Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 833: “FollowerIII”

  Chapter 833 "Follower III"

   "Protestants are not that bad." After a stalemate for a long time, Snape said, "Do you know the village of Yam? It's the village where everyone voluntarily stayed in isolation when the plague arrived."

  The Secretary-General sighed, "Let's go."

   "I can't go like this. You said it, the demon effect." Snape said, "It left a bad impression. Next time you see other Protestants or wizards, you have to think badly about them."

   "We are still cooperating, and we are going to the party in the evening." Gianluca said, "Don't forget the common enemy, priest."

   "I don't know if I hate the devil or the Protestant more."

  "I am not..." Under the Secretary-General's glare, the wizard shut up.

   "We want to save Venice." Gianluca said, "Avoid it really sinking as predicted by scientists."

   "That's not a prophecy!" the secretary general roared.

   "Well, predict!" Gianluca compromised. "Do you want Venice to sink? Priest?"

   "Do you think that saving a city can save the world?" The priest sneered.

   "As long as the Adriatic Sea can stop rising, I think it is very hopeful." Gianluca said.

  The priest slumped himself in the chair, covering his face with his hands.

   "Stop dreaming, kid."

   "If the sea level rises, the coastal areas will be submerged. Just like in the Middle Ages, because the temperature was too low, farmers had to leave their land. The crowded population would aggravate social conflicts, right?" Gianluca asked.

   "Every time the temperature drops, nomads will attack farmers in warm areas." Snape said, "Everyone's living space is getting smaller because of the weather. Everyone wants their territory to be wider and they are arguing with each other."

  "Then, for revenge, I will report false accusations to the relevant authorities." Gianluca said, "In the past, the Council of Ten often received such reports, and I believe the Inquisition will also receive a lot."

   "Not as much as you think, there are many villages in remote areas that will set up private village courts, farmers..."

   "I think farmers also have insights." Gianluca said, "I have many students majoring in agriculture."

  "They are not that kind of farmers." The secretary-general said coldly. "There are as many people who die in wizard interrogations as there are people tormented by fire. The Inquisition monopolizes wizard interrogations to eliminate this phenomenon."

  "The abuse of punishment is as terrible as the abuse of black magic." Snape said, "I used to work for the Anti-Black Magic League."

  The pastor laughed.


   "I am their spy, just like you asked me to do it." Snape said, "I pursue the freedom of conscience."

  Neither the priest nor Gianluca looked at the wizard weirdly.

   "Oh my God, the dark wizard has a conscience?" The priest murmured, "Is the sun orbiting the earth now?"

   "I am the only one among the dark wizards who can use the guardian of the god." Snape said, "that's what you call the patron saman of shaman."

   "Why did you tell him!" Gianluca said coldly.

  "Because, communication requires sincerity." Snape said, "Being sincere requires telling the truth!"

   "That's the'white magic' you are best at, isn't it?" The priest smiled sourly.

   "No matter what festival you have with the shaman, the patron saint has a protective effect."

   "That is the spirit body of an animal." said the priest.

   "Damn it, the guardian spirit of the human form will think that the angel is manifested again."

   "The swan is beautiful." Gianluca said, "I heard that your wife's guardian spirit is a swan. What is yours? A snake?"

   "What kind of person is his wife?" the priest asked.

   "She has a better choice." Gianluca said, "It's like a toad eating swan meat."

   "She calls me "Prince"." The wizard gritted his teeth and grinned.

   "Prince Frog?" The priest said mockingly.

  Snape sighed, "Can we continue talking?"

   "What do you want, wizard?" the priest said blankly.

   "If one day my godson takes refuge in Venice, you will be responsible for protecting him." Snape said, "The enemy of the enemy is a friend."

  "Do you know how ridiculous your request is?" The priest said, "You let us protect a wizard?"

   "No, it is to protect a religious wizard. He is a doctor and can help you treat patients." Snape said.

   "You are crazy."

   "Not as crazy as someone who is possessed."

   "You put the evil spirits on the believers!"

   "Damn, we're here again..."

  "Do you have coffee?" Gianluca took out the phone and asked, "Add a tip. The Flower God Cafe will provide delivery service."

  The quarreling priest and wizard were silent.

  "A cup of Espresso." The priest said.

   "Same." The wizard said, "Some more food, I'm hungry."

  So Gianluca picked up the phone and started ordering food. The wizard and the priest temporarily truce, but never forget to stare at each other.

   "Modern life is still good. The convenient transportation makes the former village less closed." After putting down the phone, Gianluca said.

