Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 848: in the world

   Chapter 848

  Boys can gamble, even if they owe a debt and have to wear masks to avoid creditors, girls can’t.

  There is a small casino on the second floor of the palace, which is different from the Soul Casino. The bet is money.

  Compared with the noisy first floor, the second floor is much quieter and overlooks the entire garden.

  There are many young people who are hide-and-seek in the garden, or fool around in the dark corners, they are not wary at all.

  These people shouldn't be what they are in the daytime. Instead, they are well-dressed, calm and self-controlling, and look like an elite in the industry.

  Unconsciousness is different from consciousness. It will not be dominated by consciousness, but consciousness will be controlled by unconsciousness.

  The unconscious world is similar to insanity, and modern “rationality” is too far away from the roots of mankind, and the road behind naivety will go higher and higher, just like real estate, which only rises and does not fall.

  Once the Federal Reserve's low-interest loans stop supply, the US housing market, the bubble that was blown to cover up the Internet bubble, will also burst, and it will enter a vicious circle at that time.

  Not only are low- and middle-income families losing their fixed residences and wandering on the streets, but high-income groups are also unlucky.

  Watching these people carnival is like watching the last squandering when the end is coming.

   "I often secretly imagine that if there is a heaven, it should be like a library, but it seems that their understanding of heaven is different from mine." She looked at the young men and women who were laughing.

   "If the ship is about to sink, normal people will be anxious." Severus took a sip of champagne and said, "What is the portrait of the person who is looking at the ship and is still having fun?"

  "Aren't you going to find the devil?"

   "No need. I need to tell the pastor that there is no devil. No one believes it anyway. Why bother?" He smiled contemptuously and said, "Mary, why is the girl by this name always so annoying."

  She thought he was talking about the Mary who instilled "to marry a rich man" in Lily, but because of the current situation, people do not believe in wizards on the surface, but secretly studying witchcraft is directly related to Mary II of England.

   was the first in the UK to withdraw the religious inquisition. It seemed rational, but in fact it was torn down.

  Venice dropped all charges of wizards but did not withdraw the religious inquisition. The so-called interrogation is a mere formality, but it is completely different from the direct withdrawal.

   "I don't understand her logic." Pomona said inexplicably "What is she thinking?"

"When slaughter becomes legal, human cruelty will also be activated." Severus said calmly. "The Dark Lord acquiesced to Bella's gang to kill Muggles, just like Mary II acquiesced to Muggle hunting. Kill the wizard, maybe she is afraid of being hunted as a witch."

   "No wonder there were so many silent in the Middle Ages." Pomona said with great pain.

  Silently is the product of the ultimate loss of control through extreme suppression of magic power. The little wizard must hide his extraordinary place. Once he behaves differently from ordinary people, he will be regarded as a wizard, or a child of the devil, and be reported by his neighbors.

  This concept has been implanted in the subconscious. Even if you know that wearing a mask will protect yourself and reduce the risk of pneumonic plague spread by droplets in the air, people will still not wear it.

  Not wearing a mask is a collective unconscious memory left over from the Middle Ages, a primitive instinct. It is just a possibility. It is accumulated in the human brain tissue structure in a form of ambiguous memory, which can be awakened and activated under certain conditions. Jung believes that the primitive image accumulated in the "collective unconscious" is the source of artistic creation.

  Doctor Beak is portrayed as the image of death. He is eye-catching when he appears in the crowd, just like a marked Cain. People ran away when they saw him.

  It enables people to see or hear primitive images or distant echoes of human primitive consciousness, and form an epiphany and produce a sense of beauty.

  Reaper is cool, isn’t it? At least it's much cooler than Cupid, who is wearing diapers and shooting arrows everywhere.

  Unconsciousness belongs to a deeper level in human psychological structure, and is the most true and essential part of human psychological structure.

   Killing can bring food, this "reward" mechanism is the same as the Paplov effect.

  In Martina’s humanity experiment, two men aimed their guns at Martina and it was achieved at the instigation of a woman in the audience.

  Man will subconsciously please women. This woman may be the mother, or the object he desires to have intimate contact with.

  Women like Rococo style, male nobles wear wigs and colorful silk coats.

  Women like to see the rich aristocrats being ripped apart, and there will be executions by executioners.

A woman will be jealous because others are better off than herself. Killing those rich people is like "hunting" and get their wealth. She doesn't care whether the rich man deserves his sin or is implicated innocent. Human beings are not equal. The origin is animal, like a mouse utopia, the origin is bad, and the tributaries are bad. At this time, no matter how rich the rich can speak, the mob will not listen.

  Why do you want to increase the price of food during the famine?

  The speculator who failed to control his desire not only killed himself, but also killed innocent people.

  Why do people hate speculators? The path of fair competition will be slower, and the path of opportunism will be faster, but this path gets narrower and narrower, and there is no way to go.

