Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 832: “FollowerII”

  Chapter 832 "FollowerII"

The demon in the   tarot card represents ambition dominating the mind, and mistakenly thinks that there is no choice.

  It's a shame that a 14-year-old girl was forced to a dead end.

  The devil tempts a man to forget his spiritual exploration and his sacred purpose, indulges in material enjoyment, lacks spiritual support, and denies that life has any spiritual purpose, which opens the door to the pursuit of tangible things and selfishness.

  The devil held a lighted torch to incite the man's desires and let his animal instinct dominate his soul.

A 14-year-old girl, fresh and tender, at a flower-like age, between adult and minor, good people will help her get back on the right path, bad people will fall into trouble, take advantage of her, and even instill wrong ideas into her , Let her degenerate step by step, and eventually become a prostitute.

  Wu Zetian had better luck and was sent to the palace by his father, but she still did not have much happiness in the environment where there were women everywhere.

On the face of the   tarot card, the demon looked at the slave who was bound by the chain and gave a triumphant grin.

  Although the slaves are bound by chains, they can get rid of the devil as long as they help each other, but they have been blindfolded by the temptation of the devil and are willing to be driven by it.

   The terrifying demon has such a beautiful voice, he uses money and so-called security to lure people into his slaves. Under his control, people lost the ability to communicate with each other, and what occupied the soul was completely naked and primitive desire. In order to pursue money and deny any other goals in life, people become selfish and greedy, but when life ends, these substances no longer have any meaning.

  Only love can make death calm, but some people do not believe in God but believe in vampires, because vampires can bring eternal life to him in the legend.

  How similar it is to the ancient Chinese alchemists who made elixir for the nobles.

  They enjoyed the happiness brought by material things before they were alive. In fact, it seems that it is easy to achieve now. Even the common people can drink ice in summer.

  After death, they still want to continue to enjoy themselves. This is the person who is deceived and controlled by the devil-possessing material wealth has everything.

The core of Protestantism is private ownership. We measure a person's merits by wealth. This is also the core of capitalism. Impulse controls reason, and the spiritual requirements of the self are constantly disappearing, and they are beginning to be unwilling to take responsibility for their actions, because they can take all faults. Push it to others.

  What's wrong with him? It was the girl who made the wrong choice to fall to this point!

  The author who suffers from misogyny who wrote Witch’s Hammer also thought so. Before the book was printed, the church just casually cleared the remnants of the old religion, and from the beginning of the book’s publication, they would clear all the heretics.

  Witch hunters are addicted to this. If it is forbidden to hunt women in the name of wizards, and they hunt them again, they are not "decent people", but "criminals" such as murderers and butchers.

  It is not illegal to kill, torture, and imprison people in the name of hunting witches. The only way to restore rationality to this group of "carnivores" is death threats. The Spanish Inquisition suppresses those who lynched "witches".

  Some lies are said to be true a thousand times. The earth is round. In ancient Greece, not only the conclusion was drawn, but the meridian was even measured. In the late Middle Ages, the land became flat.

   There was a rumor that there was a pope in the 9th century. The story first appeared in the chronicle of the 13th century and then spread throughout Europe. For hundreds of years, people have generally believed that there is something real, and most legends refer to her as a talented woman who pretended to be a man under the instructions of her lover. Because of her ability, she was promoted step by step within the church, and was eventually selected as the pope. But one day when she was riding a horse, she gave birth to a child, thus showing her gender. Most versions say that she died soon because of being beaten to death by angry mobs, or died of nature, while her successor concealed her deeds.

  Since the middle of the 13th century, legends have been widely spread and believed by people. Dominion I will use the story of Pope Joan to preach and preach. During the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, there are many sculptures quoting the story of the Pope.

  The story of the Pope can give psychological comfort to suffering women, but in the 16th century and beyond, various Protestant writers wrote anti-Catholic works based on the legend of Pope Joan.

  Compared with this woman, Maria Renata Singlin, the vice-president of the Winterzell Monastery, is not so famous.

She was burned to death voluntarily. Many people knew that she had a mental disorder. It was the monastery she was accusing her of. The Italian intellectuals took this opportunity to start a debate on anti-witchcraft and denied all witchcraft. And the existence of magic, and calls for the cessation of all interrogations by wizards.

  Farmers falsely accuse each other because of poverty, jealousy, revenge, or other reasons. The entire Champagne province is full of “wizards” who can kill anyone. Those who cannot accept this kind of life fled to Bavaria or Paris, which is a little more rational.

Forbidding killings in the name of wizards and acknowledging wizards are two different things. The darkness of the British King loomed in his mind. Hundreds of years later, Arianna Dumbledore was nearly killed by three Muggle boys using water drilling. Up.

