Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 826: Devil Angel

   Chapter 826 Demon Angel

"You shouldn't associate witchcraft with misfortune, priest, some people believe that ghosts bring good luck." Severus Snape took out the silver cigarette case in front of the Secretary-General." It is the prince and bishop who is sick. In places such as Bohemia and Austria, witch hunting is considered unnecessary and annoying, and it is not every time that evil spirits possess witches."

  "Do you believe what he said? Boy?" the secretary general asked Gianluca.

"I know that many members of the royal family went crazy in the 17th century, but I'm not sure whether their mental disorders are all related to witchcraft." Gianluca said. "Some people go crazy because he is a lunatic, with the devil and witch. The technique doesn't matter."

"Then you think that dismembering a woman and throwing it out of the window of the castle is the act of a lunatic, or is it possessed by a demon?" the Secretary-General asked, "I know this sounds abnormal, but it is a real person and the murderer is The illegitimate son of Emperor Rudolf II of Habsburg, Don Giulio Cesar de Austria, who threw different parts of his mistress’s body from Cesky Krumlov, a Jesuit priest Both the Franciscan dervish suggested that he should be handed over to us, but the imperial councilors thought it was unnecessary, because his personal actions did not affect the operation of the empire."

   "It's like a car accident." The wizard showed his yellow teeth and smiled evilly.

"Yes, it's like a car accident." The Secretary-General also smiled. "Some car accident scenes are worse than that. When the whole world is going crazy, people will feel numb to the chaos. At that time, the emperor's relatives were going crazy. A bit more sensible is the Prince and Bishop Ernst of Bavaria. He likes women, hunting, and listening to music. He is still a normal person compared to those nobles who should be locked up in a lunatic asylum. Do you mind if he doesn’t follow the canon and doesn’t look like Is it as clean as a real monk to live?"

   "Crazy Middle Ages." Severus lit the cigarette and took a slow sip.

   "Now too." The secretary took out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter from the drawer, and asked Gianluca, "Do you want one?"

  Gianluca shook her head, "I don't need nicotine."

  The secretary-general is proficient in lighting the smoke with a lighter.

  Two big smoke guns together made this office smoky.

   "I heard that there is a lunatic asylum in Povilla, what's the matter?" Severus asked.

   "Group infection." The Secretary-General said.

  "How can mental illness be infected?" Gianluca said in disbelief.

  Severus and the Secretary-General both laughed.

   "You haven't attended boarding school, have you?" Severus asked.

  "You haven't been to a monastery or prison, right?" The Secretary-General squinted his eyes and said, "What is your name?"

   "Gianluca Dante."

   "It doesn't sound like a real name."

   "What you said doesn't seem like the truth, pastor." Gianluca said **** for tat.

   "I see, you believe in science." The Secretary-General said, "Have you heard of the Stanford Prison Experiment?"

   "Slightly heard."

"There is a group of American college students who are about your age. They are physically and mentally healthy and emotionally stable. They are divided into two groups. One group is pretending to be prison guards and the other is pretending to be prisoners. The professor converts the basement of the Department of Psychology building into a prison. The experiment lasted for $15. In order to simulate reality more realistically, the student status as “prisoner” was replaced by a number. Everyone put on prisoner’s clothes, shackles and handcuffs, and the student who served as the “guard” role. They are wearing police uniforms and black sunglasses to increase the sense of authority. You know, it’s like acting in American movies." The Secretary-General tilted his head a little frivolously. "When prisoners enter jail, follow the official prison procedures. The prisoner conducts a naked body search, and the party playing the police has all the powers of the real prison guard. Before the experiment, both the police and the prisoner felt that it might be just two weeks of boring. The encounter at the beginning of the experiment was embarrassing, after all, for the guards and For both prisoners, it takes time to enter the role. This group of student prisoners, who had been affected by the anti-Vietnam War student movement in the United States at the time, began to challenge authority: tore off the number sewn on their clothes, locked themselves in the cell, and ignored the guards’ orders, and Make fun of the guards. The guards suddenly became at a loss. Zimbardo, as the warden and the head of the experiment, told the guards to solve the problem by themselves. So the guards took measures to "suppress" the prisoners by stripping off their clothes and putting on clothes. The prisoners were confined for several hours, their pillows and bedding were confiscated, their meals were cancelled, the prisoners were forced to wash the toilet with their hands, perform push-ups or some meaningless activities to humiliate the prisoners, deprive the prisoners of sleep, and pull the prisoners out in the middle of the night to count the number of people. And carry out various humiliating activities. They also adopted a psychological differentiation strategy. Good prisoners who obey management will be provided with privileges, better cells and food. These "normal, mentally healthy" "good people" learn Soon, if you have watched any movie about prisons, this is a common strategy used by guards and prison guards. As the experiment progressed, the disciplinary measures adopted by the guards became more and more severe. When the experiment reached 36 hours, a The prisoner withdrew from the experiment due to various hysterical symptoms such as crying and cursing due to extreme mental stress. The experiment only lasted for less than two days, and a good person who was'normal and mentally healthy' had been given a group of'normal' The mentally healthy'good guys are tortured to the verge of collapse. The prisoner number 8612 is the leader who led the prisoners to resist and challenge the guarding rights on the first day, so he received'special care' in the guards' counterattack. As a series of The punishment was imposed behind him, 8612 has realized that this is not a simulated experiment, a virtual prison, but a “real prison.” When 8612 made a request to Zimbardo face to face, Zimbardo had already entered. In addition to the role of the warden, he is not thinking about the 8612's mental state, but if the 8612 withdraws, it will cause more people to withdraw, and the experiment will not go on. So Zimbardo is like the warden in all prison movies. Do the same, promise 8612 that the guards will stop torturing him, give He was treated well, and at the same time he proposed a Faust-style deal: let 8612 go back to the prison to be his eyeliner, provide him with information from the prison, if he agrees, Zimbardo will'release' 8612 later. , Do you want to know what the final outcome is? "

The secretary-general seemed to ignore Gianluca’s thoughts and said to himself, “They only persisted for 6 days. Later, when the girlfriend of the'warden', a normal person came to visit him, he saw this psychology professor telling the students. Everything we did, she was so sick that she almost vomited, but in the end she married the professor because she believed that the terrible "warden" had disappeared with the end of the experiment."

