Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 802: Chaotic as silk

   Chapter 802

  Mother is the most respected role, and prostitutes are undoubtedly the most despised. When these two identities are mixed in a woman, what should the son's attitude toward her be? What kind of attitude should be the most normal when he hears of her death?

  The role of each novel needs to be set. A good persona will often be quickly recognized by the audience and become popular.

  But what is fake is what is fake. There are many writers who write detective novels, but few succeed. The main reason is that the ideas designed by the authors are too fake and there is no possibility of implementation. Readers can see through it at a glance.

  The same is true for magicians. Those "little tricks" are obtained by ingenuity. As long as the audience understands the tricks, they can practice tricks by themselves. They are not magicians.

  Houdini is called the real magician by Conan Doyle, maybe it's just that he didn't see through Houdini's tricks.

Conan Doyle is an excellent novel author, but he is not a real detective. The rational is the judge, the intuition is the detective. The Jack the Ripper case has been investigated from the royal family to the gang members, and all social strata are involved. When it arrives, the police will not just do "living room socializing" like Victorian ladies. They have to go everywhere. With their knowledge and knowledge, even the horrible hell-like corpse scene will not change.

The police do not need to face as many secret rooms as the detectives in the novel. Their job is to find suspicious suspects from the crowd, just like an owl looking for voles in a barn, interrogating, investigating, collecting evidence, and working day and night. Squatting, although I don't know which one is unlucky, the policeman posing as a woman must be funny.

  Navigate’s Bogut caused himself to be tortured, but other onlookers found it very interesting, so that the old bat’s behavior during that time was more...swift and resolute? All in all, he feels that he is not easy to provoke. Whoever provokes him, he sprays the body with venom.

In order to catch Jack the Ripper, the police even dared to cross-examine the relatives and relatives of the emperor. At first, Pomona didn’t expect it. The double agent reminded her to remember this. The chivalry and sense of justice made some police officers tight-lipped. How reporters bribed, they will not reveal the news to affect the solving of the case.

  As long as you can catch the criminals, you will pass by forbearing to be "take advantage" by the client while pretending to be a female.

  They are good people, but they don’t have the ability to perceive what kind of monsters are hidden under the human skin masks. Only the experienced inspector perceives the anomaly.

  The setting George gave himself is his own imagination, while Abram may have dealt with similar cases, and George’s performance may be very abnormal in his eyes.

  A lot of knives have been made on Annie's face. Maybe he is hesitating to hide her identity, cut off the clues of the police, or enter the police station as the victim's son and use the sympathy of the police to obtain intelligence.

  He just needs to pretend to be an angry son who desperately needs to know the whereabouts of the murderer of his mother.

  This is human nature, and the police can understand it.

  But the premise is that his mother is a serious woman, not a prostitute who finds men to comfort him everywhere after his father's death.

  It's disgusting.

  Anyone who encounters such a mother will feel very ashamed. It is understandable that she is forced to become a wandering warbler, and Annie's behavior has been out of the ordinary.

  The next headless female body in Whitehall was mutilated. Without a head, her identity could not be determined. Maybe she knew him like Catherine and Annie.

  The night of the double corpse case was tight, and he still spent five minutes trying to peel off Catherine's face. In Padua’s Anatomy Theater, those deformed face specimens looked easy to make, but the actual operation was not simple. "Jack" lost his hand.

  He did not remove her face, but destroyed her face so hard to be recognized. He didn't want the police to follow the vine to find him.

  He almost cut his neck when he cut his throat, which gave him a sinful inspiration-he can have his head cut off, but the head without a head can never be identified.

However, according to the "kind police", they found the ticket in Catherine's pocket. The female body in Whitehall was not dressed. The body parts looked exactly the same as the body parts in "On Human Structure", the only difference was She is a woman, not a man.

  Next, the day when Mary was discovered was the Mayor’s Parade. Jack would not appear during the day. The police had to maintain the safety of the scene, which gave the Ripper another opportunity.

  Anne is dead, and George has to do the housework by himself. "Cleaning up" is extremely troublesome, especially at the autopsy site, where blood is everywhere. It is still less troublesome to leave the crime scene to the police to "clean up".

  Why did Mary invite the "Ripper" to her house?

  She is a high-level prostitute, if it is not for special reasons, she would not go to a place like the White Church.

   Although the "New Poor People Law" stipulates that women enjoy the same rights as men at work, it does not protect their dignity. Factory owners often use dismissal to threaten women workers to accept the unspoken rules. However, pregnancy and even rumors can cause them to lose their jobs.

  Without capital goods, there is no skill. In the wave of the commodity economy, what is the way out for the bottom women?

