Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 890: God's partner

   Chapter 890 God’s Partner

  Besides praying, the Benedictines also have their own personal work assigned. Some people are too manpower to dig the ground to grow vegetables, some have some crafts and skills, and they do some handwork. All of them take turns to work in the kitchen.

  Group life is given an order, and everyone has a fixed time to hold rituals, read holy books, and work. This is also the way of life expressed by Christians in the early church, which has been the case for 1,500 years.

  When they found the retired priest, he was picking tomatoes in the greenhouse in the backyard. There was a chicken shed next to the greenhouse, and a younger monk was picking eggs.

  At first glance, the gray-haired old man was nothing special, but when he noticed someone and turned his eyes, she was still taken aback.

She subconsciously hid behind Severus, and then felt that she was older and could not hide behind someone younger than herself. She stood beside him with courage. The old priest kept staring at him, with a corner of his mouth. With a smile, she felt that she was being laughed at.

  "Father Stein..."

   "I am no longer a priest." The old man interrupted the Secretary-General, "I am just an ordinary monk now."

   "There is something I need your help." The secretary-general said, "A young man went to Boville Island and encountered a strange incident. Someone threw powder on his face, which made him hallucinate."

   "He went to the hospital?" Brother Stein said.

"Yes it is."

   "Did the doctors in the hospital collect evidence?"

  The Secretary-General did not answer.

   "The purpose of doctors is to save people. They usually do not check all the traces on the corpse in order to find clues like forensic doctors." The old monk continued to pick tomatoes. "I don't think I can help you."

   "Even if you know someone is doing evil?" Severus asked, "I thought the monks like to save lost lambs."

"If God has planted a tendency toward good in the depths of people’s hearts, then the devil has planted a tendency toward evil in the depths of people’s hearts. In some people’s eyes, bread is bread and wine is wine, but in others In the eyes of human beings, the Eucharist is human flesh and blood. Even baptism cannot wash away the original sin from them." The old monk took a tomato and threw it into the basket. "They obey the call of nature, they are hunters. , Neither is a lost lamb, nor does it need to be saved, let alone I have retired."

  "A priest of your age is still working."

"I am different from them. There are very few people who are truly possessed. Most people just feel that they need to be exorcised. This will help them regain their confidence. If a person's mood is problematic, it is a terrible thing. "

  "Do you think those priests are going through the scene?" Pomona asked.

"No, the exorcism ceremony is only an aid. To resist the devil or to rely on the believer himself, he doesn't believe there is any way?" The old monk was cold and helpless and smiled. "The people of our age are too deeply affected by'nature'. ."

   "How did you land in this field?" Severus asked.

  "Who are you?" the old monk asked.

   "A wizard." Severus said, "How about we talk frankly?"

  The old monk talked, "People outside also said that this monastery is like a lunatic asylum."

   "I am someone else's godfather." Severus smiled badly. "It's part of tradition that children have godfathers and godmothers."

  "It's only temporary cooperation." The Secretary-General explained helplessly and embarrassedly.

  "I believe that the creator is the person closest to God." Severus said, "Creativity is not bestowed by God. It must be cultivated by human beings, and how about constantly tapping our potential so that we can create some miracles?

"It's like a partner." Pomona said. "We don't need to trust and love each other, but we can feel the connection with God in the process of creation. God says that there must be light, and the brightest angel may fall. But angels are always bright."

   "Although all the villains look loyal and good, they must still be true to him." The old monk then said, "You are British."

  "It may not be an Englishman who can recite Shakespeare's famous line." Severus said with a smirk.

"The Americans can't speak your accent." The old monk also smiled and said, "I have been possessed by the devil. It prompted me to commit terrible sins. Although other priests exorcated me, I knew it still I can’t help you without leaving.”

  Free people, with good backgrounds, well-educated, and good people, will accumulate virtue and do good by nature, and stay away from bad habits. But is this really the case?

  "Do you believe that saving people should help themselves?" Pomona asked.

   "I just do what I can. The devil in my heart still affects me, and I don't want to cause you trouble."

   "What did you do?" Severus asked.

