Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 870: Coachman in the afterlife

  Chapter 870 The Coachman in the Afterlife

  Every local person likes to ask outsiders a question: "Do you like our city?"

  Of course, an outsider will say "I like it, this is the best city I have ever been to." If he doesn't say that, it will not only be annoying, but may also be beaten.

  Oxford is a well-known livable city. This university city is famous for its monuments all over the country, but commercial enterprises in every corner of the city have made the city commercialized.

North Oxford is not bad, but other places are flooded with modern buildings. The superintendent's dormitory at Merton College looks like a toaster with long windows, and the administrative office building at Wellington Square looks like a concrete monster. This view may be because she is really not interested in cold modernism, and others think it is OK. From her personal point of view, the two university cities of Oxford and Padua are far apart.

  After taking a shower, the Dean of Slytherin applied an extended curse to the rough leather travel bag she bought today, while she sorted out the miscellaneous things in her pockets to see which ones to put in that space.

  Not all vampires like to design buildings like Giovanni, and there are also Camilla Sanquina who bathe in girl’s blood.

  Poured wine water looks like a bathtub of blood, soaking in it has a kind of depraved feeling.

  Alcohol has the effect of accelerating blood circulation. As soon as the blood accelerates, it will cause the whole body to heat up and increase the body temperature.

  Like adolescent teenagers, doing reckless stupid things.

"I heard from the locals that the'patients' sent to the mental hospital on the island of Povilla are not all real lunatics. It may be that they attended a party that was inconsistent with the mainstream thinking at the time, or was a fight. Being sent to a lunatic asylum, even if you weren't a lunatic at first, you will become a lunatic after being locked in that place for a long time." Severus put on a dark blue silk pajamas and said with wet hair.

   "Merlin's beard." She stopped the movement in her hand and exclaimed, "You mean..."

"After the operation, the'patient' will become very quiet, so it is easy to manage, not only in Venice, but also in other places in Italy, there are such mental hospitals, and the mental hospital on Boville Island is just one of them." Broke her off. "The doctor who performed frontal lobe surgery on someone later jumped off the clock tower, but he was not dead after landing. According to witnesses, the doctor was lying on the ground and writhing in pain, then suddenly he didn’t know. Suddenly there was a cloud of fog. The doctor died when the fog dissipated. The patient and other doctors in the hospital sealed his body in the bell tower with bricks. The locals set up sensors near the island. The alarm is issued, but every year, unrelenting tourists go to the island for expeditions, and some people are on the island today."

   "Then the Venice government will develop that island?"

  "This is a market economy. Someone is willing to buy, but no one can stop it."

  Pomona remembered the American Muggle family that had been attacked, and indeed some people who were not afraid of death would dare to build a holiday villa on that island.

   "Is he suicide?" Pomona asked.

   "Suicide did not happen. I think the clock tower is not high enough, but the fog killed him." He looked at the space in the travel bag "Poor bastard."

   "Can't exorcise demons and spirits on that island?"

   "I believe that is beyond the reach of humans, do you know Silvio Minetta?"

"Who is that?"

   "The richest man in Italy two hundred years ago, he once owned a luxurious manor. Some people say that he once held a ritual of worship in the banquet hall in the basement."

   "It's the set recommended to us by that **** real estate agent, right?" She said angrily.

"The manor was once occupied by the SS and later by the Allies and resistance groups. Now it is abandoned. It imitates the style of Villa Barbaro, except that the guard dog is not a sculpture, but a real one. , That is a terrible dog, many people have been bitten by it."

  "What did you mention him for?"

"The manor was built near the lunatic asylum. After the frontal lobe surgery, the patients were basically waiting to die, but they often did not live that long. Many people died of malnutrition. Instead of letting them waste food and Resources are not as good as other uses."

   "Sacrifice." She calmed down and said shudderingly.

“On the surface, the rich can still donate money to the hospital. The dean and doctors will be tight-lipped after receiving the money. Anyway, they are all waiting to die, and no relatives come to them. The prefrontal lobe surgery is also very risky. They were dead at the time of the operation consent. There are many abandoned luxury estates in Europe, and they do not have to be held in the homes of the participants."

  She didn’t know what to say.

  Mentally patients are also humans, but kind-hearted people think that they should enjoy the respect and lifestyle that a person deserves, while some people understand that they are sacrifices of "human death".

