Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 871: Still Fantasy

  Chapter 871 Still Fantasy

  Grindelwald once said in a public speech in Paris:

  Magic power only shines on a few people.

  However, many Muggles, like kings in fairy tales, desire superhuman powers, and even sell their souls to the devil.

  But some people chose to genocide wizards. The Second Salem is an American maji fanatic organization dedicated to exposing and eliminating wizards. They have always reminded the world that wizards lived among people. In the early 20th century, they were ignored by them, but they were ignored after the Reformation in the Middle Ages. People generally accept and believe.

  The “witchcraft accusation” was initially directed at the weather. Decades of extreme weather pushed Europe to the brink of doomsday. Many pamphlets left in the Middle Ages show images of witches using weather magic.

The   Small Glacier Period makes winter longer and the time suitable for plant growth is shorter. People in the Alps do not change from planting to grazing.

  After the Black Death occurred again in 1630, it is believed that the spread of the plague was caused by the poisoning of wizards.

  The rumors stop at the wise, but people in panic and group effects are prone to anti-intellectual behavior.

  Groups are prone to emotions, have no reasoning ability, are rarely moved by evidence, and are controlled by strong emotions. Anyone who can move the soul of the masses has fanatical beliefs.

During the First Crusade, there was a "hermit Peter". He was short and dark. He did not eat bread or meat. He only ate fish. He was dressed in ragged clothes and walked barefoot. However, he was such a person, just a few words. Words can inspire others.

During the September tragedy, the Jacobins could line up people who were "not active enough in the revolution" into a square, bombard them with cannons into meat sauce, and pour **** into the mouths of corrupt officials, but there will be no one. Embezzle the victim's property.

  Compared to individuals, groups have a stronger moral purification effect, although the combined effect of these personal moral purifications may be catastrophic.

  Even the role of social images in the purification of group morals in stable conditions exists.

  No one will be untidy in the courtroom. Even the defendant of a violent crime will wear shirts and trousers. No one will go to church in a bikini. If someone does that, they will be taught.

In order to protect themselves and escape from bad luck, the little wizards in the Middle Ages suppressed their magical powers and concealed their special features. However, due to lack of guidance, they did not learn to control and control their own power. The consequences of this over-repression To become a silent one, to be parasitic silently.

  Even Voldemort had a childhood, young wizards are not opponents of Muggles, who are the majority.

Black magic wants to hurt oneself, produce extremely painful emotions emotionally, in order to stimulate potential, produce stronger power than ordinary wizards, this power can easily get out of control, produce extreme emotions such as destruction, killing for pleasure, the possession of the old magic wand Many of them are such people.

  A group can turn a good person into a villain, and it can also turn a villain into a good person.

  Rational individuals have the instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and the personal will caught in the group is extremely compressed. Sometimes the group will do no evil, and sometimes it will be noble and dedicated, regardless of fame and fortune, for honor, for glory, for patriotism.

  In individuals and groups, the intelligence of individuals is higher than that of groups, such as Isaac Newton, but even Newton cannot prevent people from being dazzled by the South China Sea bubble.

A rational individual believes that he can guide those "idiots" who fall into unconscious fanaticism. If his personal views are very different from the values ​​of the group, or even contradictory, even if it sounds reasonable, the group will still be driven by sensibility. Send philosophers like King and Socrates to the guillotine.

The cruelty of    is no different from the cruelty of human groups hunting animals.

No one would say that the French Revolution was injustice. In the July Revolution of 1848, the people and the soldiers and police who came to suppress them became comrades-in-arms, and they captured Charles X’s palace, but they did not take away any works of art. , Even if anything is invaluable, it is enough for them in their lifetime.

  In 1900, the British and French coalition forces invaded the Old Summer Palace. They removed all that could be removed, and burned out the ones that could not. Victor Hugo wrote an article criticizing the consequences of such robbery.

  He is one of the few people who are as sober as Charles Dickens. Dickens looked at those who watched the hanging and bluntly said that the hanging would not act as a deterrent, but instead served as an entertainment.

  Lu Xun once described the scene where the crowd was watching and beheading. Those "spectators" stretched their necks as much as possible. After watching the scene of killing the revolutionary party, they said, "It's so beautiful to beheaded."

