Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 786: Disappeared conversation

   Chapter 786 Disappearing Dialogue

  There is a fresco in the Scrovegni Chapel at the University of Padua, depicting **** driving the merchant out of the temple.

  This is the scene depicted in the "New Testament John Gospel": The Passover of the Jews is near, and **** goes up to Jerusalem. I saw people selling cattle, sheep, pigeons, and money changers in the temple sitting there. **** took the rope and made a whip, and drove all the cattle and sheep out of the temple. Pour out the money of the money changers and overthrow their tables. He said to the pigeon seller, take these things. Don't use my father's temple as a place for buying and selling.

It is actually unfair to do so, and there is no similar plot in the Old Testament. The main entrance of the chapel is on the wall of "The Last Judgment". In the **** part on the right, the devil keeps squeezing "sinners" into it. It was eaten in the mouth and pulled out like shit, and there was actually a pope in it.

   Radical "heresy" is sometimes so desperate, but if you are afraid of death, you will not be a heresy. Back then, there were many spies who coveted the glass business in Venice, and there were many spies who spied on intelligence. The technical content of transparent glass was not high, and it could be imitated with a little bit of transparency.

Similarly, the tea roasting process and the silk weaving process are also very simple. The Chinese made a thousand years of money in the silk trade based on the control of silkworm eggs. Later, the silkworm eggs were stolen by two Indians, Vol. Thailand listed gunpowder, silk, and printing as the three major inventions to save Europe. It was the silkworm eggs brought by these two Indians that allowed Justinian to get rid of the dependence on the raw silk of the Silk Road. The price was reduced from one pound to twelve. Two golds became twelve gold coins.

  During the Manchu and Qing Dynasty, tea was a pillar industry in China, which is the same as Venice’s loss of the glass monopoly market.

  However, the closure of the Venetian glass industry was not due to leaks, but other countries invented the Lubrian soda method and ammonia soda to produce soda ash, which completely changed the past relying on trona and burnt wood ash method.

  Before this, in order to obtain the secrets of glass making, glass craftsmen can open any conditions.

  It's like the bishop, king, and wealthy merchant order the soldiers to kill the other two people.

  The reason why Galileo was imprisoned for life instead of being burned to death in Campo de' Fiori like Bruno might also be for this reason. He had a secret recipe, and if he killed him, the secret recipe was gone.

  Then Galileo was tortured to extract a confession?

He was 70 years old when he was arrested. The Bible teaches people how to enter the kingdom of heaven. Pope Urbon VIII and him are friends. He did not take his life during the torture, and because he did not openly resist when he was tried. He always obeyed the disposition of the Holy See, and the judgment of the Inquisition was subsequently changed to house arrest, and his student and old friend Archbishop A. Piccolomini was appointed to look after him in his private house in Siena. During this time, he completed two tasks. New science, mechanics of materials and dynamics.

  Just five months after he was in Piccolomini’s home, someone wrote an anonymous letter to the Holy See accusing Piccolomini of treating Galileo favorably. The Holy See ordered Galileo to move to his own former residence in Acetelli near Florence in December of that year, where his eldest daughter, Virginia, was taken care of, and the prohibition remained the same.

Galileo went blind in 1637 and was only allowed to live in his son's home the following year. During this time he accepted two closed disciples, V. Viviani and Castelli’s former student and secretary, and E. Toríza. Li went to accompany.

  Modern people all know that the atmosphere has pressure and pressure, and the unit of pressure is Pascals, but the first scientist to measure the atmospheric pressure was Torrizali in Italy. The inspiration for the Torrizali experiment was taken from Galileo's water pump.

At that time, the academic circles were still unclear on the question of whether air has weight and whether a vacuum might exist. It was mainly influenced by the legacy of Aristotle's thought, and believed that "everything in the world has its own weight except fire and air." "

  Galileo once found that the pump he helped the farmer made could not pump water to a height of more than 10 meters during work. He attributed this phenomenon to the fact that the water column could not stand its own weight.

