Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 831: “FollowerI”

  Chapter 831 "Follower I"

"Children are easy to indulge in the illusion that is reality for them. Even if the large-scale hunting wizard is over, they still report and like to accuse others in public. Do you remember the story of the emperor's new clothes?" The secretary of the bishop of the diocese of Venice asked two uninvited guests in his office in the church of St. Mark.

  "You mean the kid who didn't dare to say anything, but one kid said that the emperor didn't wear clothes?" Snape asked.

"Getting the attention of adults will make them feel very happy, especially children on the street. The last wizard executed in Bavaria was in 1756. A girl named Veronica Zelilacin, she was 14 When she was six years old, she was driven out of the house by her stepfather. She joined a kid’s help and made a living by pickpocketing. Later, she was sent to an orphanage by a distant relative. She was already very abnormal at that time."

  "Why is it abnormal?" Gianluca asked.

  "She stole the sacrament, not the gold and silver tableware, but the unleavened bread, and the bread broke in her hands..."

   "Is it broken or fermented?" Snape asked.

   "No one will eat the food she touched." The Secretary-General said, "I have never seen food desecrated like that."

   "Bug?" Snape asked with a smile without disgusting.

"In the 1680s, children were still key witnesses. Some wizard commissioners of the Inquisition even used'enchanted' girls to distinguish suspects from wizards, because they claimed that wizards had marks of the devil on them, and the children’s stories Treat it as true." The Secretary-General said with a funny smile, "Did you take the false accusation of your godson child seriously, wizard?"

   "Are you looking at me with a mark on my body?" Snape smiled sarcastically.

  "You have evil eyes." The Secretary-General said, "You are really bad at hiding."

   "I don't pretend to be a Muggle because I'm afraid of being hunted down." Snape said, "Go on to talk about that Veronica girl."

"The court is particularly difficult to deal with the allegations of children. According to the law at the time, teenagers under the age of 14 do not need to surrender, but deal with their guardians, usually their mothers and aunts, but there are no guardians for children living on the streets. They run away from home, or their parents die of the plague, sleep in the cowshed, stables or bathing shed, they try to avoid contact with adults, because they do not believe in adults and rely on begging and odd jobs for a living, compared to sending in In the workshop, they are more willing to accept charity from the church. The lord and the monastery will stipulate that charity can only be done for a few days. After the charity of this diocese is over, they will go to the next diocese. During the journey, they use the monastery as a base..."

   "Then sell the information to you. Okay, go back to the Veronica story." Snape interrupted the Secretary-General impatiently.

"Girls are more obedient than boys. Boys are rebellious and troublesome. Sometimes they are persecuted by local defenders of'law and order.' They hire killers to get rid of these beggars who hinder others from doing business. Every time there is a lord who prepares to deal with these children. At that time, there will be large-scale reports. As long as the referee is willing to deal with them, they dare to report. The stories they make up are their basis. Anyway, those boys have nothing to lose." The secretary-general sneered and said, "Girls are good at The performance is like they are born actors, but Veronica is different. After discovering that she stole the sacrament, the nun in the orphanage asked the Franciscans to come and see. Under the threat of a whip, she did not steal the sacrament cake. ."

   "I won't be executed like this?" Gianluca said.

"She ran off again and went to work as a maid at a rich man's house, but she showed signs of being possessed again. The master drove her away in fear. Later, she tried to commit suicide, but she failed. She went to the house where she worked and killed the hostess and her children."

   "How did she commit suicide?" Snape asked.

"You won't believe it." The Secretary-General squeezed out the cigarette **** and said calmly. "After being arrested, she was very obedient. She didn't need to torture to extract a confession. She took all the charges, including flying at night and worshiping demons in the middle of the night. She knows that she will die if she admits these crimes, but she doesn't care anymore. What if you are a judge?"

   "She doesn't want to go back to the orphanage?" Snape asked.

   "I'm still thinking, why does she only steal the sacrament?" The secretary-general said, "She can steal the gold and silver, just like those thief boys, and those breads are worthless."

   "Can't you exorcise her?" Gianluca asked.

"People are already crazy. Maybe the lunatic asylum can find some peace. There are witches panicking everywhere. There are also many people who bluff and deceive under the guise of exorcism. The most famous exorcist at the time was John Joseph Gasner. He Associating disease with witchcraft, other exorcists are equivalent to jugglers, mythologists, and liars. Only a few have enough power to become exorcists. Even now, the Holy See has only 200 exorcists. Devil, have to deal with the exorcism of the whole world."

