Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 801: Warmhearted

   Chapter 801

  The British fascination with death and ghosts is carved in their bones. Any city has a local "ghost night tour", and London, the capital, is even more colorful. All kinds of haunted houses, "ghost buses", and the famous "Jack the Ripper One Night Tour".

  Muggles seem to confuse "Knight Bus" and "Ghost Bus".

  The wizard only needs to raise the magic wand on the side of the road, and a double-decker bus will come to rescue. Unfortunately, Merope is a dumb gun. She can't use the magic wand, otherwise she won't end up like that.

  Compared with the real "monster", Tom Riddle is not completely bad, Tom, he did not mean to kill his mother.

  Sometimes, women need to take such risks. Even now, childbirth is dangerous.

  Women do not allow men to touch this area, just like God’s rule prohibiting eating the fruit of the tree of life, immortality is forbidden.

  However, some people still can’t help but pursue it.

  A woman named Linda Lingxiangcat was murdered in Soul Casino in 1947. To be precise, she was thrown there, but the locals believed that she was a sacrifice.

  Some people believe that it was Paul, a doctor in a lunatic asylum, who killed her. He had surgical experience and it was not difficult to mutilate people, but Pomona felt that he did not do this case.

  If you don’t have the ability, you must commit a crime. Although Paul’s method of treating patients is crazy, the world is crazy enough, and it’s good to be "quiet".

  The library of the University of Padua is one of the most beautiful libraries in the world, with the red cross symbol of St. George on the library card.

  The Internet is not covered in this ancient city, just as billboards did not appear on the facades of buildings in Venice.

  The library network speed is very slow, which is extremely painful for people who want to surf the Internet.

  Padua Library has many readers, and reading is a pastime for the locals. Hugs and kisses that are too intimate in public are not suitable, but if you hide in a corner of the bookshelf where no one is paying attention, you will be fine without being noticed.

Looking out from the window, it is a dense forest and an ancient city. Padua is known as the city of scholars. There are not many tourists and no commercial atmosphere. Instead, it is full of strong academic charm, whether you are studying or teaching here. Is happy.

  It’s normal for boys to be curious about girls, as long as they don’t be like Jack the Ripper.

  Some people say that the reason why serial killers commit such serious murders is because genes and brain structures are different from ordinary people, so some people want to dissect them.

The   The Ripper’s case is not the same as the Killing Hotel. "Jack" is very high-profile, while Henry Howard Holmes has been hiding well.

  Serial killers are often arrested for cases that have nothing to do with the major crimes they committed.

Holmes killed a pair of sisters in Texas and burned down their house. When he used these two lives and a house to defraud insurance money as usual, the police began to suspect and investigate him. Soon Holmes discovered that it was his greed for money that forced him to start fleeing.

  He set fire to his hotel before fleeing. Even at this critical juncture, he still did not forget to apply for compensation from the insurance company.

  His father is a wealthy farmer, so he should not be so greedy for money.

  The roommates bullying him may not only be confined to keeping him in a dark room with skeletons, but may also be accompanied by extortion.

  Not all "pranks" are worth laughing.

  This evil has been implanted in Holmes’ heart, with devil worship, self-centeredness, paranoia, cruel sadism, and narcissistic plots.

  No snowflake is innocent in an avalanche.

  When he hurt others, he was also afraid of being hurt. After he became an adult, his father did not have any help, making him "independent" like a poor child.

Holmes is very lonely. Others have friends who "play games" with him. He kills those who "play" with him, just like Minotaus in the maze, because hunger eats up those who can be his playmates. Child.

  Before killing Annie, the Ripper committed crimes with a purpose, fast and efficient, because his purpose was to understand the female body structure, and after Annie, he enjoyed the process of dismemberment.

  He took away not only Mary’s heart, but also the skin near the base of her thighs.

  Some men like to touch that position very much. This is a kind of announcement. What he thinks is that. If a woman doesn't accept it, she must clearly say no, otherwise he will have to make an inch of it.

  Some dark desires are hidden under the moral mask and become part of the sea of ​​unconsciousness.

  Only talents can’t make you happy. Of course, Tom Riddle has dazzling talents like the scorching sun. Without the help of the people around him, he might never be able to use this talent.