  Torizelli firmly agrees with Galileo’s statement that air has weight and vacuum. On the basis of summarizing previous theories and experiments, Torricelli conducted a large number of experiments to achieve vacuum, verify the fact that air has weight, and deny Galileo's claim about vacuum force.

  About 1641, a famous mathematician and astronomer Berti used a lead tube more than 10 meters long to make a vacuum experiment. Torricelli was inspired by this experiment and thought of experimenting with higher density seawater, honey, mercury, etc. The mercury experiment he chose achieved the most successful results.

There is a room behind the bookshelf on the second floor. It is not a special secret room, but there are many drawings. Some of these drawings are designed by Gianluca himself, and some are manuscripts acquired by him. Torizelli is also a rich man. He is talented if he is rich. Experiment.

  After dinner, Gianluca and Severus studied these drawings and discussed the feasibility of recovering Galileo pumps using only mercury and gravity.

In the time of Toritzel, Aristotle was the authority on mechanics. Toritzel’s vacuum experiment was the last fatal blow to Aristotle’s mechanics, so some people rejected Toritzel’s research results. It is proposed that the upper end of the glass tube is filled with "pure air", not a vacuum.

  It was not until Bryce Pascal’s experiment successfully confirmed Torízelli’s theory that it gradually unified.

Torricelli also found in his experiments that regardless of the length of the glass tube, and regardless of the degree of inclination of the glass tube, the vertical height of the mercury column in the tube is always 76 cm, so he proposed that the height of the mercury column can be used to measure the atmospheric pressure, and in 1644 In cooperation with Viviani, the world's first mercury barometer was made. This discovery perpetuates his reputation, and the vacuum measurement unit is named after him.

Pomona took out her pocket watch and looked at the time. It was almost nine o’clock. Ali Sandro didn’t know where she was taken by the shadow. Now Monica and Monica are sitting on the sofa watching the discussion between them. .

  There are many pump factories now, but Galileo has a special significance to Italy. Some people compare him with Newton in England. Galileo’s situation ended Italian science, and there was no recovery in the following centuries...

  But this question has nothing to do with sending girls home!

  Gianluca Dante’s house has many rooms. Monica will definitely find a place to live. Even Pomona, Severus, and Ali Sandro can live in his house.

  Monica seems to be listening carefully to their discussion, not paying attention to the time at all.

  Pomona didn’t dare to ask or say, this **** asked Monica to spend the night with him repeatedly. Most girls have no idea about the archeology club, and the sailing club is not as cool as the football club...

  Intuitively tell her, don’t interfere with the love of young people, she is not an old bat that is nasty.

  She should remind Monica that it is late, is it time to go home?

  No matter how smart the girl is, it is possible to be fooled by these cunning boys, not to mention that Monica is not very smart, and Gianluca is very cunning.

Not all the children of the rich have syphilis, like the ones who have to go to San Selvolo for treatment of "mental illness", there are also very good ones, but they are very picky. Torizelli is unmarried all his life, and so is Newton. They spent all their time and energy on scientific research.

  Who would have thought that Isaac Newton had also been the director of the Royal Mint before, and he had interrogated prisoners. Is that what a scientist should do?

   "Merlin's beard."

   She murmured and left this room full of conspiracies.

    The full name of "Dialogue" is "The Dialogue About the Two World Systems of Ptolemy and Copernicus", Galileo's astronomical work.

     Except that the basic point of view on the tidal issue on the 4th day is wrong, the main points of the first 3 days are all proved by the development of science.

The book comprehensively and systematically discusses the various differences between the Copernicus heliocentric system and the Ptolemaic geocentric system, and uses the author's many new discoveries and new results of mechanical research to demonstrate the correctness of the Copernicus system and the Ptolemaic system. Fallacy.

     The Pope and the Church were very angry about this, and listed this book as a banned book and interrogated Galileo and persecuted Galileo.



  (End of this chapter)

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