Looking back, they were surrounded by "werewolves" who were recruited by their usual squandering and luxurious life. At this moment, they have no legal restrictions. Some are just greedy in nature. If they can't win, they will be devoured. Civilized means are gone. used.

  Even the wizard was so scared that he would use an invisibility spell to pretend that he had been beheaded. What other methods do other people have?

The king’s army himself was robbed. Napoleon used cannons to shoot indiscriminately. The powerful force of thunder can wake up the rioters. Machine guns are useless. They must be able to make a loud noise. Cannon of the **** of war.

  Venice was "baptized" by the Austrians with cannonballs, and the Venetians who finally proposed reforms gave in, allowing the Austrians to dig wide canals, tear down their houses, and decorate the Austrian palace.

  Gamblers and speculators are sometimes easily confused. People can’t be so greedy that they want everything. Now that you have received benefits, why bother to take up your fame and not even give others a sense of superiority in IQ?

  I want to be famous and profitable. I have both fish and bear's paws. I want everything. What do others eat if I take it all?

  Bulimia is the desire to eat anything. It is the opposite of anorexia. Many women suffer from anorexia in order to maintain their bodies, and there are also more women who suffer from bulimia than men.

  There are two main reasons for this symptom group. One is the force majeure to force oneself to eat more. For example, in the Big Stomach King competition, there are bonuses for winning the championship. The second is trying to vomit yourself to avoid weight gain.

  Unsightly eating will be attributed to one of the seven deadly sins. The original sin is inherent, but the sin is acquired.

   After eating the fruit of the tree of distinguishing good and evil, I understood what sin is, and it also brought a sense of guilt and shame. It is useless to condemn anyone who has no sense of guilt.

  Will the rich feel guilty for depriving the poor of their wealth and happy life, the time spent with their families, and the time to think?

  So the poor have no sense of false accusations against the rich and the torture and killing of the rich during the French Revolution.

Reason needs to be thought to arise. If you don’t give others time to think, there will be some fools who can easily rule, but this kind of enslaved peace can easily be shaken by major events such as plagues and natural disasters. Who would be so sick to condemn the French Revolution as unjust, so It is reasonable for the poor to kill the rich in the eyes of the majority of the poor.

  When Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty attacked the Xiongnu, the poor died for the country. Why did the rich refuse to donate money?

  The famine occurred during the French Revolution. Why didn’t the rich donate money so that everyone could tide over the difficulties together, instead they continued to live their own "happy little life", worrying about love?

  When everyone is good, it doesn’t matter if you have luxury. The world has changed, and social conflicts have accumulated to a certain extent. If you go through this way, you will be dead. No one can help you.

  Reincarnation in China said that she can only wish those “lucky ones” to have such good luck in the next life.

Luck is a law, and how this law is still to be studied. The person who masters the law must be the luckiest, but this person is not in the world. In heaven, Christians call it "God" in order to gain its preference. Even one's own son can be sacrificed, and brothers can be mutilated.

Changes in weather will cause food production to decrease and livestock to freeze to death. Plato once said: A group of cavemen who have never left the caves live in caves all year round. The only common thing in their eyes is their own shadow, so they believe that the only thing in the world Only these shadows exist.

  One day, someone finally asked, where did these shadows come from? After thinking about it, he turned his body and suddenly saw the flames shining from the figure, and he was taken aback. Then he tried to get out of the cave, he was even more surprised! The bright and colorful world outside is so dazzling, it makes him like a treasure. After thinking about it, he came to the conclusion that the world was originally like this, and their previous ideas were all wrong. The caveman thought of his companions in the cave and determined to persuade them to come to a bright and beautiful world, so he returned to the cave. But none of his companions believed his statement and pointed to the shadows and said that there is nothing else in the world except these shadows.

  Finally they killed this alien companion.

   "In this age when eating is to live, but not to eat", telling some people that the eternal theme of human beings is "eating" and no one will believe it.

  After all, they didn’t know what it was like for the sailors to draw a lot of life and death because there was no food on the ship full of gold coins.

  Gold is not edible. When silver is as rare as gold, people sometimes kill for it. Later, silver is found more and it is worthless.

  There is only a small amount of golden sand or gold nuggets in a large bucket of river bottom silt. The talents are all left after the big waves washed the sand. He blinded himself and took the inferior copper as a treasure. Who was it strange that he lost the gold?

  Sand can’t make transparent glass. It must be the ashes of the plant Salicornia. This is the secret recipe of the strict blockade of Venice. With it, human history has been rewritten.

  The big difference between the cultures of nomads and farming peoples is food. Food makes people understand that they are humans, not gods.

  She understands Muggle’s curiosity about witchcraft, but she doesn’t think witchcraft should be as popular as compulsory education. In the future, she will strictly control Muggle students to prevent them from divulging their knowledge to Muggles.

Dorcas Twelve Trees made everything she knew as public as possible. Because of this serious leak, the Ilvermony School of Witchcraft and Wizardry was almost relocated. She didn’t want Hogwarts to be forced out as well. .

  (End of this chapter)

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