  This is actually the same as the fire torture and hanging in Europe. People’s empathy has degraded, and there is no trace of sorrow for the killing.

  In the human nature experiment, Martina was divided into two groups. A group of people prevented Martina from aiming a gun at him, but a group of people yelled, "This is a show."

  Most people hope that they are the first to "awaken", but the results are often not satisfactory.

  Science can play a role in dispelling superstition, but it cannot bear the responsibility of the gods, heroes, and poets to bring hope and fantasy.

  God gave generous promises to do good while alive, go to heaven after death, and enjoy eternal happiness, but the Black Death has shattered this illusion. If you lose hope, you will approach the gates of hell, and people will no longer believe in God.

Science will not lie like a fantasy. He will honestly tell the person who asks "Do you like our city?" What are the shortcomings of his city, whether the sewers are old and need to be rectified, the degree of population density and fire protection problems, Crime rates and traffic jams, as well as employment and industrial policies, answering other people’s questions in this way are not only contributing to the suicide rate.

The public have their own fantasies. They want to hear others express themselves in elegant language. This kind of compliment not only makes people feel more comfortable, but also more confident, and they will be more motivated when working. He feels that he is changing for the city. Better to contribute.

  Living things have shadows and present a three-dimensional shape. Without shadows, it is just a plane illusion, like an ant living in two dimensions.

  If you want to see the dawn of divinity, you need to dig deep into the darkness of human nature. Many Muggles don’t like to get to the bottom. They can easily believe it when they get a printed brochure, and rumors and rumors spread.

Before the printing of Witch’s Hammer, the most evil book in history was divided into three parts regarding the fact that witchcraft staying in the wizard would cause mental problems. The first part is about theological issues, the second part is about practical issues, and the third part is about The issue of legal procedures, it creatively proposed that witchcraft is a real crime, rather than a simple spiritual crime, thus providing a "theoretical basis" for "climate abnormality is due to witches using magic."

   Rousseau put forward "Luxury makes the country sluggish and pursues glitz. Some citizens in the country are reduced to slaves, and all citizens are slaves of public opinion."

Public opinion does not play a supervisory role. Instead, following politicians to tell lies will make the consequences worse. Voldemort is back, but the Daily Prophet slanders Harry Potter as a liar, Albus Dumbledore is an old fool, and Harry is almost caught After dropping out, Dumbledore was almost slandered as a treason, and almost ruined his last support.

  Thanks to Luna Lovegood, although she was crazy, but the copy of "The Contradictory" made many people realize the fact, although many things written in that magazine are nonsense.

Ravenclaw represents the uninhibited element of wind and is also good at climate magic. After Severus used up the expansion spell, she climbed down the rope ladder. Even with the fluorescent flashing, it was still dark and there was nothing. , As if coming to a new universe.

  In Newt’s suitcase, there are many environments with different climates for magical animals to live. Pomona wonders if he realizes that the world in his suitcase is like the creator.

  It’s just that the Creator has created galaxies, stars, and planets, and he has created microclimates one after another.

   "What do you think? Is the space large enough?" Severus asked, standing "upstairs," echoing echoes in the darkness.

   "Fantastic." She was so admired that she held her wand and let a long candle float in the air.

  In fact, she even wanted to use Gupley's fairy fire, but it was a very deep magic, even Fei Liwei didn't know how to use it, only a fire mage like Albus Dumbledore could master it.

  In fact, the earth is like a moth surrounding a fire. It’s close in summer, too hot, and it’s cooler in winter, but it’s too far and too cold, so it approaches like a moth again.

  No matter how she hates Ravenclaw, the floating candles in the auditorium and the ceiling that is the same as the weather outside are the most profound reflections of every newcomer to Hogwarts.

  Extraordinary wisdom is the greatest wealth of mankind.

  Each book is actually a world, and the author is the creator of this world. The consequences of angering the creator are very serious.

  No one can stop the sun from outputting heat.

  There will be light and darkness. She looked up at the candle that floated like the sun and couldn't help feeling grateful. It was so happy to be a wizard.

   嘤嘤嘤, I am a Muggle who believes in magic



  (End of this chapter)

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