria have been able to decorate mosque lights with transparent glass. The Phoenicians who invented glass products in the first place exchanged “sand” for gold and jewelry, so violent. Of course, many people want to get involved in trading.

  But the glassmakers in Murano are not allowed to leave at will, only Galileo, a university teacher, wandering around.

   Who will not catch him?

  Galileo was often interrogated about glass recipes after being locked up by the Holy See, and about his missing 5-page manuscript, it is his lover Carli that is most likely to keep it.

  The child has no name in history, but carries a mystery.

  Galileo was in a hurry when he published the book Starbringer, because he was worried that others would obstruct the publication of his book.

  The reason why Galileo invented the telescope was not to observe the moon, but because of a Dutch children’s toy. He was such a childlike teacher.

This kind of person cannot survive in the world of "adults" who are savvy in calculations. He hates homework and make-up classes as much as children, but the knowledge in his mind is valuable, but in the Middle Ages, people valued transparent glass formulas. , And whether he has apostasy to collude with enemies.

  The guests at the table joked Galileo and other teachers at the University of Padua, and did not regard the "sand counter" as a great man at all.

  So, regardless of fame, is Galileo a good teacher or a bad teacher?

   Full-time romance, not doing business properly, writing about war

     Say that someone deciphered that address? Write your answers in the comments. After writing so many, there are only a few comments. I will also ask for a wave of comments.



  (End of this chapter)

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