Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 787: Judas kiss

  Chapter 787 Judas Kiss

After the sand is magnified 100 to 300 times, it will be found that it is not colorless and transparent silica, but colorful, colored ring or layered agate. To magnify so much, you need a microscope, which is another thing like a telescope. Inventions born together.

  Now that human science and technology have progressed, it is possible to directly take photos of the sand magnified three hundred times. It is now hung on the wall at the entrance of the exhibition hall.

"The rich." Pomona said jealously. This "Royal Palace" has an indoor dock with a motorboat parked in it. Ali Sandro is riding a motorboat under the guidance of the shadow. My cousin forgot, it's great to have a good "servant".

  Upstairs in the indoor dock is the exhibition hall. Jean Jacques Rousseau used to make a living by copying music scores, and there is a note typewriter in Gianluca’s museum. It seems to be a few years old, at least one or two hundred years old.

  François Pino likes to collect paintings and artworks, while Gianluca likes manuscripts. The exhibition halls are all strange things.

  A living baby is curled up in a human skull. Fortunately, the human skull is fake, and the baby is also fake. It looks weird, and I don’t know what it means.

  There is also the earliest wing skeleton designed by Leonardo. This is easy to identify. Next to it is a bionic robot that looks like an animal like a spider. There are also many archaeological discoveries and bird specimens.

   "Freak." Pomona said pitifully. No wonder Gianluca couldn't catch the girl.

  Weird things are similar to garbage, not much better than Ron's collection of comics.

   "Find something interesting?"

  Severus suddenly appeared at the door.

"How did you come?"

   "I know what that kid is doing. It's up to Monica to decide whether or not to stay. It's not a gentleman's way to set a trap like this."

   "How about you before." Pomona said, "You lied to me to go to the grove."

   "I didn't say that I was a gentleman. Everyone knew that I was a bad guy." He walked over slowly, not knowing whether it was sea water or other water reflection waves projecting onto the wall.

  She took a step back subconsciously.

   "What are you afraid of?" Severus asked.

There is a Palace of Reason in Padua. It was originally an ancient Padua courthouse. There is a debtor stone in it. If the debtor fails to pay the debt on time, he will be taken off and sit on the stone in shameless clothing. Spurned by others.

  Tomorrow they will leave the main island of Venice, visit Padua and the University of Padua, which is Gianluca’s alma mater.

   "We shouldn't have private meetings behind his back." She said very guilty.

  In the original story, Medusa is a Gorgon in ancient Greek mythology, one of the three sisters of Golgong, who lives on the other side of the ocean, where Okeanos meets the night. His father is Fulcus, son of Earth Gaia and Ocean Puntos, and his mother is Fulcus' sister Cetuo.

  According to the poet Ovid’s "The Metamorphosis", Medusa was once an ordinary priestess in the temple of Athena. According to the custom of the time, the priestess had to remain chaste throughout her life, but Medusa had a beautiful face because she had a private date with the sea **** Poseidon and was cursed by Athena. Athena changed Medusa's hair in a rage It becomes a poisonous snake, and anyone looking straight into Medusa's eyes will become a stone statue.

  "Do you want me to get his permission before dating you?" He asked incredulously, "Do you think this is possible?"

   "How do you know if you don't try."

  He was helpless and sighed.

   "He won't accept me sincerely."

   "He believes in you."

   "I know that you are not an ordinary idiot, why do I still get angry every time you are stupid?" He gritted his teeth as if to chew up what was said.

   "What do you mean?"

"He won't give you to me. Do you think he really rares the old mansion donated by Sirius Black?" Severus smiled weirdly. "He gave me all his research materials, the laboratory geek, this This is the future he left for me, and he will entrust you to someone who can trust you.

   "I don't need to trust!"

  He looked at the ceiling and shook his head.

"What's the problem?"

"I'm in heaven now, because of you." Severus said, "You are the most delicious fruit in Eden, and you are forbidden to pick it. You brought him a lot of happiness and made him forget Arianna. After taking it away, he started to miss his sister, do you understand?"

  She still doesn't understand.

   "Men will fight for you. I know you didn't provoke it on purpose, but the conflict between me and Black can only be resolved that way."

   "That's stupid."

   "Stupid?" He smiled triumphantly, "You don't know how happy I was when I knocked him down."

   "Don't say that."

"If it weren't for the old fool to show up, I would kill him, just like he planned to kill me. Reconciliation does not mean that everything is solved. He took my paper and my honor. But there are some things in the world he doesn’t It can be taken away. He crossed the bottom line first. I didn't betray him because he is a smart and sober person. How hard is it for someone who has betrayed once and then betrayed?"

