Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 800: The villain and the rice bucket

  Chapter 800 The villain and the rice bucket

There are some things that girls shouldn’t say in the public. Just like Karidi Bubbaji, she not only supports the intermarriage of wizards and werewolves, but also persuades wizards to understand the knowledge and magic of Muggle studies about wizards. After all, everyone is curiosity. Both, curiosity is the power to promote the progress of the times.

  She must have forgotten the proverb that curiosity killed a cat.

  If knowledge is in the hands of the wrong person, it will become a tool for him to harm others.

  Although there is no evidence, Pomona believes that Jack the Ripper wanted to study women's bodies because of curiosity, but because she was unable to get them, she had to kill those women on the street and then perform an autopsy on them.

This is a very humiliating method. It is similar to parading naked. "Jack" has the knowledge of anatomy. This is something other people who have not received medical training can't pretend. They have a feast with a woman and then pretend He was Jack the Ripper, and he made a mess of the scene.

  Knowledge cannot be given to the wrong person, medicine can be taken to harm others, let alone magic, Keredy’s idea is very naive, she annoys people who shouldn’t be offended, and ends up killing herself.

  Amelia Burns made a righteous voice and annoyed the Death Eaters at the time.

Jack the Ripper is dead, unless he becomes a vampire, it should be safe to talk about him now, unless there is someone who worships him crazy and thinks that "Jack" is not the kind of "coward" who doesn't have self-confidence when he sees a woman. Take a shot at the woman who dared to look down on "Jack".

  Man is afraid that women look down on him, even if she is not talking about himself, but the serial killer he admires.

  Don’t continue the investigation if it is fatal. Law enforcement officers often encounter such death threats. Not everyone can defend justice without fear of life and death. Whose family does not have wives, children and parents.

  Anne is a very miserable woman. She married the old and ugly coachman John Chipman at the age of 28 and gave birth to three children, two of whom died of meningitis and one was born with a disability.

  Both husband and wife were drunk, but at least before John's death in 1886, Annie was still a legitimate woman selling flowers to support her family.

  But after John's death, Annie was completely changed. She fell and suffered a blow from her life and began to linger in the East End of London for **** until she was killed.

  For women at the end of the nineteenth century, the sky fell in half when the man in the family died, even though she was once the wife of a policeman.

  The Whitechapel area is like a plague. There are no people on the road in the first day of the day. What nightlife is there, and I go home early to rest. I feel uneasy just like this, for fear that "Jack" will climb the wall and enter the house.

  The noisy city has returned to silence, "Sherlock" playing "violin" on this kind of night must have a special flavor.

  Annie’s face was also cut, and "Jack" also wanted to take her face off, perhaps to take off Catherine's face for practice.

  He deliberately put a lot of smoke out to disturb the police's sight.

  Drunk women are often easy to control. She is a woman and is drunk again, but Elizabeth is sober.

  If she is attacked head-on, she will scream unless she is attacked from behind.

She has no signs of struggling, perhaps because she was pressed by someone and slammed directly on the ground. The soft body of a woman is not a sandbag. This one stroke is enough for her to faint. It was done by a man who was quite confident in her own strength. It was not done by "Jack" who had doubts about his own power.

Elizabeth Strider was found at the International Workers Club on Beaune Street in Whitechapel. There were workers who were betraying their physical strength. Maybe Elizabeth was attacked by a drunk worker. As for why he did that, Elizabeth I bought grapes, which is a very expensive fruit. She is a domestic servant who does needlework and **** work part-time. It is impossible to afford this kind of fruit.

And rich people would not be interested in a 45-year-old Swedish woman, they prefer the last victim, 25-year-old, red-haired, once a senior prostitute tall and plump, neatly dressed, sweet like a lily Smiling Mary.

Maid working with workers. Such a family should be very common in the lower class. Maybe there is a worker who dated Elizabeth for the purpose of starting a family, but she only wanted his money, and he also found her sleeping everywhere. It just so happened. He saw her passing by while drinking at the club that day, so he attacked her.

Catherine Edius was killed on the same night as Elizabeth. She pawned her shoes. With a little money, she wanted to drink two glasses to relax. Her husband Thomas was too tired to sleep at home and did not send her. to bar.

The poor generally don’t just work for a job. She not only has to read newsstands, but also make a living by selling clothes in the mall. This is the life that every countryman who is new to a strange city has to experience. The city is not so good, the problem The hometown is no one, and when I arrive in London, I can only rent an apartment. This feeling of wandering and helplessness is painful, but there is no way. This is a secondary problem caused by urbanization, and the noble lords of Whitehall will not be disgusted. Honor and honor have to pay attention to the life of a countrywoman.