  The little favor given by the richest man in charity is to cover up his true intentions. The poor who have never seen the world think that he is really a philanthropist by donating money for charity, but that little money is of little importance to him.

  As long as you have money, you can hire professional corpse collectors. When you burn them in a crematorium, they will become ashes. You don’t need to bury the girls’ bodies in the forest like St. Quina, they are easily found.

   "Do you want me to have nightmares at night?" She threw a pink thing on him.

   "What is this?" He looked at what was in his hand.

"That is the headless hat from the Weasley trick shop. Wearing it, the head and hat of the wearer will disappear together. It looks particularly like Durahan the headless horseman." She glared at the former Death Eater, and he clearly revealed Disappointed expression, maybe he thought it was her feminine thing.

  The old bat particularly hates pink. Lockhart showed him an expression of pain in the auditorium on Valentine's Day, but he can tolerate her wearing this pink "little thing".

  "Do you think this kind of people should teach them a lesson?" She said a little unhappy.

   "What's your plan?" Severus asked immediately with interest. Who could tell that he used to be like a superintendent, catching students who violated school rules everywhere in the school.

   "Put on this hat and we will pretend to be a headless horseman."

   "Hahaha, you are so funny." He laughed and threw away the pink hat.

"why not?"

"I won't wear it." He tapped the scarab glass ornament removed from the Gucci bag with his magic wand. After a flash of white light, it changed its appearance. It was no longer transparent, but was similar to the scarab in the Pharaoh's tomb. Jewelry is just as colorful.

  Severus joined the Order of the Phoenix without even wearing a hat, let alone a pink hat.

   "They won't say it!" She continued to urge, "If they say they met Durham, others will think they are crazy, you can wear a cool black cloak."

  The old Bat didn't bother her at all. He held up the Gucci bag without the trademark and asked, "How do you solve this?"

  This bag is absolutely authentic, but it depreciates without a trademark.

  Many people buy luxury goods with this trademark, so that it is easy for others to identify. What materials and workmanship cannot be distinguished by their own eyesight, so they need to be sent to specialty stores for identification.

  The shopping guide told her that it could be repaired, but the bag was lost after only a few days of use. What she had to say to fool it.

  This bag is a hassle. When she was shopping that day, she met a thief who knew the goods and was robbed.

  She found Bulgari’s snake bracelet in the flannel bag.

   "Which one do you like?" She put the 7 bracelets in front of him.

   "There is no red?" he asked.

   "I don't think you like red." She muttered.

  Severus likes green, black, and silver. Other colors are reluctant to accept, but Gryffindor’s red and gold can’t stand.

  He lost that bag like a scrap, playing with the blue one, not knowing what he was making.

According to Celtic mythology, Durham is actually the incarnation of the main **** CromDubh in Celtic mythology. He is also known as the king of the mound. In Celtic mythology, he is described as a sun **** and also a god. A **** of fertility.

  Until Christianity began to prevail in Ireland, the belief of this Celtic **** gradually declined, and the ritual of beheading the blood sacrifice was stopped.

  The legend of losing the blood sacrifice made CromDubh very depressed. He was unwilling to be forgotten by the world. He turned into a headless Duraham roaming on the road, calling out the names of those dying, and sucking their souls.

They are male and female, all wrapped in black robes. Regarding Durahan’s mount, one version says Durahan is riding a black tall horse, and the other version says Durahan is riding a horse. A carriage dragged by six black horses.

   Nearly headless Nick wants to join them. These headless knights use hunting for pleasure. Generally speaking, Durham will have a clear goal when starting his journey and will not cause harm to the innocent. But these death messengers also have taboos when performing their duties: that is, they can't stand the sight of others. If a mortal casts eyes on them out of curiosity or other reasons, Durahan will lash his eyes or splash his head with blood, and the marked person will become the next dying person and be chased by them for hunting.

But mortals are not completely powerless in front of these ecstasy messengers. Artifacts made of gold will cause Durahan to have an "unreasonable" fear. Even if it is just a golden needle, they can be driven back. In the dark.

The Celtics believe that the head is the residence of the soul, the throne that contains knowledge, inspiration and prophecy, symbolizing power and divinity, and even has the magic power to resist the invasion of the devil. Therefore, they will treat real human heads or wood-carved and stone-carved dummy heads. Place them in shrines, porches, or wells to pray for shelter and good luck.