  The first time is always the hardest. Whether it's love or murder, when the first hurdle is over, everything becomes accustomed.

  Peter Pepiru fell directly to the Death Eaters after betraying James and Lily, even if he was the brave Gryffindor.

  Is Peter trusted among the Death Eaters?

  He may not even be qualified to be on the table, so he went to Spider's End with another traitor.

   "I do my best to please him, but no matter what I do, I won't get his preference." He smiled and said, "What did Blake do? Just because he looks beautiful?"

  If Sirius was here, he might have to fight Snape again.

  He never cared about his appearance as much as Lockhart, wasting time on clothes.

  He was just so handsome, even in a prison uniform, he was handsomer than Severus who had been dressed up.

  Severus stepped suddenly in front of her, then held her cheek and kissed, his breathing burning like a fire dragon.

  At the Passover dinner table, **** pointed out that Judas was a betrayer. Judas knew that he had been exposed, so he slipped away in advance to lead the enemy to catch Jesus.

  He made an appointment with the chief priest to sign: "Whoever I kiss is Jesus."

  It's not a good thing to be kissed by a traitor, but she didn't struggle.

  When a "sinner" can enjoy a rich dinner, what is the dinner for the disciples?

  The historical documents did not clearly say what was eaten in The Last Supper? This also leaves room for the artist to fully imagine.

In the past thousand years, the production, availability, safety, abundance and affordability of food have greatly improved. In Leonardo’s paintings, this grand dinner has three large plates of food, and the one placed in front of **** That one is empty. To his left and right-the plates in front of André and Matthew were full of food. On the right side of the whole picture, there are three small plates for food, one of which is filled with grilled eel garnished with orange slices.

  How can there be eels in Jerusalem.

  Perhaps Leonardo wanted to eat the eel, maybe he drew it based on his own imagination, maybe the eel was a message left by Leonardo.

  She wanted to keep thinking about it, but she was bitten on her tongue, and he bit it so hard, it seemed to have been bleeding.

  The time spent on the deserted island in the afternoon is still vivid. It is in broad daylight. Although there are no ships nearby, who knows if it was photographed by someone else’s telephoto lens.

  She tried to push him away, but it seemed to have a counterproductive effect, and he was getting more and more out of control.

  Everything seems to be back on that Christmas night again. The kiss before his waist starts to move can be regarded as unconsciousness, confusion, and mistake.

  Shakespeare said that kissing is the seal of love. Kisses express intimacy, parents and children, masters and pets, good friends, mentors and disciples, not necessarily couples and lovers.

  But when he rubbed her on her through the clothes, the desire has been revealed.

  It is not a spiritual love, but a substantial relationship. Reason is burned to the hell.

  The more clever people make the trouble, the more difficult it is. She may not be a teacher like Galileo, at least it will not make Hefpaff’s children go bad. The old bat can continue to explore and discover, and inherit the mantle of the white wizard.

   Really **** hell, neutral good and lawful evil are going together.

  The biggest difference between lawful evil characters and disorderly evil is that they have certain taboos, such as not killing women and children, or harming pure blood like Death Eaters, unless the pure blood harms their interests.

  Out the window, Ali Sandro is still playing on the jet ski. He is having fun, as if he is in heaven at the moment.

  When the witness announces that the bridegroom can kiss the bride, it is often not a real kiss, which will make the guests feel embarrassed, not to mention the photographer taking pictures. In order to maintain the beauty of the picture, grace and romance, of course, it is a symbolic kiss.

   is almost the same as when Judas the seller kissed Jesus.

  Whoever is compared to Judas at the wedding will be very upset, after all, everyone is more willing to be righteous.

  Just being a righteous person is too tired, or being a sinner is easier.

  What is done out of love always happens on the other side of good and evil.

It’s much easier to watch the fire from the other side. As long as you don’t make a special effort, you will not lose much. You refuse to devote yourself because you are afraid of loss. If someone wants to get love and hatred from him, if they don’t love or hate deeply, People must not be surprised if he is hypocritical, fragile, and fall when there is a problem. His love is unnatural, his hatred is artificial, and his sincerity is completely shifted by his objectivity. He is real and natural when he is peaceful and quiet.

  But when will we find complete peace and tranquility?

  That is exactly what the city lacks, so he always lives in his personal settings.

  The beautiful name is "life planning", but it is actually a script written by myself for myself and others.

  He is both an actor and a spectator. It is a pity that the clumsy actor is always out of the play. The spectators think that the acting is clumsy and unattractive.

  I can’t stand it, let alone someone else, just like the Judas holding the purse in the Last Supper, the person watching the painting can easily see why he betrayed him.

  (End of this chapter)

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