   "I ran naked." The old monk shrugged. "Obviously not everyone wants to see that scene."

  Pomona didn’t know what to say.

  Everyone comes into this world naked, and anyone who wears clothes at birth is a freak, and Jia Baoyu holding a piece of jade in his hand is regarded as a rare thing.

  Some people take to the streets naked, usually to promote public welfare concepts, such as not using oil, protecting the environment, and returning to nature.

  So, what the **** is "natural"?

  The incident that triggered the Thirty Years' War in Prague thrown out of the window was the Protestant who rushed into the palace first. If these three people fell on the gravel road, no one would survive. Fortunately, the sanitation in the city was very bad at that time, even though there was a lot of **** around the castle. The officials who were thrown out the window fell into the garbage dump. Apart from being frightened and shocked, only one person broke his leg.

  There are two reasons for "Prague throws out the window". Bohemia has maintained a lot of autonomy after reintegrating into the territory of the Holy Roman Empire. The Parliament and the Protestant church continued to play an important role. The Bohemians quarreled with the Habsburgs on religious and national issues. In order to quell the early movements of Czech independence, Emperor Rudolf II chose a lesser evil and allowed the Polish Simia practiced Protestantism freely, but Rudolf’s ambitious brother Marcusia Millian saw this as a weakness. He managed to expel Rudolf in 1612 and began a strict counter-reform in all Austrian provinces.

The Habsburgs are Catholics. They used the Inquisition to force Protestants to believe in Catholicism. After the Reformation in the 1630s, there was a political revolution in the holy city where Calvin was located. At that time, there was an atmosphere of terror that prevailed. Believe that the plague is a conspiracy spread by hidden poisoners.

  Later, these poisoners became wizards, and the content of so-called religious trials changed from climate magic to black magic that cursed people's illness.

  After the Protestant nation was established, Geneva continued to expand, and Geneva became the Protestant Rome, and Calvin was called the "Pope of Geneva."

  In order to prevent the activities of the separatist forces, the Habsburg family is understandable, but the civilians at the bottom do not think so. They feel that this is a persecution. The Habsburg dynasty is eliminating the nobles of Bohemian blood.

  In Münster, the Grand Duke Maximilian, who was hated by the Prague Protestants, was loved. He died in 1618 due to an unexplainable death.

  Currently Western countries are not easy to establish a state religion. Even if almost all US presidents are Protestants, Protestantism is still not a state religion.

  The establishment of Protestantism as the state religion was determined by the king. In 1534, the Supreme Act of "king supremacy" was passed, declaring that King Henry VIII of England was "the defender and sole supreme head of the church and priests of England." All subjects had to make an oath of allegiance to the supreme when needed, acknowledging Henry VIII and denying the pope’s status as a religious leader.

  In other words, Britain does not recognize Rome.

   Calvin’s theorem proposes that since the creation of the world, God has divided people into selected ones and those who should be discarded. Some people get rich not because of character, wisdom or hard work, but because they are people whom God has long avoided. As for those who are poor and needy, they should obey God's irresistible will.

  This is inconsistent with Erasmus’s “I hope that fate will grant me the same degree of freedom, just as nature gives me”.

  In other words, you were born as a poor ghost. It was God’s arrangement. Don’t struggle anymore. You must obey the rich.

  It’s different to the rich bourgeoisie. They have a task to take this world away from the corrupted old religion.

The earliest predestination was preached by St. Augustine in the fourth century. God created all things and made all things work because of God’s will. He had selected saints before the creation of the world and in eternity. He was not It was decided when the first person was created, but before the creation of the heavens, the earth and the sea, it was already decided in eternity. But God's will already contains his will to allow the creation to have freedom. Precisely because God still fully retains the autonomous will of the created being, so although God has sovereignty, man has responsibilities. Predestination refers to whether a person is saved or not. It has nothing to do with poverty and wealth. God not only determines salvation, but also determines everything, but people cannot understand it.

  The Protestant preconceptions deprived people of their “free will”. This is in the interests of the bourgeoisie. The early church members were in charge of everything. Dancing, games, singing, and even beautiful clothes were forbidden. Anyone who violates the regulations and is lazy or gluttonous must be brought to court for trial and punished.

