Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 889: Ring the bell

   Chapter 889

   After the Reformation, the Protestant churches, apart from the extermination of the bishop, also simplified the Seven Sacraments into two, leaving only baptism and the sacrament.

  In addition, Calvin also prohibited Protestants from reciting the Rosary, not allowed to worship the Virgin Mary, and Mass became a sermon.

  The Protestant monk's sermon is like a stew, mixed with humor, comics, and jokes of big people, and the mass ceremony is full of solemnity.

  Protestantism insists on the absolute authority of the "Bible" and opposes the authority of the Pope while establishing its own authority.

  Luther once named the Virgin Mary as a Christian "spiritual mother". There are two kinds of believers in the church, one is believers with spiritual life, and the other is believers with worldly life.

Spiritual believers believe that all human actions cannot hide from God's eyes. God will reward and punish people fairly, instead of following secular pursuits and opinions. What they pursue is peace of mind and the qualification to go to heaven for eternal life after death. .

  Secularity is the part that belongs to the secular, such as the pursuit of money, fame and fortune, and the indulgence of lust.

  Martin Luther believes that the Virgin Mary’s first birth is immaculate, and her soul is not contaminated by original sin.

  The secular questioned this point. Without male intervention, how can a woman get pregnant? This is against the common sense of biology.

  The extreme Romans said: "Erasmus lays eggs, and Luther hatches them."

  The relationship between Luther and Calvin is also similar to one laying eggs and one incubating eggs.

  Erasmus is a peacekeeper, and the reforms he expects are limited to internal reforms.

  Martin Luther regarded the entire medieval theology and the balance between the ability of its propagandists and the revelation of God to be completely abolished, especially the issue of the atonement, which was even more vigorously criticized.

  People at the time believed that the key to the kingdom of heaven was in the hands of the church. Before a person enters heaven, he must wash away all the crimes committed during his lifetime. What they fear most is the punishment in purgatory after death, so they believe that they can go to heaven as long as they use the indulgence coupons, and that an indulgence roll can shorten the punishment in purgatory after death. The atonement voucher can be purchased in the church, so the church and the pastor at that time were very rich. Martin Luther found that such statements and practices are completely incompatible with the Bible and reason. The buying and selling of indulgences encourages those who are in sin to not think about Christ or pray for forgiveness from God.

   Calvinism advocates getting rich, supports commerce and loan sharks, advocates thrift, restrains desires, and encourages accumulation of funds. It is said that all this is for the sake of God and the salvation of the soul.

Calvin’s "The Essentials of Christianity" is not only a masterpiece, but also a masterpiece among the masterpieces. It has profoundly affected the history of the West, and thus the entire history of mankind. The accumulation of wealth is reasonable and legal, and private property is sacred Violation of this article has become the core foundation of capitalism.

To this day, capitalism has moved towards that the whole life of a person is to live to accumulate wealth. A person’s value is equal to his personal wealth accumulation, and a person’s social status is related to his wealth. All the people on the rich list are " "Hero", "Legend" and a model for young people to learn.

  There is no problem logically, but as Marx said: Capital has been filthy since its birth.

With 50% profit, the capitalist takes the risk; for 100% profit, he dares to trample all human laws; with 300% profit, he dares to commit any crime, even risking his head hanging. danger.

  The pursuit of wealth by capitalists is crazy and reckless. Saint Augustine said, “Without compassion, faith can exist, but it is meaningless.”

  The little favor of the capitalists for charity is to approve the hypocritical white robe. They not only want profit, but also power and fame.

  However, they are still mortals after all, although they have long forgotten that, a person is not omnipotent, and he cannot be an architect, a doctor, and a violinist.

  But he feels that he is very smart, and all of these are competent. If others are better than him, it is not his problem. The first thing he does is to suppress them, because only he can be a "winner."

  He doesn't listen to the opinions of experts, so he insists on going his own way.

  If such a person is in power, the result is almost predictable. He despises the power of ordinary people, including the right to life.

  If the president in the movie the day after tomorrow did not listen to Jack’s opinion and would not allow the Americans to evacuate, then more people would die.

  In his eyes, money is more important than human life. People can regenerate if they are gone. If money is gone, what should be done?

  He feels ashamed and insulted when he has no money. As long as he has money, it doesn’t matter how he gets scolded. It is just a jealous complaint of "loser" and "lemon spirit". He is totally unaware that he needs to repent.

  Protestants have a low perception of sin, but they at least know that they advocate thrift and restrain desire.

Consumerism has even thrown away the last advocacy of thrift and restraint. Every day, it’s like a carnival, using up today and tomorrow, and not thinking about what to do the day after tomorrow, leaving nothing for children and grandchildren. Think about it.

  Sometimes human beings criticize social Darwinism, but they don’t think they act according to this standard.

  Erasmus was once invited to be a lecture professor at Cambridge University. He once wrote this famous saying in Latin:


  I hope that fate will grant me the same degree of freedom, just as nature has given me.

  What kind of people should be eliminated? A person with weak brain power may be good at coordinating group relations; a person with weak social skills may create mathematical theories such as game theory.

