Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 825: Decameron

  Chapter 825 Ten Days Talk

  There is a bronze cash cow among the cultural relics prohibited from leaving the country.

  There are nine sun **** birds on the money tree. The image of the branches and vines of this bronze **** tree are very similar to the branches of the **** wood hibiscus in the Han T-shaped silk painting of Mawangdui.

   According to legend, there used to be ten suns in the sky and a big tree called Fusang in the sea. 10 suns sleep under the branches, running out in turn to perform duties in the sky, shining on the earth, when there is a sun on duty, the other nine sun birds rest on the branches, the nine sun birds on the cash cow and The sun in the sky makes up 10 suns.

  The connection between the sky and the earth is this sacred tree. The gods in the sky communicate with the mortals on the ground through this built-up wood that opens up to the sky as a bridge, but sometimes the sun sacred birds come out together and bring disasters to mankind. In order to save mankind, Hou Yi opened a bow and arrows, and shot towards the 9 suns. I saw a burst of fireballs in the sky, falling three-legged blacks. In the end, only one sun remained in the sky.

  Before, when there were other sacred birds, they could take turns to rest. If only one sun is left, it must be on duty every day. Diligent horses will also be exhausted. Sometimes the sacred bird is too tired and needs to rest. As soon as it rests, the earth begins to get cold, and people will suffer for another disaster. At this time, people expect solar energy to come out again.

In Mayan culture, the sun needs human blood and human heart to obtain nourishment materials to rise and fall. Human martyrdom is a cruel and barbaric act, but it is considered by many to be an "effective" method of sacrifice, a sacrifice for human martyrdom. Generally children and virgins, these beautiful things, the Maya would also use prisoners of war. The Manchu martyrdom system prevailed. After the Qing Dynasty entered the customs, the Shunzhi Dynasty followed the old system. When the Shunzhi Emperor's favorite consort Dong E died, 30 eunuchs and court ladies were sacrificed to serve her underground. The Han nationality and Han officials opposed the Manchu cruel and backward system of martyrdom. The missionary Tang Ruowang also advised Emperor Shunzhi not to let so many people die for the Dong E clan, but it was not until the Emperor Kangxi that he formally issued an edict to prohibit death and replace it with haircuts.

  As early as the Qin dynasty, the Huaxia nationality forbids death, but in some places it is still the bad habit of He Bo marrying his relatives. In the Alps, there are also "witch trials" organized by the villagers themselves without trial.

Fire torture does not necessarily burn living people. The purpose of torture is to burn corpses, prevent "witches" from resurrecting, and cut off their connection with their ancestors and demons. Later, it turned into a weird group carnival, Joan of Arc's The death was particularly tragic. The King of France first used her to lead the people to defeat the United Kingdom. Later, he was afraid of her being too prestigious among the people, so he sold her to the British. Her reputation was greater than the theocracy and imperial power at that time, and it was under the control of England. The Inquisitor sentenced her to fire for heresy and witch.

  The general fire torture ended soon. The victim was either burned to death or choked to death, but the process of burning Joan to death was extremely long.

800 British soldiers separated the crowd from the torture platform. Under the gaze of more than 10,000 people, this girl who was condemned as a witch and heresy was quickly engulfed in flames; many onlookers heard her shouting out Jesus. And call the names of the saints who inspired her to lead the rebels and drive the British out of France.

  After the executioner showed the charred body of the Orleans girl to the crowd, the fire ignited again, burning the body to a pile of ashes, and then throwing the ashes into the Seine River. Joan’s heart and intestines remained intact and were not burned. I don’t know if it was because the British controlled the heat well, or because she had a good heart. It was precisely because of this. After a short period of time, some people said The flame did not hurt Joan. She still lives in the world.

The two brothers of Joan of Arc knew that the French were happy to believe that the heroine was still in the world, and found that they could profit from it, so they decided to set up a scam. The two brothers had already enjoyed a prosperous life because of Joan’s fame. By 1436, That is, five years after Joan's death, the two added up to the rumors that Joan was still in the world. As a result, the rumors continued to circulate for hundreds of years. The two brothers suddenly appeared in the streets of Orleans, beside a young woman riding a horse in armor. They said that the woman was Jeanne, who was replaced by another woman at the last moment before the fire. In fact, the woman in the armor was a liar named Anmes. Before posing as Joan, she served in the Italian Pope’s army and had a military experience. At that time, her mighty appearance and skillful equestrian skills , So much loved by the masses, makes those who see her believe that Joan is still alive without thinking.

The citizens of Orleans completely believed in the statement of the two brothers of Joan of Arc, and even abolished the memorial ceremony that had been held for her since her death. . Indulge in a wine feast, and is widely respected.