   "The first priority is to save the worthy, orphans like Veronica are not worth saving." Gianluca said coldly.

  "Do you have a better way?" the Secretary-General asked.

   "So, she was executed?" Snape asked.

   "That's what it says in the information." The secretary-general lighted another cigarette. "Kant said that the task of philosophers is to explore the boundaries of human reasoning, but I have no plans to be a detective."

  "Do you think she is saved?" Gianluca asked.

"Women and children are often regarded as innocent victims, and judges are eccentrics, not to mention that Veronica is a little girl." The secretary-general sneered at the corners of his mouth. "The intelligence of groups is always lower than that of isolated individuals. But in terms of sensibility and arousing action, the group is higher or lower than the individual, and maybe a group saved her."

   "Your evidence?" Snape asked.

   "Bavaria does not need to deal with the wizard torture, but uses beheading. Her body was exhumed." The secretary-general rubbed his eyebrows. "Bavaria is a more enlightened area, but sometimes I hope that the candidate emperor will not be so enlightened."

   "Even a wizard will die if his head is chopped off." Snape said.

   "Thank you for your comfort." The Secretary-General smiled wryly, "Although you can witchcraft, you are still human."

   "Maybe she deceived you with invisibility." The wizard said to the priest mercilessly, "During the French Revolution, a wizard used invisibility to hide his neck and escaped the Revolutionaries."

  The long face of the pastor has become longer.

  "You mean, the wizarding movement has a lot to do with children?" Gianluca asked.

   "Not every child is an angel, but there are also demon-like children." The Secretary-General said, "Maybe Zodiac is entangled by the evil spirit of a killer who specializes in eradicating children."

  "Are they related to ETT?" Snape asked.

   "Definitely not a ‘white confessor’." The Secretary-General recalled, "it would not be a ‘black legend’ either."

  "This is the name of the band?" Gianluca asked.

   "You tell me, teenager." The Secretary-General said blankly.

  "Is it possible that he was saved by a kind monk?" Snape said, "I know there are many wizards hiding in the church."

  "Do you want to create infighting? Let us check our own people?"

   "Whatever you want!" Snape said with a sneer.

   "Devil possession is contagious, and we are also humans. The first to deny the belief in wizards were also Protestants. No matter what era you are in, you are all **** chucks." The secretary-general glared at Snape.

  The wizard spread out his hands and shrugged.

   "What do you mean?" Gianluca asked.

"The religious reform promoted the decline of the wizarding faith. They were the first to withdraw the Inquisition!" said the Secretary-General angrily. "They distributed pamphlets everywhere, saying that mass is the papal witchcraft, and it was also the case when the Ottoman Empire was hit. They secretly robbed Mediterranean merchant ships. When Balladin declared the hunting of wizards illegal through the secular law, the King of England disagreed..."

   "Oh! This is the crux!" Snape exclaimed, "We also sent a representative to hope that the king would agree to hunt wizards illegally!"

   "Then why didn't they agree?"

   "Because they think it is too ridiculous to admit that there is magic in the world!" Snape yelled out loudly as Fernundesli, "There is no magic in this world!"

   "What?" Gianluca asked stupidly.

  "The people of Heidelberg don't believe in witchcraft." The secretary-general gritted his teeth and said, "so they legislated to prohibit harm to wizards."

   "It's like a prohibition, the more it is banned, the more rampant it becomes." Snape said helplessly, "I couldn't help it at all."

   "They did a good job and directly attacked the wizarding faith." Gianluca murmured, "This way the Holy See and the secular are made into superstition by the Protestant country."

"You are too naive, my child. When they preached, they equated the contract signed between the wizard and the devil with the contract between the believer and the god." The secretary general said with a smile, "Moses Ten Commandments, don't worship idols, you The one who worships is the cross, which the Lord carried on the painful road. Who on earth signed the contract with the devil?"

   "I told you, I am a godfather only because of tradition."

   "What are you doing here today?" The Secretary-General asked aggressively, as if he was planning to die at any time.

   "It's not time now?" Gianluca asked.

   "Yes, it's not the time now." Snape narrowed his mouth and said, "It's very not the time."

    Britain is isolated. If they don’t look for the United States as their partner, who else can they look for?

     Both Newton and Einstein finally studied theology and occultism, why?



  (End of this chapter)

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