   "No, it's not what you think." The secretary-general patted the information on the table and said, "The serial killer replaced the wizard Jack and became a new era myth."

   "There are always unruly people who take violation of discipline as a risk." Snape pursed his lips and said with a smile, "Francis would also threaten little girls to whip if they are disobedient?"

   "I used to smoke a meal as a Christmas present at Christmas before, which is like this now. Of course, I like to give candy more than I was taught."

  The secretary-general seems to miss the time when he was able to pump disobedient boys. In fact, he might become good friends with the dumb Cannon Filch.

   "Have you tried what it's like to stay in a boarding school with thousands of teenagers?" Snape pointed to his hooked nose. "It's like living in hell, but that's my daily life!"

  "Do you know how many people play psychic boards every year and get themselves into trouble?"

   "There are also expeditions to the island of Bolivia." Gianluca added, staring at the phone.

   "There is also a haunted house adventure, worshiping the devil in the middle of the night, do you want to exchange it with me?" The Secretary-General said with his eyes widened.

   "I changed my mind. There is a violin hit by black magic, and six Muggle souls are in it..."

   "This is your real purpose, right? Let us take over this." The Secretary-General looked like I had already seen everything, "Leave the trouble to us."

   "I can put it on the street, too." Snape pursed his lips and said, "Guess who gave it to me?"

   "You can tell me directly, otherwise, don't say it, don't hang your appetite."

   "It's Lorraine of Hessian, I know, they are gone, but there is a wizard out of their family."

   "We don't want to intensify conflicts, especially now when the pope changes office." The Secretary-General said, "Demons often possess weakened people."

   "You are afraid..."

  "I'm not afraid of anything!" The Secretary-General interrupted Snape. "Besides, there are brothers to protect the safety of the Vatican and the Pontifical."

  "Will the fat monk you mentioned belong to the Waldos?" Gianluca asked Snape, "They are the only heretical sect that has been accused of using witchcraft to this day."

   "I don't know." Snape said, "Waldoists are also hermits?"

   "It has nothing to do with you, wizard." The Secretary-General said blankly.

"Like Saint Anthony, Waldo is one of the wealthy businessmen in Lyon, but in terms of social status, he is just a new rich man. At that time, Lyon and the surrounding area were under the control of the local archbishop. The archbishop and the priests of the church branch share religious and political power. Those priests are all feudal aristocrats. They all hope to obtain material benefits from their status as priests. Indeed, many bishops and priests have gained wealth by hunting wizards. Gianluca looked into the eyes of the secretary-general and said, "There are some bishops who are very corrupt and depraved."

   "But he gave up his wealth but didn't see him buying peace, he was still accused of heresy." Snape said.

  "If exorcists are to be trained, who will train them?" Gianluca asked.

  "I can't answer you." The Secretary-General leaned back in his chair and said, "I'm just a little parish priest. This question is not something people of my level can know."

"During the famine, Waldo spent three days a week distributing food to people in need. One day he heard a bard recite a very popular French poem in a crowd. This poem is about a man named The story of the businessman of Alexis who gave up his family and property and lived as a dervish to live an apostolic Christian life. No one can be a slave to two masters, you cannot serve money and God at the same time, and join Waldo The Lombards of the sect say that, and there is a rumor."

   "That's just a rumor, not really!" said the secretary-general, "stop it, young man."

   "I want to hear." Snape said to Gianluca, the Secretary-General was indifferent to this, as if he couldn't hear what they were saying.

"The bard is the savior himself, and Waldo is the thirteenth apostle." Gianluca said. "The Waldos only obey God and don’t have to obey people. Anyone can follow the instructions of Matthew’s Gospel. The preaching, even the peace and women, do not need the authorization of the church. This touched the authority of the church, and went further and further away from the church. Finally, the Waldos were excommunicated by Pope Lucius III and included in the heresy. Ranks."

   Snape blew a frivolous whistle, "He equated himself with Peter, both are apostles?"

   "It was a crazy era." Gianluca said, "The wealth gap is serious, and the wealth of society is largely in the hands of church members. As an unstated businessman, it is normal to be dissatisfied with the church."

   "If Christ returns, it will be the time for the final judgment."

   "You said it yourself, it's like living in hell." Gianluca said, "The final judgment is over. Maybe this is what **** looks like."

  Snape looked at the scenery outside the window. Venice under the blue sky and white clouds looked beautiful. How could it be hell?

   "It's nonsense." He said as he closed his earplugs and listened to the spell "Really nonsense."

  (End of this chapter)

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