Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 872: Dark brother

   Chapter 872 Dark Brother

  In 1485, Florence thrived under the rule of the Medici family. The loan shark that made them fortune has developed into the banking and financial industry, and they have become the richest man in Florence.

  However, their extravagant lifestyle has aroused the dissatisfaction of Gilolamo Savonarola, who is the pastor of the Convent of San Marco in Florence.

He is a monk of the Dominican church. He criticized the corruption of the Pope and the church when preaching, exposed the brutal rule of the Medici family in Florence, opposed the arrogance of the rich, advocated the reform of social morality, and advocated a religious life. Won the support of civilians.

  He served as the abbot of the Convent of St. Mark in 1491. In 1494, King Charles VIII invaded Italy, the Medici family surrendered, and Savonarola became the spiritual leader of the urban civilian uprising.

After driving away the Medici family, he led the religious reform in 1497, burning jewels, luxury goods, gorgeous clothes and so-called depraved books in the square, including Dante, Ovid, Boccaccio, and banning secular music. Promote chants and reform the city's administrative management and taxation system.

  The Pope Alexander VI at the time was planning to buy him with a red hat of the cardinal, but he called the Pope of the Borgia family "the representative of Satan." In the same year, the Pope expelled Savonarola’s membership. In April 1498, the Pope and the Medici family used the famine to instigate the masses to attack the Convent of San Marco.

  The Republic of Florence failed, and Savonarola was charged with fischerism and heretical fanaticism, and was executed by fire in downtown Florence.

The secular church is actually not as extreme as ordinary people think. It burns books and tortures at every turn. After the Crusades, many Greek and Roman books were harvested. One of them is the sand counter. The Vatican has Greek manuscripts in its collection. But not everyone can read this book.

  If you want to read the church’s collection, you must become a monk, let alone a woman. The church’s monopoly of knowledge has indeed hindered the progress of the times, and it has also blocked some people who should not master knowledge for evil.

The jury system is almost useless. It is used by judges to share responsibilities. These jury members come from various classes and occupations. It may be Wall Street financial analysts and elderly people living alone in a room to discuss a young man. Didn't really kill his father with a spring dagger.

  Although all the evidence proves that the young man is guilty, as long as the jury finds him innocent, he will be acquitted.

  Groups are prone to emotions. If a woman pretends to be miserable, some people will inevitably be soft-hearted.

  The same is true for a young man. Empathy and sympathy will affect the jury’s judgment, but if the severity of the case affects themselves, they will definitely be punished severely.

  There is no jury in the religious court. There are many villagers who form a group to accuse a "witch" as a jury. It is the judge's responsibility if the verdict is wrong.

  People’s misunderstanding of the religious court may have come from the Protestant revolution and the resulting hostility between Protestantism and Catholicism.

  By the middle of the 16th century, Spain became the richest and most powerful country in Europe. Protestant regions in Europe including the Netherlands, northern Germany, and England may not be able to match them militarily, but they have a powerful new weapon: the printing press.

  The Spaniards defeated the Protestants on the battlefield, but they lost the propaganda war, and the Protestants attacked the religious inquisition.

  Countless books and pamphlets poured out from the printing press in the north, accusing the Spanish Empire of the degraded humanity and terrible atrocities in the New World. Prosperous Spain is portrayed as a dark, ignorant and evil place. The Pope Jon even aroused the sympathy and indignation of women.

  In that propaganda battle, Catholicism lost to Protestantism. Coupled with courts that are good at getting rid of responsibility, the Protestant country appears to be very advanced.

  Smashing all the traditions and newly built modernism is like getting rid of all the important legions. At the beginning, it may be able to advance by leaps and bounds. The longer it is, the less strength it will become.

  Greed is an original sin, maybe tomorrow, maybe next year, maybe ten years later. When the Federal Reserve stops low-interest loans, the housing bubble in the United States will burst, and the low- and middle-income class at the bottom will lose their money, and they will live on the streets after being taken away by the bank.