What they saw was the lively and prosperous streets, and Jack the Ripper, who disrupted public order. His appearance disrupted the order of the Whitechapel area and affected the economic development. The economic depression in the United States and the spread of the plague affected the economic development of Barabara in the United Kingdom. These problems .

  Some people said that there are many opportunities in big cities. They are all scams. Anyway, Catherine does not have that kind of luck. In the City of London, the mayor has the highest priority and has considerable traditional privileges, powers and rights. The Mayor will take office on the Friday before the second Saturday of November each year, and the Lord Mayor’s Parade will be held on the second day of his inauguration. This day is the Mayor’s Parade, which is undoubtedly a very important holiday for Londoners.

If Jack can be caught, then the mayor may not be driven away by angry citizens. Under his constant pressure, the police made great efforts to detect the case. Since there were no female police officers in that era, they even let a male The policemen wandered the streets pretending to be prostitutes.

The Mayor’s Parade on November 9, 1888 happened to be the day when Mary Carey was discovered. In addition to the disassembled body, the police found an envelope on the table with an ear soaked in antiseptic fluid. The earring above is the same as the left earring of the Elizabeth Case on the night of September 30th.

  It should be possible to detect whose ear is with the current technology, but neither Anne’s nor Catherine’s can explain why Jack knows the style of Elizabeth earrings.

  One, it was also "Jack" who killed Elizabeth.

  Second, someone inside the police station betrayed the investigative intelligence.

Muggles like to spy on other people’s privacy, especially journalists, hoping to get “fresh and breaking news”. There must be more than one person who bought the intelligence. The police who wanted to make some extra money “helped”, anyway, the murderer caught it. He didn't take the responsibility, but the inspector and the mayor.

  The police mobilized a large number of manpower but were unable to detect the case. They were criticized by people from all walks of life in the United Kingdom, including Queen Victoria, which led to changes in the senior police.

  Frederick Abland’s career was ruined by Jack the Ripper. Maybe he has no problem with alcoholism. God knows if any madman would have a whim after attacking a drunk woman and attack a drunk man.

  Someone sent George Abram a package containing half of a human kidney. In the letter, a fanatic who claimed to be "Jack the Ripper" satirized Abland and other police officers as idiots and rice buckets, and said that he had eaten half of the kidney. After that, Abland thought of any way to arrest the suspect. , But they all failed because of the majority of witnesses and insufficient evidence. It was also due to the superior department's negligence in this case, which interfered with Abland's arrest of the murderer.

  It was during the mayor’s campaign. The ripper only killed prostitutes. Unlike the parliamentary bombings, which wanted to kill all the members and the king, what was it really doing?

  Compared with real cannibalism, "sheep cannibalism" is just as scary.

  Jack the Ripper wants to know what the woman’s heart is. Those politicians don’t care. They have money anyway, so they can find a beautiful high-level prostitute like Mary.

  As for the problem of women no longer getting married and not wanting to have children, causing population decline, that is not what a "stupid girl" should think about.

If the girl doesn’t want to fall with those few people to middle age, not only do small business during the day, but also worry about where she sleeps at night and have to go to the streets to find customers, then try to save money while she’s young and make sure there is enough The money for the elderly to see a doctor.

  Don’t be like the Aryan girls in Germany, who are reproduced on the population farm for national interest. Children are not as cute as angels. Fred and George often cried Molly.

Public schools in big cities do not have the knowledge that can change their destiny. They are used by capitalists to train assembly line workers. Private schools generally cannot afford to go to them. Even if the courses are made public, they don’t understand and don’t need it. What is it for?

  Capitalism has come to an end. Now Britain is de-industrializing. Except for London, factories in most cities and towns are closed, and a large number of people live on unemployment subsidies.

  Capitalists and feudal aristocrats encircled large tracts of peasant private land as their own. Peasants who had no land became workers. Now the workers are not adequate and live on unemployment subsidies.

The capitalists did not run the almshouse. The British were actually very poor, and only a small number of people were rich. If tourists were only in London, they would see the "British Empire" from the London Eye. After leaving London, those villages and towns would be lifeless. One has no money, two no one, three no industry to boost the economy, four no schools, and no one can see any future except for despair.

  The United States is very dynamic. The problem is that it is the stimulus brought by consumerism, just like a pacemaker, once the electrocardiogram is stopped, it will be flat.

  And they went crazy buying real estate, and some people on islands like Poville bought houses to repair houses for vacation.

  Buying an island in Venice is only five hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Americans believe in religion is just formalism. They are not afraid of ghosts or believe in gods. Money is the most important thing.

  Courage is really different, but I don’t know if they have heard of "Magiaposthuma". The black wizard spreads the plague by burning the corpse to ashes.

  Oh, someone else wants to say that there is no magic in this world.

