Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 849: Man playing the flute

   Chapter 849

  When architects design high-rise buildings, they must first survey the ground to see if they can bear the weight of the building.

  Venice’s buildings rely on driving in wooden piles to build a flashy city on the lagoon.

  The country needs an army, but Venice uses mercenaries. The success of the navy reflects the failure of the army, but that refers to group operations. Venice’s alleys are like mazes, which are very suitable for street fighting.

  The Austrians chose to use cannonballs instead of rifles for a certain reason. Those intricate streets will absorb troops like sponges.

In countries where the seasons change fiercely, people wear clothes with good quality and simple styles. In countries where they are only dressed for decoration, their clothes will be more luxurious. Almost all aristocratic women live in a very comfortable environment. Their clothes are very comfortable. Luxurious, this is completely different from the clothes worn by female guerrillas.

  The same is true for houses. In cold northern Europe, ordinary houses are designed to keep warm. The cabins on the Alps are also very simple, while the palaces in Venice are very luxurious, with many shiny windows.

  In order to show the wealth, the United Kingdom will put meat on the table, while the rich Italian table is filled with sweets and flowers.

Food can give people happiness. People who have eaten brown bread for a long time suddenly have a piece of chocolate to eat, and they will feel the feeling of happiness. If they take away their right to eat chocolate, the poor ghost will be aroused "fighting", or oneself Strive hard to become rich, or join the revolution and overthrow feudalism and the bourgeoisie. Robbery is always easier than starting a business.

  Louis XV was more extravagant than Louis XVI, but the civilians did not riot while he was in power.

  Why is Louis XVI so much unlucky than Fifteen?

  This is mainly due to a car accident. Jean Jacques Rousseau was hit by a carriage while walking. The perpetrator drove away and Rousseau had to pay for the medical expenses.

That can be understood as an unsuccessful assassination. Rousseau's thesis was very seditious among the poor. This kind of "apostate" thinking is just different from the "obedience" that the church and aristocrats want. Rousseau shook the foundation of the Palace of Versailles. .

For this kind of person, if you don’t use it for me, you will kill it. Rousseau’s accident happened two years after the death of Louis XV. He was already excluded from the circle of nobility at that time. There are many beautiful things outside of the caveman who was killed. Don't bother to decorate the house and clothes.

  The problem is that none of the other cavemen believed his statement. They did not directly kill Rousseau, but used another method to drive him to ruin, just like they did to other civilians.

Pomona has no appetite for the delicacies placed on the tyrant’s table. Muggle nobles and wizard nobles are similar. They are discussing some inside information that they know but others don’t know, or new ways to make money. Women discuss fashion and Gossip.

  She is very new to the Internet, but it is probably a place to speak freely, and everyone does not need their real names, and can hide their identity like a mask.

  As long as they hide in the crowd, people dare to do things that they usually don’t dare to do. When a riot broke out in 1310, a woman threw a flower pot from the window and killed the flag bearer.

There are many layers of houses in Venice. Who knows who threw it in the dark, it is guilty to start a rebellion, and the flag is even less confident when the flag is down. The power of the group needs to be gathered to be strength. This kind of cohesion does not necessarily mean gathering. It may also be scattered in various houses, such as guerrillas fighting together against invaders.

  The Internet has become a channel for people to vent their negative emotions. Anyway, others don’t know who is behind the pseudonym.

In the silent spiral theory, when people express their thoughts and opinions, if they see that the opinions they agree with are widely welcomed, they will actively participate in it, and such opinions will be published and spread more boldly; No one or few people pay attention to opinions, and sometimes there will be encounters in groups, even if they agree with it, they will remain silent.

  The power in this field is so great that people don’t dare to study it at all.

  Most individuals will try to avoid isolation caused by holding certain attitudes and beliefs alone. Because of fear of isolation, he was reluctant to express his views.

There is no such restriction on the Internet. No one agrees that he vented his negative emotions. Some agreed that he was more proud. If he scolded a sinner who everyone thought he was guilty, it would be even more different, just like Kepler’s mother card. Tarina, people think that "trial her" is to uphold justice. If Kepler hadn't defended his mother and used impeccable reasoning and arguments to prove the false accusation, his mother would have died in the hands of neighbors.

No one would give the remote control of a nuclear bomb to a lunatic. The Muggle world is not normal now. She doesn’t mind dealing with Muggles like Mrs. Evans and the young people she met in Venice. She just can’t deal with the chaotic ones. People communicate.

  If Pomona directly said that Muggle students were restricted from enrolling, she would definitely be regarded as a pure-blood with Slytherin. She didn't want to be targeted by others.

  When eating enough food becomes a problem, people will be so concerned about the food problem, and they will pursue other things when they are full.

  Disrespect peasants, soldiers, worship the rich and extravagant. In this climate, no one pays attention to agriculture. Italians will praise college students who study agriculture, and their employment is not a problem.

  Managing cattle to make them grow meat and produce milk is also a technology. The price of top wagyu is amazing, and it is also a luxury item. The average person can't afford it. The annual salary of one million euros is not a big problem.

  Pan, the shepherd god, wants to play the flute for the cattle and sheep he grazes. He also listens to the symphony. Only when he is relaxed can he have "snow meat". This kind of "consumables" spends more money than real estate.

  The houses of the ancient Egyptians did not have a ceiling at all, so that the moonlight at night can save money on lamp oil.

The fundamental interest entanglement between feudal masters and capitalists is the relationship between man and land. In feudalism, farmers mainly cultivated land. Capitalists asked farmers to enter cities and work in factories. The land was used for urbanization and building factories. Industrial wastewater polluted the land and fresh water and became unusable. .

Venice’s water was polluted by the sewage from the industrial zone. The microorganisms died. It was still sinking. It was only improved after various bans. The result of the implementation of these bans was that people’s lives returned before the Industrial Revolution. The life of the nobles in the old palace envied by these 21st century upstarts.

  Speaking of animal husbandry, if you only think of dirty cowsheds and **** slaughterhouses, no one thinks it is beautiful.

  But when it comes to sunny afternoons, gurgling creeks, green meadows, cattle and sheep grazing, and an ugly-looking monster with a sheep head playing a flute that no one can understand, the feeling is different.

   Mu Shen is often misunderstood. He was once misunderstood as a devil, but now he is despised.

Pomona feels that there is a generation gap between herself and Muggles, not to mention other wizards. It is the best way to divert attention. It just happens that pure blood has the privilege. Eliminating pure blood and Muggle inequality can be the main "struggle". the goal.

  She would not hand the "machine gun" into the hands of a madman. She was crazy to sacrifice a living person in order to obtain supernatural power.

"Do you believe that mice will be hypnotized?" Severus asked. "There was a rat infestation in a small town, and the whole town was helpless, so I planned to abandon the city and flee. At this time, a plaque-clothed piper appeared. He said he could clear the mice, but To be paid a sum of money."

  "I know this story. In the end, the townspeople didn't pay him. He played the flute again and called the mouse back." Pomona said, "It was a wonderful story. Why did it end in such a cruel way."

"Many marriages have a wonderful beginning, but the result is not perfect. Let's leave the other people's business alone?" Severus smiled and said, "I saw a vampire passing by just now. Aren't you doing vampire research? With him? How about a chat?"

   "How do you know he is a vampire?"

   "Because, the way he looks at humans is the same as when a human sees food." Severus took her arm and said, "Let's go and meet."

  (End of this chapter)

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