In his "The Essentials of Christ", when discussing the relationship between man and God, he mentioned: Because of the pride we have with life, we always think that we are just, innocent, holy and wise, unless we understand our own conclusive evidence. Injustice, evil, stupidity, and humiliation, we cannot have this judgment if we only care about ourselves and not the Lord.

Natural justice is an ancient concept of justice. In some people’s eyes, no matter how you look at it, Rudolph II’s illegitimate son killed his mistress and threw it out of the window after being dismembered, and then officials treated it as if nothing had happened. Yes, the Protestants threw out those officials. Before they could kill them, they were lucky to be compared with the girl who died tragically. The scum should stay with the rubbish. This is also the second reason for the Prague throwing window incident. .

  Even a girl who is greedy for vanity, she shouldn’t be cut into pieces in full view, and then thrown on the street like rubbish.

  Justice should not be tied to interests, let alone controlled by words. In 1553, the famous Spanish scientist Michael Servet came to Geneva by accident. The scientist discovered the small blood circulation between the heart and lungs, which was very prestigious at the time. Calvin arrested the scientist and sentenced the scientist to death because Servetus had criticized his teachings in the book and had connections with the Anabaptists. This atrocities caused widespread dissatisfaction among intellectuals, and Calvin had to publish a special essay to defend himself.

  The organizational form of the Calvin Church was more conducive to the rule of the bourgeoisie, and scientists needed funds to do research, and the incident finally stopped.

There is a stone stele on the hillside where Seth was tortured. It was erected by people who followed Calvin many years later. It is engraved in French with this text: "We are the faithful and grateful descendants of Calvin the Reformer, especially critical This mistake made by him is the fault of that era. But according to the true meaning of the Reformation and the Gospel, we believe that the freedom of conscience is above all else."

  Plato believes that a person has three attributes: reason, ambition, and desire. When reason controls ambition and desire, the person acquires the virtue of justice. Plato emphasized that law is an external authority, and its power comes from the inner goodness of man.

   Rousseau believes that conscience is the voice of God and the command of the highest moral commander.

  Confucius believes that kindness is what you don’t want, and don’t do it to others.

  Zhuangzi believes that the freedom of conscience, or the freedom of the mind, is a sign of the thought of inaction.

  So it’s really nonsense to ask capitalists if their conscience hurts. They don’t even know the concept of “doing nothing”.

  After the eight hundred years of war in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States period, and the five turbulent China, the Han and Tang empires all used Taoism.

  Since the Middle Ages, there has been a legend that there is a savior named Elder John in the East who will defeat the pagans and save the entire Christian world.

  How much does Taoist Chinese remember? I don't remember that everyone was finished together.

  Human beings have only one earth. Everyone on this planet is a community of shared destiny. In other words, it is on a ship, and no one can escape if the ship sinks.

  Is it survival or death, money or death?

  Gambling on the national game is so "exciting", the right choice is the top spot, and the wrong choice will lose all the games.

A woman can't play this, anyway, she thinks she doesn't have the courage, only a man has that gambler sex, but it is a pity that she was born a woman, this was decided before she was born, perhaps because of this, she longed for this injustice The world can be a little more fair.

  The reason why human beings do not accept inequality is because they are the oppressed. If they become an oppressor, such as Muggles, who can use money to let wizards do their jobs for themselves, then they will not feel discriminated against.

  The problem is that wizards don’t listen to Muggles’ orders for "paper money."

  Pomona glanced at Severus fearfully, for fear that he would take out his wand and use the Imperius Curse on the stubborn old man, ruining the chance of reconciliation that was hard to find.

   "We stayed here, you can figure it out." Severus easily shook off his baggage, pulled his robe and turned and left.

   "Are you leaving?" Pomona said, looking at the secretary-general.

  He glanced at the old monk, hesitated for a moment or followed him.

  After all, the bishop is not here, he is alone in charge of affairs in the diocese.

    show up, Long Aotian



  (End of this chapter)

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