  In a diverse environment, the measurement standards are also abundant, but if you don’t have money, you can look down on the disease, and the poor are "naturally eliminated".

  For example, a writer who does not want to write literary works that are too mundane, but a capital operator, but for the purpose of making money, let him write works that meet the needs of the public.

Conan Doyle wanted to write historical novels, but the public wanted to see Sherlock Holmes. Without income, he had to "resurrect" the dead Sherlock Holmes, and then came up with "The Hound of Baskerville", which is full of horror elements. The novel too.

  Erasmus' thoughts not only influenced Martin Luther, but also Rabelais.

  He spent a free and happy childhood in his father’s manor. Later, like all boys, he was sent to the monastery to go to school.

  The monk’s life was stereotyped and boring, full of the constraints of clear rules and precepts. He was tired of crookedness a long time ago, and later began to learn Greek, and to understand the ancient culture of Greece and Rome through Greek.

In Greek mythology, it was Titans, not Gods, who created the world. At that time, the monastery opposed the study of ancient culture and believed that studying Greek was a pursuit of heretical doctrines. Therefore, the monastery seized all the books of Rabelais, and Rabelais replaced them in anger. A monastery.

  In the new monastery, he was fortunate to meet a host who also liked ancient culture, and they were old acquaintances, Rabelais was finally free to study ancient culture. Later, Rabelais followed the archbishop to Rome, visited Italy, the birthplace of the Renaissance, visited many celebrities and monuments, learned religion, philosophy, mathematics, phonology, law, archaeology, astronomy and many other knowledge, and finally became an erudite. People.

  At the age of 36, Rabelais entered the university to study medicine, but it took him only two months to obtain a bachelor's degree and become a physician.

  During this period, he published the novel "The Giant" under the pseudonym of Narsier. After the book was published, it was warmly welcomed by the urban bourgeoisie and the lower classes of society.

  The first "Story of Gaokang" takes Gao Kangda, the father of Pangda Guai, as the protagonist of the novel. Gao Kangda’s mother was pregnant for eleven months. On the day of delivery, she ate too much cow intestines and applied an astringent. Unexpectedly, the drug was too strong. As a result, the coating was broken, and the child got drilled. Enter the aorta through the diaphragm and shoulder, and drilled out of the left ear. When he landed, he didn't cry like other babies, but yelled: "Drink! Drink! Drink!"

Gao Kangda is an out-and-out "giant baby". He eats the milk of more than 17,000 cows a day. He has grown an 18-layer chin when he is less than two years old. You have to use nearly ten thousand yards of velvet. From three to five years old, his life is to drink, eat, and sleep; eat, sleep, and drink; sleep, drink, and eat.

  Gao Kangda’s father has invited many teachers to teach Gao Kangda, but the more he learns, the more foolish he gets. Lost and blunt. In the end, Daduliang had to decide to let Gao Kangda go to Paris to study. He was very popular in Paris, and everyone followed him closely. Forcing him to go to the bell tower of the Notre Dame Church for a while, picking the bell of the Notre Dame Church as a horse bell, causing a commotion throughout the city.

  The mosque has a minaret, and the bell tower of the diocese is the community symbol of the diocese. The bell on the bell tower can not only be used to warn, but also call for meetings.

Ring the bell while resting, ring the bell while working, pray, discuss business, hold baptisms and funerals, and ring the bell. When lightning strikes or robbers come, the bells are ringing indiscriminately, until the 18th century. The tradition was abolished. At that time, there was a Bourbon governor who was fighting armed with private salt dealers, but the bell kept ringing. When the governor had finished fighting, he ordered someone to take down the bell and let him The executioner used his whip to whip the perfidious bell, and the bell rang once when he whip, "duangduangduang" kept ringing.

  As Pomona and Severus followed the priest through the monastery deep in the mountains, the monastery bell kept ringing.

  The monks who met along the way all looked at her directly.

  She has a hooded cloak, but she does not intend to wear it.

  She took Severus's arm and was so fair that she was running rampant where this woman was forbidden.

   "What are you looking at, haven't you seen a woman!" She said stubbornly at the monks.

  The monks were so scared that they crossed their chests to pray for blessings, and shouted like the wizards of the East, "Where is this evildoer?"

   "What are we doing in this place?" Severus asked the pastor.

   "Come and see someone." The priest said without looking back.

"Who is he?"

   "A retired priest." The priest said calmly, with a hint of melancholy.

  The two wizards glanced at each other without saying anything.

  After they left, the monks in the atrium continued what they were doing just now. They looked like a group of mental patients who were walking.

   In Journey to the West, why did Monkey King ring the bell randomly when Tang Monk prodded his head in Guanyinyuan?

Sun Wukong is a Taoist. A good Taoist disciple was abducted into Buddhism, and then put on a hooping curse. This is simply a religious conspiracy and persecution. He has been involved in the Tiangong, and he is afraid of breaking the bell. That is the Great Sage of Heaven. , The Monkey King



  (End of this chapter)

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