In order to survive, she magically rioted. In order to avenge her daughter, her father tortured Muggles and entered Azkaban. Albus Dumbledore was ruined. He had enough reasons to hate Muggles, but the number of Muggles. Too many, he chose to "forgive".

  There is no law to punish those children. They can slander or even kill people at will. The adults who are slandered by them have to bear legal responsibility and look different. Perhaps not every priest is innocent.

  But Michael should be innocent. After he became famous, he built a dreamland for children to play in.

  There is a boy who said that he was hurt by Michael. People will choose to believe in children. They represent innocence and innocence. Who would believe in rich perverts?

  Mental illness and underage homicide have become a shield for criminals from the death penalty. There are one or two. These greedy people are satisfied once, and they want more. Using money to calm people can't solve the problem, but instead fuels their arrogance.

  Children don’t trust adults because they don’t want to be used by them. They would rather wander on the street than go home with "good-hearted people."

  In the Middle Ages, not only adults, but children also made pilgrimages. In 1212, 8,000 children had to walk from Germany to Jerusalem with the help of God, but the priest in charge planned to sell them as slaves.

  The five-pointed star on the head of the devil refers to the five parts of the human body. When this planet stands upright, it represents Venus, the **** of love, with its head, arms and legs stretched out, symbolizing that reason controls enthusiasm.

  The inverted stars imply that passion dominates reason, and perhaps your passion is blinding your judgment.

It is not an inverted cross. The symbol of the devil is an inverted five-pointed star, which means that it opposes any form of love, whether it is God’s love, love, patriotism, or parent-child love. There is nothing but selfishness and unwillingness to make any sacrifices. .

  The infection of the Black Death is easy to understand. The infection of mental illness is incomprehensible. Unconsciousness constitutes the innate nature of the race. The intelligence of a mathematician and a shoemaker is very different, but there is not much difference in personality.

  This kind of personality is dominated by the unconscious. In the collective behavior, individual intelligence is weakened, his personality is also weakened, heterogeneity is swallowed up by homogeneity, and the unconscious has the upper hand.

  On the night of August 4, 1789, the French aristocracy voted against their privileges with enthusiasm. If they think about this issue alone, no one will agree.

  An isolated individual may be an educated person, and he will become demented when he falls into a group.

  People who fall into the collective unconsciousness cannot realize their behavior, just like being hypnotized. Some abilities are weakened, some abilities are strengthened, and they become superhuman.

  For example, sending an innocent person to the guillotine, or voting to deny his privileges.

  Independent individuals must constrain their behavior, such as robbery, but if they fall into group incidents, such as looting, they will form an unstoppable force that will overwhelm everything like a flood.

  In the group, he is just an unknown person, and he does not need to bear the responsibility. The sense of responsibility and legal ethics that restrain the individual is gone.

  In the human nature experiment of Martina, the evil side of human nature was released, and self-interest defeated altruism.

  The heroism of France defending its own country in 1793 is meaningless. What is the difference between changing a king or a poor person or paying taxes?

  But it is this meaningless heroism that overcomes the ruthless self-interest that only does things that are meaningful to oneself and creates the history of mankind.

   is a group, not an isolated individual, who will go through fire and water desperately. Sometimes the group is a group of criminals looting, and sometimes the group is a group of heroes. This is all about the "leader" leading the mob.

  This is also the principle that mental illness is contagious. In game theory, if a thought goes to an extreme, then neutral people will favor him.

In a purely patriarchal world, women dress according to men’s preferences, such as Victorian women wearing tights that hurt the body. In a feminist world, men dress according to women’s preferences. For example, before the French Revolution, they were in Los Angeles. In Coco-style France, men wear dolls like wigs and silk trousers.

A lunatic is another extreme. People who don’t know well will be influenced by lunatics and identify with this “leader”, such as a rich daughter who squanders money to show off his luxurious life, or Mother Teresa, who is so poor that she does not leave any personal property, agrees. She will learn her lifestyle.

  Wearing bikinis to sunbathe on the yacht and drinking champagne, or wearing nun clothes to take care of orphans and disadvantaged groups, this is a personal choice.

In a place like a convent, the most afraid of male priests. Sexual fantasies are not only for men, but also for women. As long as a woman accuses a male priest, other nuns will also accuse him. There is no way for a male priest to explain clearly, an innocent person. It's dead because of the woman's fantasy.

  In addition to Christianity in the Mediterranean, there are also eros and city-states.

  Love is a necessity for women, and a woman without love will be the same as the serial killer Bailey.

  The devil card represents Capricorn in astrology.

  Capricorn is the incarnation of the Faun Paine who is half a sheep and half a fish.

  This devil’s labyrinth is very difficult to get out. It traps those who go in first, but cannot warn those who go in later, one after another, just like a merchant ship hitting a British sandbar.

  (End of this chapter)

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