However, the good times were not always good. After 4 years, their deception was finally exposed. The false Joan that appeared everywhere successfully attracted the attention of two people. The first was Archbishop Pierre, who tried Joan. The other was King Charles VII of France. Archbishop Pierre voluntarily captured false Jeanne of Arc everywhere in France and stuffed them into the Paris Inquisition for trial.

Fires rarely occur in cities ruled by secular kings such as Paris and Vienna. Even the death penalty is executed by hanging and beheading. All these counterfeit goods have been punished. Some people of bad nature have been sentenced to death, and lighter ones have been sent to monasteries. Use their whole lives to serve God to wash away their sins.

   During the plague epidemic in Florence, Italy in 1348, 10 men and women took refuge in a villa in the country. Three of the seven ladies are their lovers, and the others have relatives with them. They are determined to take their servants and leave Florence, a terrible city that is heading toward death.

  The environment is quiet and pleasant, surrounded by verdant trees, winding corridors, exquisite murals, clear springs, and pleasant flowers and plants, and the cellars also contain rich-smelling wines. These 10 young people either sing and play piano every day, or dance and walk. In the hot summer, they sat in the shade of the green grass, and they agreed to tell a good story every day, so as to spend the most difficult time of the day happily.

The Decameron written by Giovanni Boccaccio criticized the Catholic Church, ridiculed the church for teaching darkness and sin, praised love as the source of talent and noble sentiment, condemned asceticism, ruthlessly exposed and flogged the degeneration and corruption of the feudal aristocracy, If this were placed in the Manchu literary prison period, just because "the breeze is illiterate, why turn the book indiscriminately", it would definitely be the end of the book.

But Giovanni Boccaccio was okay. He was still teaching at the University of Florence, and his contemporaneous writer Ceco Dascoli was burned to death by the Inquisition, just because he said that the earth is spherical, and The same humans live in the other hemisphere.

  The round shape of the earth affects the nobles to continue to degenerate and corrupt their lives?

  Bruno used to be a trainee monk at the Dominican monastery. He was accused of heresy and expelled because of doubts about certain Catholic doctrines.

  When criticizing the sins of the Catholic Church, people always take the Inquisition as a prominent example. Even those who have no interest in European history know well that the Inquisition is an institution dominated by fanatical and cruel priests who tortured, mutilated, and killed those who dared to challenge the authority of the Church. Compared with Gachu's swearing method, Ceko Dascoli and Bruno only said that the earth is round and that the earth revolves around the sun. Which one more provoked the authority of the church?

  In 1998, the Vatican opened the archives of the Ministry of Priesthood to 30 scholars from all over the world. The scholars finally wrote an 800-page report, which was made public at a press conference in Rome. Their conclusion: Many of those who were sent to the Spanish Inquisition received a fair trial, and torture was not common. Only about 1% of them were executed.

During the North American colonial period, there were not as many religious trials in the Spanish colonies as Protestants. The Salem Witch Trials took place in the Protestant territory. In the "Justinian Code" of the Roman Empire, religious heresy was one. A capital crime, because it challenged the emperor's authority.

In various territories, people accused of being heretics will be judged by the local lords. Whether for the emperor or the local lords, it is very difficult to judge whether the "defendant" is a heresy or not from a theological point of view. Therefore, there are many places in Europe. Countless people were put to death by secular rulers. There was neither a fair trial nor any opportunity to appeal. According to the secular laws at the time, the heretics betrayed God and the king, and it was not a pity to die; but in the religious world, the heretics are just Outlier stray lamb. The bishop has the responsibility to take them back to the right path in accordance with the teachings of **** Christ. The secular leaders of the Middle Ages worked hard to defend their kingdom, and the church worked hard to save the soul.

  There is no suspicion of witchcraft among the nomads. Instead, wizards are worshiped, whether they are gypsy witches or Mongolian shamans.

In the age of hard life, without a village, it is not easy for everyone to pass on disappointment to their neighbors. Distance produces beauty. The settled peasants are tied to the land. They have to survive with their compatriots. At the same time, there are a lot of reasons for conflict. For example, your sheep ate my wheat seedlings, my tree obscured the light in your house, and they did not have channels to release fierce emotions such as hatred, jealousy or suspicion. The act of "informing the secret" to the religious court can be revenge. You can vent your hatred, even if it is slander?

The Inquisition actually provides a way for heretics to escape the death penalty and return to society. They might have become the victims of secular lords or mob rule. There was an Italian woman who was pardoned innocent by the religious trial. The mob stoned to death. But once the trial judges determined that a certain “lamb’s outlier” was deliberate, the Inquisition had no choice but to expel unrepentant and stubborn heretics from the church, or hand it over to secular rule.者Handle. Nevertheless, judging from the total number, the Inquisition still saved many innocent and even not so innocent people.