  I believe there are wizards without magic!

  Some things cannot be eaten, such as people, but some people think that cannibalism is cool. There are also cannibals in the Amazon. Going there is a destination.

  Let him go or not, because there is too much backward, and there is no electricity.

  Hogwarts is a similar place. Magic and electricity cannot coexist. There is no TV, telephone, computer, not to mention the Internet.

  There are many books on modern agriculture in the library of Padua. Organic agriculture has been started in Italy. This kind of vegetable is much more expensive than ordinary vegetables.

  When it is profitable, someone will do things, grow some organic vegetables in the garden and sell them, receive unemployment allowance and supplement the family, life will be a little better than it is now.

The premise is that people’s concepts need to be changed. It’s not shameful to be a farmer and peasant woman. The Italians heard that the university was studying agriculture. They would praise the student and praise him for being good. This kind of affirmation made more and more people Learn about agricultural development "Localeat".

  How can rich people save on food? Charlotte among the merchants of Venice is reluctant to spend money on food. Which rich man is willing to be a miser like Old Grann and Charlotte?

  What kind of higher professional? Is it a career that sits in a glamorous office?

  Reporters are all called "paparazzi", and their career plans can't keep up with the changes. Abram never imagined that there would be a lunatic like Jack the Ripper in this world.

  He is not incapable. Before he was promoted to detective, he refused the help of Scotland Yard. He broke the black cloak case alone, and he was promoted to the chief detective inspector in London by his own ability.

  Abland wrote and recalled the details and process of his arrest of Jack the Ripper, and published a book to let people know about the "eventful autumn" of 1888. It is stated in the book that Jack the Ripper was allowed to go unpunished due to social factors at the time.

  In 1903, George Chapman was arrested by Officer Grant for poisoning his wife. At that time, Abland excitedly said to Officer Grant: "Finally caught Jack the Ripper." It seemed to him that George Chapman was Jack the Ripper.

  Who is George Chapman?

  He is Anne Chapman's son. She and the old groom had three children, two of whom died of meningitis, and one was born with a disability. George was the one who was alive with disability.

  He is a handicapped person and has no self-confidence in strength. He needs to wait for women to get drunk and start.

  He killed his wife by poison. Generally, men use knives and hands, while women use poison and guns.

  His father is a coachman, and his mother is a prostitute. Annie is not in any business short of money. George has a legitimate job to support her, but she still goes out at night.

  He has cohabitant Annie, so he can't bring women home.

  He was free for a while after killing Annie. He may have done the headless female body in Whitehall, but he later married, and his wife replaced his mother and became his cohabitant.

  He persisted in this kind of cage life for five years, and finally poisoned his wife, and then was caught by the police.

There is no way for a disabled person to become a doctor. The homicide case is characterized by "throwing far away and burying near", "head far away and body close", "small near and far away". In the murder hotel in the United States, 200 remains were buried. Annie's The corpse was moved to the yard. The scene of the murder of "Jack" was all on the spot. Only Annie was special. A disabled person couldn’t run a mile within 5 minutes. He couldn’t complete the double corpse case. He just Borrowed an opportunity to kill Catherine.

  He is a child from a poor family. He has made small achievements by his own efforts, but he is not respected by others because of a slutty mother.

  He hated his mother very much, but he did not kill her. Perhaps because of an accident, he killed Annie.

  When dealing with her corpse, he subconsciously followed "Jack"'s criminal method. After he opened his mother and held his womb in his hand, the "monster" really awakened.

Henry Howard Holmes was a little pitiful when he was young. He was bullied by his classmates at the boarding school. They knew Henry Howard Holmes was afraid of skeletons, but they kept him in a laboratory full of skeletons overnight. .

  He was no longer afraid of skeletons, but not because he had overcome his fear, but because his mind was distorted. He became a monster, just like "Jack the Ripper" George Chapman.

   "Jack the Ripper" was arrested, although it was because of a completely different case, so there is no need to be scared just to mention his name.

  As long as you check whether he has been to Padua, or have visited the dissected wax figure of Venus, you can find his "trigger".

   "Oh, oops." Pomona chattered and stopped here.

   "What's wrong? Sherlock?" Severus said with a smile.

   "Evidence is hard to find." She said helplessly, "Who would keep a picture of a small person like him, he is the victim's son."

    The spell reproduced by the bones sounds like "mother killer" in Swedish

     Freud’s book really feels...

Those men who are interested in the dissected wax figure of Venus are really dangerous. As for what kind of person George the Ripper is, you can see from the autobiography written by the police, but the psychoanalysis is written by myself. I believe the Inspector’s reasoning. , I also believe Conan Doyle’s reasoning, above



  (End of this chapter)

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