   Being touched by a boss is the same as being a clientele, earning more money. They don’t have to work in a dusty factory for more than 10 hours, and they can earn a week’s salary as a little maid for 3 or 4 nights. Even if the rent for a house is much higher than that of the working class, there is no need to worry about the lack of bread and water, and the body is much healthier than the female workers and maids.

  Even if Mary owes a gambling debt, the old bustard still has a way to solve it, just take more money and perverted work.

  Only sick old bustards like syphilis will be kicked out by her.

She has to be treated if she is sick. She is so poor that she has no money to rent. She only has a beautiful face and body. However, she has syphilis. At the beginning of the infection, there is no problem. Only the skin near the thighs will appear red pimples. After cutting off this part of the skin, no one knew that Mary was sick.

  It takes a long time to become a surgeon. People with flat feet or natural leg disabilities cannot serve, but his knowledge is in his mind.

If someone wants to create a disease to encourage the rampant of quack medicine, fake medicine and quack and fake medicine, then the best invention is syphilis. Its symptoms are ugly and terrifying, and the patients who are tortured by it are willing to try various treatments. . The cure for these quacks is to burn the swelling with a hot iron; the prescriptions they prescribe for internal and external use are incredibly varied. The external medicine even includes boiled ant nests, which are given away together with the ants.

  The generally recognized effective "treatment" method is mercury, and the other is guaiac. The former was adopted in Europe and Asia shortly after the onset of syphilis. Mercury was readily available as a medicine at that time, and it was the most important ingredient in Arabian ointment. It was extremely effective in treating scabies. Syphilis can also cause skin sores, so this type of ointment was quickly included in the requisition. The results were very effective. In fact, it was the only method with general curative effects for the next 400 years to stop the turbulent offensive of syphilis. Before the middle of the 16th century, mercury was not only used for rubbing on patients, but also as a plaster applied to the affected area, or as a pill to swallow.

  Unfortunately, mercury is overused; many patients are cured but also died. People gave it the nickname "liar silver".

  George is a fake doctor who “treats” syphilis with mercury. He is not a real doctor, but this does not hinder his interest in medicine and pretend that he is a knowledgeable “decent person”.

  He is a liar. He opened a pharmacy after defrauding a certain amount of money from patients, so that he is a "good match" in the eyes of serious women.

  Why do men hire prostitutes after getting married?

  This may be because they cannot get what they want from their "decent" wives, or they are born like this.

  Mary has nothing to pay the bill. The only thing she has is her toxic body. So, what about the cheated doctor?

The first condom made of linen in human history. Its inventor was Breva Falubai, professor of anatomy at the University of Padua. It was also made of sheep intestines in ancient times. It was shortly after leaving the library. , A female student handed a condom in Severus's hand.

  He was just like Petrochemical at that time, holding the little thing and couldn't move.

  Pomona swears that she has done her best, but she still can’t help laughing. Neither the passerby nor the three Muggle young people know why she laughed so exaggeratedly.

  So, after protection, won’t you catch the disease?

In addition to that method of transmission, syphilis can also be transmitted through blood. This common sense was not available at the time. Perhaps "Jack" was not infected through that method, but because of the dissection of Mary, it was transmitted through blood and contracted. Syphilis can even penetrate the skin. .

  George infected his wife after he got the disease. She was a serious woman, and he was the only man. Who was the source of the infection when he got the disease?

The family war broke out. Not only did she have to take away half of her property, but also George to pay alimony. This process certainly unavoidable all kinds of malicious slander. George wanted to kill her but didn't dare to use the "ripper" method, so he passed The poisonous method killed her.

From the 80-year-old Venetian Governor Marino to the stray beggars, they all like young women.

  A man who doesn’t like young women is definitely a weirdo.

  Maybe she was so irritated by her laugh, Severus slapped her **** again, she screamed and giggled again.

   sounds like an old hen.

  The old bat stared at the female college student who gave out the condom with death gaze. She ran away like a little wizard at Hogwarts.

  The scene of Moses sharing the Red Sea can no longer be seen in places with few people, but the students are so clever that they know to walk around him.

  Even if they are not detectives, ordinary people have intuition, especially women's intuition, usually very accurate.

   Coupled with carefulness, it is actually very suitable to be a female detective.

At the ceremony at the end of the Three Wizards Cup, Albus Dumbledore said: Please remember Cedric, when you have to choose between the right path and the shortcut, please don’t forget an honest, kind, and courageous person. boy.

  Pomona shook her head, leaving behind the monster that appeared in the fog of London.

  He will make her lose many good things in her life, and she doesn't want to hunt him down.

  She is holding the "half-blood prince" with a stinking face, hoping that he will show up in time next time she needs rescue, and don't be late like last time.

  (End of this chapter)

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