  Politicians did not realize the chaos that would bring so many people from all over the city.

  Everyone abides by the law, right? If he dares to break the law, catch him. The question is what should the police and detectives do if they can't catch the devil?

  There are not only male serial killers, but also female serial killers like Mrs. Zabini. Betty Guinness not only killed her husband but also killed her children, but she was still at large.

  She faked her own death, and the Chicago woman who applied for the advertisement to her house to be a housekeeper disappeared, and was replaced by a headless female corpse at the scene of the fire.

  Why would Jack destroy the faces of Annie and Catherine? Is it to collect the "face masks", or to prevent them from being recognized. As long as they don't know the identity of the deceased, they will become a headless case. The police can't investigate the relationship between George Chapman and Anne.

   "Wow!" Pomona exhaled in pain, her lips seemed to be bitten and bleeding.

   "What are you thinking?" Severus said with a stiff face, "You are not attentive at all."

   "Jack." She said "The Ripper."

  He looked up to the sky and sighed.

   "I'm thinking about why he skinned..."

   "This is the woman I kissed just now? Are you full of corpses in your head?"

"I think this is the attraction of a serial killer. People can't help but wonder what he thinks?" She dragged her chin, thinking like Sherlock Holmes. "Why didn't he take Anne's face off? He has everything Time."

   "Perhaps because he wants to participate in the investigation." Severus said coldly, "He can listen to the news as the victim's son."

"how can that be……"

   "Why is it impossible?" Severus asked with a sneer.

   "He can pretend to be a reporter to buy intelligence, so the risk is not that big."

   "How do you know he bought inside information?"

   "An ear was found at Mary's crime scene. The earring is the same as Elizabeth's. George didn't kill Elizabeth. He couldn't know."

   "Oh, dear, it seems that you don't know men that much either." He said sarcastically, "This is a'game', this is a risk that'Jack' will take."


"He risked killing Catherine in fifteen minutes, didn't he? Participating in the investigation is an exciting game. Not every policeman is corrupt and can be bought, but emotional fools will sympathize with the "crippled" who wants to avenge his mother. Kind of people do bad things instead, maybe Abram alone can catch Jack the Ripper."

  Pomona lost the ability to think.

   "Like the stupid dog Black, too emotional, so he stayed with women and children in the headquarters."

  She wanted to wrap his neck with a rope.

"He was too close and caught Abland's attention. His acting was not as good as he thought." Severus smiled bitterly, and said triumphantly as if he was caught in some memory. "He didn't lie to Ai. Boland deceived others, and others firmly believe that Abram is a fool, and only he can solve the case on his behalf."

  If you want to persist in doing one thing for a long time, including killing, then you have to do it if you find it interesting.

  Soldiers fighting on the battlefield have to kill many people, but they are forced. They feel painful and want to end early. They often leave the aftereffects of the battlefield, and it is difficult to get rid of the shadow of the war.

   "Are you still afraid?" Pomona asked, holding his hand.

  He did not answer.

  Just looking at the sunny ancient city and lush forest outside the window.

   "It's all forest, why is it not dark at all here." He asked in a low voice.

  Albania’s forest should be dark and cold, and I don’t know how Nagini got there.

  She hoped that it was an ordinary boa constrictor, not the blood orc Nagini.

  Pomona held Severus's face and asked him to look at herself.

   "Now I have Jane Austen in my head, you can kiss me."

  He laughed, but did not kiss her.

   "Which book do you think?"


   "Do you want to be a matchmaker?"

   "No, Emma is always a matchmaker, but it always goes against her wish."

"Do you now understand how stupid you want me to marry another woman?" He touched her cheek with the back of his hand. "Sometimes you are very arrogant, thinking you know everyone's emotional secrets, and you insist on making arrangements for everyone. Destiny. It turns out that you did everything wrong."

   "The lines in the book are not like this, it's ‘she’ not ‘you’."

   "I know." He looked at her with complicated eyes "I sympathize with Sirius Black."

   "What?" she asked in confusion.

  He lowered his eyes, as if trying to hide a secret in a maze in his brain.

   Then he took her by the hand and left this small corner to find Ali Sandro who was asleep, and Monica and Gianluca who were struggling to flip through the book.

  (End of this chapter)

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