Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 788: Fishermen and tax collectors

  Chapter 788 Fishermen and tax collectors

  In the painting of the Last Supper, **** is in the middle position, and it is seventh from the left or right.

  There are six people on his left and six people on his right.

  The first on the left is Nathaniel

  The second from left is little Jacob

  The third from left is Andre

  Fourth from the left is the traitor Judas

  Fifth from left is Simon Peter

  Sixth from left is John

  The first on the right is the West Gate of the Energetic Party

  Second from right is St. Judas

  The third from the right is Matthew

  Fourth from right is Philip

  Fifth from the right is Big Jacob

  The sixth from the right is Thomas

  The grilled eel is in front of Matthew.

  According to the record of Leviticus 11 9:12, fish with fins and scales are edible, while eel has no scales, and it is shaped like a snake and is not edible.

  The Last Supper was painted on the wall of the canteen of the Dominican Congregation of Our Lady of Grace of the Catholic Church in Milan. Dominicans was appointed by the Pope to preside over the heretical inquisition and cruelly persecuted the heretics. They once controlled the theological forums of some European universities, except for missions, mainly dedicated to higher education. They called themselves the guard dogs of the Lord and determined to travel all over Europe to fight out heresy and ignorance.

  Here is a school of thought that does not belong to the orthodox thought. The bones of the saints in St. Mark’s Church were smuggled back hidden under the pork.

  ***Don’t eat pork because it represents uncleanness, which is stipulated in the teachings of the Quran. However, Christians did not implement their doctrines thoroughly. The Greek sects still used fish as a substitute for fasting. However, Dominic, who judged heretics and determined to extinguish ignorance, did not notice this discrepancy. The doctrine of grilled eel is interesting.

  Are they really devout believers, or did they eat in the church?

  Da Vinci was 42 years old when he painted the Last Supper, but his life was very disappointing, which had something to do with his character.

When he was young, he was good at painting portraits, and he had received many orders, but he did not have the following when he painted. The non-creditable Leonardo da Vinci spread in the industry, and fewer people came to him to paint portraits. , His life is getting more and more difficult, coupled with the introverted character, life is very difficult.

Inspiration does not come at all times. When painting the Last Supper, Da Vinci sometimes paints for a whole day without eating or drinking, and sometimes without writing for a few days. Of course, a painter who draws on inspiration is not as good as painting skills. The painter of the painting is stable. In order to fill his stomach, he could only accept a large-scale mural, which is the famous painting "The Last Supper". However, Da Vinci did not enjoy any of the conveniences brought about by this painting at the time. Instead, he was still hungry and full. The creation was delayed and delayed, and he was often embarrassed that he couldn't even buy the paint.

Not only that, but the dean of the monastery treated him harshly. Da Vinci, who was not good at words, painted him as Judas. The positions of Judas and St. Peter are misaligned. From a physical point of view, Peter can be fourth, Judas. It is the fifth. Moreover, there is no holy grail in "The Last Supper" painted by Leonardo da Vinci. It is a must for all painters who paint this subject. The heretics racked their brains in order to ridicule the church and used various similes and metaphors, which no one has discovered for so many years. .

  He alone enjoys the happiness of cursing people without dirty words, others can't understand, and the monk has been cursed and still don't know the happiness.

  Grilled eel is delicious, but it is against the doctrine. The picture is still in the church cafeteria. Early Christians often used fish to refer to Jesus. At that time, in order to avoid the religious persecution of the Roman Empire, they used the Greek word "fish" and "ΙΧΘΥΣ" as their code of contact.

  Eel was very popular in Renaissance Italy because it is easy to preserve and can be eaten for a long time even if it is dead and marinated.

  In the days of Da Vinci, the use of sliced ​​oranges with grilled eel was very popular in the homes of nobles and nobles, and ordinary families could only taste such delicacies on the important Passover.

God belongs to God, and Caesar belongs to Caesar. The church invaded too much property and occupied the privilege of tax exemption and became richer and richer. The king became poorer and poorer. Matthew turned out to be a tax collector in Capernaum. After seeing Jesus, he converted to Jesus, went to Persia and other places to preach, and was later killed.

  The Gospel of Mark and the Gospel of Luke mentioned the same thing as **** collecting tax collectors, but the tax collector was named Levi.

  In order to survive, Da Vinci, a heretical, must paint this Last Supper for the church of Dominic, who judges the heretical, because if he doesn’t paint, his next dinner will be lost.

  The Gospel of Matthew says: If you have something, you should double it to make him redundant. If you don’t have it, you will also take over what you have. The essence is that the strong will always be strong and the weak will always be weak. The winner takes all.

The plate in front of Judas was empty. He knocked over the salt. Salt was an important income for Venice. At the same time, the wealthy merchants in Venice plundered the already poor peasants' property through this kind of necessities. At that time, he supported Leonardo in addition to being stingy. The abbot is also the Grand Duke of Milan Ludovico Sforza.