  Capitalists don’t care about the life and death of civilians. They only care about their own interests. Even if there is a nuclear explosion in the world, they have bunkers to hide.

  There are many kinds of lies, some are harmless, some are harming nature, but these people are cunning enough to avoid natural or man-made disasters every time, but innocent people are implicated by them.

Marx pointed out in "Das Kapital": "If there is 10% profit, capital is guaranteed to be used everywhere; if there is 20% profit, capital will become active; if there is 50% profit, capital will take risks; for 100% profit , Capital dares to trample on all human laws; with 300% profit, capital dares to commit any crime, even risking its head."

  Crazy for this reason, maybe the capitalists can make money by digging a grave for themselves and they don’t care. The cause of the French Revolution was the soaring food prices, causing "dissatisfaction" among the citizens. The poor were hungry and malnourished. The rich also wore wigs and powdered their faces in the salon. The speculators simply ignored them. This resentment continued. Accumulation, the final quantity changes to a qualitative change, like a wild horse running out of control.

The human mind has many aspects. Literary works are actually swimming in the individual unconscious and collective unconscious. Those successful works can often hit people's hearts and arouse violent emotional resonance among readers. The "literary works" written by him are channels for the author to express his emotions. , It is also the carrier that bears the collective unconsciousness.

Why is the **** novel written by the Marquis de Sade not as popular as Jean Jacques Rousseau's book?

  Sex is also unconscious. The answer can be found by spending a little money on prostitutes. Rousseau’s paper reveals the origin of human inequality, allowing people under oppression to understand many previously unintelligible problems.

Before the advent of new media such as radio and television, newspapers were the main propaganda tool.

In times of turmoil, newspapers are a weapon for partisan struggle, and in peaceful times, they are the spice of life. Cheap newspapers for the common people are full of soft texts, while newspapers for the bourgeoisie are much more expensive and lack fancy typesetting. There are not so many strange stories and love affairs.

  Another feature of cheap newspapers is that they have a lot of advertisements. People have more knowledge about hygiene, health, food, clothing, and family, and there is less law and politics.

  The spiritual component of each nation carries the law of his destiny. It is simply a mysterious force, which is related to the entire evolutionary process of the nation.

The architects before Palladio also had a groping process. They made many problems that seemed naive later, but these people were explorers in the dark unknown. After their enlightenment, Pa Radio went to Rome to see those ancient buildings, and only then did he have an architectural style that influenced the whole of Europe.

  It is not easy to pierce through the chaos, face many failures before succeeding, and some people even fail all the time.

   People only live once, but they want to stick to their dreams after failing all the time. Wagner experienced how bad this feeling is in Paris.

   Fortunately, he met Ludwig, a very rich sponsor.

In the days of Madame Pompadour, Venice already had a score printing machine, but with it, Rousseau and Wagner would not be able to make ends meet by copying scores.

  In addition to works of art, there are artists who need to be protected, but in the Phantom of the Opera, the rich only want to fool around with beautiful ballerinas, and their understanding of art is at this level.

  They don’t lack anything in their family, except that they lack virtue. Good sex, Christine and her friends are protected, otherwise they will be harassed like other actresses.

In the most intense decade of the Reformation, the radical reformers denied that ghosts and gods possess material power, thus denying the concept of demonology of witchcraft. The literature on demonology ceased to spread, even the best-selling book "The Witch's Hammer" The sound is gone.

  But will the devil disappear with those books?

In the pink dawn of Venice, Pomona leaned against the lifeless square window and looked out at the Adriatic Sea. It was rising a little with the climate change, and when it was higher than Lido Island one day, even if Moses The plan worked, and Venice would still sink to the bottom of the sea.

  It will become the second Atlantis. People who follow will be as curious as people today. Why did it sink? But at that time, how many people recognized the current text?

    Someone once said that GCZY is the last dream of mankind. It is powerful because of its vitality. But now I only see a dead body. After burning old books, smashing museums, and tearing up all the old calligraphy and paintings, what is left of the great dream? What is raging on the ruins?



  (End of this chapter)

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