  The Celtics like to call themselves "head hunters". They believe that the souls of these beheaded enemies will eventually become members of their own tribe and contribute to their own tribe.

  They are like demons, thinking that the souls of those who are killed will become their own slaves after death.

  If she were to pretend to be Durham, where would she go to find horses and carriages?

  In this era, vehicles are used to travel. There are very few horses. London carriages are used to take pictures and experience for tourists. They are very docile, but they are not horses for headless riders.

  The kind of horses that pull carts are timid and docile, and are not suitable for battle. If it is not scary, it will inevitably be frightened if it is frightened first.

  Pomona remembered the bronze horse of St. Mark's Church. She could use Transfiguration to make it move, and then she could pretend to be the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

If it’s a little cooler, you can find Pegasus. The rune Matthew that pulls the carriage for Boothbarton is too "beautiful" and has no scary effect. Ye Qi is very suitable. Those worshippers of devil who sacrificed by living people should have seen it. Died.

  Money confuses some people, thinking that they are a great person who can trample on the law and humanity, but even if it is the richest man like Minetta, who will remember him after two hundred years.

Only writers, painters, architects, sculptors are remembered, there are saints like Antonio, and people like Copernicus, Galileo, Bruno who dedicated their lives for the advancement of human civilization, and Napoleon." The emperor, although the dwarf who rode a horse to make up for his height defect claimed to be the president wearing a crown.

  The merchants of Venice are very smart, but there are also bankers like the Peruzi family who lend money to the king and eventually cannot get the money back.

  The bankruptcy of Peruzi led to the Great Depression in Europe for more than 100 years, the Hundred Years’ War, the Black Death, and the Witch Hunt movement. These are the dark sides of the art and technological progress of the Renaissance.

  In addition to curiosity, there is another thing that can make people progress, and that is fear. People will do everything they can to survive.

In the face of the Black Death, the Venetians reused Jewish doctors and *** doctors. As long as they were effective, they would dare to do anything, including driving the boat in question to the island of Povilia for isolation. Basically, it was impossible to go on that island. Leaving alive, but isolation is an effective way to curb the spread of the plague.

  Some people should be put in a mental hospital. They cannot be treated specially because they are aristocrats or rich people.

  If the Marquis de Thad hadn’t been locked up in the Bastille at that time, perhaps the ending would have been different.

  According to the truth, there should be many readers for writing **** novels, but the books of Marquis de Thad could not be sold. Instead, Rousseau, who criticized the nobleman, had more readers.

  Sometimes the readers are not in favor of the author as the author thinks.

  The Paris Opera is designed according to eclecticism, but not everyone likes it.

  In Severus’ bag, there was a violin that sealed the souls of six musicians. They didn’t know what the audience wanted to hear.

Good luck can make people rich overnight, but this kind of "luck" is not always there. There are so many writers, composers, painters, sculptors, and performers who are "unlucky" and become a few such as Shakespeare, Mozart, and Titian. , Michelangelo, Paganini's stepping stones.

  The devils believers think that they can summon the devil with death, or they can use witchcraft.

  Becoming a wizard is a kind of talent, just like some people are good at sculpture and painting, this kind of talent is given by God, no matter how much money can not be bought.

In the story collection of Poem Pidou, there is a stupid king in the place where the rabbit Barbite lives. He is a Muggle but wants to get the power of magic. For this reason, he hopes to hire a magician. The result is all Quack liar.

  What if he envy and envy a peasant woman who possesses magic? If you don't learn to accept your fate, you will be calculated by a liar. In the end, it's yourself who is discredited.

  Fate is unfair and harder to accept for those who have been lucky.

  The side effect of long-term drinking of Fu Ling Ji is arrogance. Fortunately, Lily made James taste the frustration and changed it, otherwise he would be as annoying as some "lucky guys".

  James Potter, I don’t know if you will be the same in your next life. You will be born as a child of a rich man.

The insane asylum is true, not the one on the island of Boville, but a concrete house on the edge of the Urbex road in Italy. It used to be a town with several churches nearby. The patients were treated in an extremely inhumane way. Treated, there are some inhumane experiments, recording brain reaction areas through electric shocks, etc. The most pitiful is the orphan inside, AveMaria



  (End of this chapter)

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