  "Do you think he hasn't disappeared?" Gianluca asked.

"He discovered an effect, which is opposite to the halo effect, called the devil effect. Because he hates a person, he will suppress it as much as possible. This is a one-sided and paranoid performance. You don’t like me, or it’s mine. The world view, no matter what I say, you will suppress me. Your contempt and hatred will derive from all aspects of me; because you hate one person, even St. Mark’s Church does not think that it is auspicious and lovely, even the'warden' Has disappeared from Zimbardo's heart, because the prison experiment did not tolerate him with prejudices, so he would not be evaluated in a true and comprehensive manner. The devil has entangled him, and it is also right now. You whisper." The secretary-general, smoking a cigarette, didn't look like a pious monk at all.

"Do you know why Galileo was persecuted?" Severus said in front of the Secretary-General. "There are several chapters in his book that question the theology of ghosts. He and his friends plan to use mathematical formulas to explain it. This world believes that there is a space free from the interference of divinity and the devil."

  "Do you believe that there is such a space? There are no gods and demons, only a vacuum." The secretary general asked Gianluca.

   "Of course there is." Gianluca replied.

   "Then I will wait and see." The Secretary-General said, "What if you can't verify what you said?"

   "What?" Gianluca asked in surprise.

"This is the trap you gave us. When Einstein used the field theory view to study the phenomenon of gravitation, he realized that there is a problem with the empty vacuum concept. He once proposed that vacuum is a special state of the gravitational field. Dirac assumes that the entire universe is completely filled with negative energy particles. They surround us and pass through our bodies. They are everywhere in the vacuum of outer space and in the center of the earth, a piece of Dirac of infinitely dense negative energy particles. The sea, it is impossible to observe with the current technology of mankind, just like evil spirits..."

   "The Sea of ​​Dirac has been confirmed by experiments." Gianluca interrupted the Secretary-General.

"The same is true for mental illness. The prison experiment has proved that you think that going crazy is really only a single independent event?" The Secretary-General smiled evilly. "Tell me, boy, what makes a group of people as normal as you are? The mentally healthy people end up going crazy collectively?"

   "This is a psychologist's problem." Gianluca said.

   "Then what do you think we do?" the Secretary-General asked "God stick? Liar?"

   "Don't fall into his trap." Severus said, "Beware of the demon effect."

  Gianluca opened her mouth, not knowing what to say.

  The two bad middle-aged men who played with children laughed together.

"You have to charge money to see a psychologist. Go to church and talk to the pastor for free. The person who collects money may also be a quack doctor. Free...not necessarily a good person." Severus looked at the secretary-general and said something pointedly. "You are different from someone I know."

  "Why is it different?" the Secretary-General asked.

   "He is more like an abbot than you." Severistan sighed. "But he is a wizard."

  "May God bless his soul, oh, do you believe that there is a soul?" The Secretary-General asked Gianluca deliberately mockingly.

  Gianluca gritted her teeth with anger.

"The impulse is the devil. Now you want to fight back, but you can't think of anything to say. The one that prevents you from thinking and makes you want to hurt people or use force is the evil spirit. If you drive it away, you can gain your body. After you regain your ability to think, you will know how to talk back.” The Secretary-General said, “You can’t see it, but you can feel it. This is indirect evidence, although it is not measurable like a physical experiment. ."

"The reason why taboos are taboos is that random touch will cause big trouble. The smaller one is to make the girl's belly bigger. That's definitely a big trouble." Severus said, "There is a Muggle, he The belly of a dumb gun was enlarged, and then she gave birth to a dark king who turned the magic world upside down."

  "How was he in the end?" the Secretary-General asked.

   "He was defeated by a kid." Snape said upset.

   "It's the boy you mentioned before that falsely accused your godson, oh, so wizards have godsons..." the Secretary-General murmured, "I can't believe it."

   "There are still wizards hidden in the church." Snape said with a sullen face, "I know a ghost turned into a monk."

"What's his name?"

   "Fat monk."

  The secretary-general did not speak.

   "Are you kidding me?"

   "Do you think I am joking with you?"

  The atmosphere suddenly became awkward.

  "What about the bigger taboo?" Gianluca asked.

   "Destroy the world." Snape said with great expectation, "Another Dark Lord, he started a war on the pretext of preventing you from destroying the world."

   "Grindelwald." The Secretary-General suddenly said, "I have heard of him."

   "How do you know?" Snape asked.

   "He is quite famous." The Secretary-General said, "Even if we have stopped witch hunting, it does not mean that we are ignorant of the outside world."

   "There are some dark wizards who use witchcraft indiscriminately, but not every wizard is a dark wizard." Snape said, "Wizards also hate those who abuse dark magic."

  "Are you black or white?" the secretary general asked.

   "I hate chaos." Snape said, "I like order."

   "Don't think we can reconcile by saying this."

   "I didn't plan to reconcile with you, where is the bishop?"

   "I'm afraid I will disappoint you. He didn't go out to hunt witches himself." The Secretary-General smiled sarcastically, "He has gone to the Vatican. Before the new pope is elected, I'm afraid you will be the only one."

  (End of this chapter)

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