"Destroy the Inquisition and liberate the Spanish people", this is exactly Napoleon's slogan promoting the Revolution. However, the crimes of the Revolutionary Court in Spain far exceed those of the Spanish religious courts. He brought the French Revolutionary terrorism to Spain. Up.

Conan Doyle wanted to end Sherlock Holmes for a while before he wrote that Sherlock Holmes and his archenemy, Professor Moriarty, were in a duel at the waterfall. Sherlock Holmes could only write the historical novel he wanted to write "after his death", but even a best-seller like him. The writer, no one reads historical novels, and eventually he had to continue to use Sherlock Holmes to make money.

One problem in the standard exorcism procedure is to determine whether a person is "obsessed". Obsessiveness can easily lead to interrogation by wizards. Although "inspiration" is not always associated with obsessiveness, "obsessiveness" can sometimes make people lose. Self-control is almost the same as being mad.

  At the same time, there will be a steady stream of inspiration. For example, Joan's brothers made a lot of money by relying on Joan of Arc's cash cow.

Conan Doyle, who was short of money, did not really "resurrect" Holmes. The hound of Baskerville happened before the last case. For three hundred years, the mystery of the "devil-like big hound" has been circulating in Baskerville. According to the legend, the story changed from the style previously dominated by Sherlock Holmes and transformed the protagonist into a big dog hiding in the mist and doing evil. This book is as hot as other Sherlock Holmes novels.

The reason why superstition is difficult to eradicate may be because it has been passed down from generation to generation. Westerners believe in vampires, while Easterners believe in zombies wearing Qing dynasty official robes. Filming these movies can sell money and bring Joan back to life. There is a reason why you can make money. As for whether the things it spreads are right or wrong, no one cares.

  Normal people treat these as stories. People who look for reality in the illusion are sick, but some people take the things in the story seriously, otherwise there is a cult.

  As the saying goes, a good beginning is half the battle, but there are many things that have a good goal at the beginning, and the end ends bleakly.

  With the enjoyment right in front of you, who still listens to the call of the void on the other side.

  The angel is dead, but the devil is reveling. In 1924, the Japanese writer Tsukaze Muramatsu published a record of "Magic City" based on his experience inside and outside the Shanghai concession. This was also the first time the term "Magic City" appeared in history.

In fact, it’s not just Shanghai. New York, San Francisco, London and other cities are all magical capitals. These places have an elusive chaos, blur, contradictions and rapid changes. You don’t even know that the person who passed you by is an angel. Still the devil.

These psychedelic chaotic cities have a common feature, that is, they have the nickname "City that never sleeps". Artificial lights replace the sun and provide lighting at night. When many cities are already asleep, the excitement of the magic city has just begun. People in the city are reveling in their inverted schedules, and sleep seems to be a delay in their enjoyment.

  And night is the time when the "monster" comes out to hunt.

  Not necessarily a werewolf or a vampire, but also a serial killer. The Hound of Baskerville is like Jack the Ripper in the fog.

  More than 100 years have passed, people are still fascinated by the ripper who made the horrible murder, but turned a deaf ear to the five prostitutes who died in his hands. They are like sacrifices to the devil.

  Demon worship is not cool at all, but neo-gothic young people are addicted to this dark belief, like a whirlpool, once caught in it, it is difficult to extricate themselves.

  Pomona looked at the small palace not far away. Its exterior has layers of rotating stairs, like a small house on the back of a snail.

She looked at it bathed in the sun and inexplicably remembered the mysterious night of the full moon. Hermione Granger used the time converter to return to the past, allowing Harry to save the West from Azkaban. Reese Black, did she change the past, or did she follow her destiny?

  The ladder always has an end. The Penrose ladder is an endless loop. It cannot be constructed in three-dimensional space. However, the viewer will still have an illusion when seeing the image displayed on the two-dimensional flat screen.

  For the ants in the two-dimensional world, the person holding the magnifying glass is like a **** when living in the three-dimensional world, so are the people trapped in the two-dimensional world degraded from “god” to being like ants?

She heard whispers in her ears, like an angel whispering, or a devil slandering, or a snake "hissing" to speak, tempting her to pick the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden .

    Has anyone solved the previous superstition?

    CorteContarina, delBovolo, Snail House

    The key is SLUG

The Caesar cipher is actually not Caesar’s creation, but the Egyptians. They have used substitution and shift ciphers for 4000 years. Maybe Cleopatra taught him. Of course, this is a kind of my guess. Suppose, after all, I am a romance novel writer, and set a lofty ambition, dating!



  (End of this chapter)

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