  The business empire is always in the hands of individuals, but Francesco Sforza has become the Grand Duke of Milan from the illegitimate son of a mercenary. He should be a legend.

  Which is more difficult to start a business or to make a success? Ludovico Sforza is not a vagabond in Venice. Although he also has a good father and a few mistresses, his mind is clear.

  At the time, Italy was in a melee, and in troubled times, it needed to master force to prevent it from being swallowed by others.

   wrote in the cover letter that Da Vinci wrote to him:

  Your Excellency Duke:

  I have observed and thought about the experiments conducted by those who pretend to be weapons inventors, and found that the things they make are no different from what I usually use, so I have the courage to see you so that I can tell the secrets in person, but I don’t hold any prejudices against others.

   1. I can build light, strong, and convenient bridges that can be used to chase and defeat enemy forces; I can also build strong bridges to resist enemy fire and attacks. This kind of bridge is very convenient for loading and unloading, and I can burn and destroy enemy bridges.

  2. During the siege of the city, I can cut off the water source from the trenches, and can also make pontoons, ladders and other similar equipment.

  3. If there is a stronghold that is too high or too strong to be bombarded with artillery fire, as long as its foundation is not made of stone, I can destroy every bunker in it.

  Four. I can also make a cannon that is both light and easy to carry. It can be used to throw small rocks, like hail. The smoke emitted from it will panic the enemy and suffer heavy losses and cause huge chaos.

  5. I can dig tunnels at any designated location, whether it is straight or curved, without the slightest sound. If necessary, I can dig under trenches and rivers.

  Six. I can make armored vehicles equipped with cannons, which can be used to break through the densest enemy troops, thereby opening a safe passage to the enemy infantry.

  7. If necessary, I can build beautiful and practical artillery, mortars, and other light weapons, and they are not common styles.

  8. When the cannon cannot be used, I can replace it with slingshots, catapults, traps, and other equipment with significant effects, which is also out of line. In short, I can provide countless offensive and defensive equipment when necessary.

  9. If fighting at sea, I can build a variety of equipment that is extremely suitable for offensive and defensive purposes, as well as warships that can withstand the heaviest artillery, as well as all kinds of gunpowder and weapons.

  10. In the peaceful era, I was able to build public buildings and civilian houses, as well as to divert water sources. I was confident that my technology was never inferior to others, and I was satisfied with the king.

  11. I am also good at using marble, brass or clay sculpture; in painting, I am not inferior to any painter today. In addition, I am willing to accept the task of sculpting a bronze horse, which will add immortal brilliance and eternal honor to your late father and famous family.

  If anyone thinks that any of the above is beyond my reach, or I am unrealistic, I would like to test it on the spot in your garden or any other place you specify at any time. With this infinite humility, I wish you peace with your Excellency.

  Da Vinci did not rely on the paintings of his own genius, and only applied for his own abilities as an engineer. His letter was favored by the Grand Duke of Milan, and he provided Leonardo with a long-term job.

  It was the income from this job that prevented Leonardo from starving to death while painting the Last Supper.

  Is there any conflict between the church and the Grand Duke of Milan? After all, the church occupies so much land and wealth, and taxes happen to be an important income for the Grand Duke of Milan. It is also an effective taxation policy established in Francesco that has brought a lot of income to the Principality.

  The twelve disciples of **** were mainly fishermen from Galilee. They were from the north of Israel. Only Judas was from the south, and the other was Matthew, who was the tax collector.

  Most of the disciples did not fully understand the message **** taught, but Matthew understood that he gave up his stable job and preached with them.

  13 of the 13 people present at the time, 12 died tragically, and only John lived longer.

  At that time, **** entrusted his biological mother to John's care. Later, he ran to the tomb to see if the rumors of Jesus' resurrection were real. He ran faster than Peter.

  In the whole painting, John looks like a woman, and she looks like she is listening to St. Peter's words.

  Sometimes, a woman cannot listen to the Lord, because she has a knife on her neck or is controlled by a purse, so she must do what she doesn’t want to do.

  She must learn to smile to please others, even if she is full of disdain and fear.

   "Linda!" On Piazza San Marco, Monica waved to them with a coffee, Ali Sandro followed her wilfully, and Gianluca was also there.

  His trickery failed last night, because there were two nosy wizards who returned to the main island by apparition. Only Ali Sandro stayed in the floating mansion overnight.

  Monica was very happy, although she was so dizzy the first time she Apparated, she almost vomited like she was drunk.

  Pomona greeted the old bat with a gloomy face.

  Today their journey was on land instead of sea. They had to go back to the mainland from the Liberty Bridge. It was better to meet in the parking lot, but they still met in Piazza San Marco.

  She still has to go to the Flora Cafe to get a cup of coffee. After all, how can it be done without coffee in Italy, even if it is much more expensive than Starbucks.

  (End of this chapter)

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