Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 891: Life in a bottle

   Chapter 891 Life in a Bottle

  There are often street performers in the squares and streets of Rome’s non-famous attractions.

  Some of these people paint for others, some play musical instruments, and there is a violinist playing in the square outside the window of the office of John Paul II but the personal secretary.

  There is a person on the other side of the square who is drawing a 3D picture. He is drawing a large cracked underground hot lava. Many people are watching.

  This small square is located outside the Vatican. Although there are some buskers in the city, no one is allowed to paint on those ancient holy buildings.

Many people in this world remember Schindler, but few people know Elena Sendler. She used to be a nurse who worked in Warsaw. During the German occupation, she used her job cover to provide Jews with scarce resources. Clothes, food and medicine.

  However, three years later, the situation suddenly became worse. Thousands of Jews are sent to death camps every day.

  She immediately established a “network” with her companions to help Jewish children escape, and used the identity of a social worker to enter the Jewish quarter.

  However, many Jewish parents dare not let them take their children away. The first question they asked was: What guarantee is there to keep the child alive?

  She can only answer truthfully: No. Because even she herself doesn't know if she can leave the quarantine area alive today.

  She hid more than 2500 Jewish children under stretchers, suitcases, and body bags, and even pretended to be infected with certain children. They were taken out of the quarantine area by ambulance and sent to the Catholic Church.

  Even children who were rescued by chance are still facing death threats. At that time, everyone in Warsaw was in danger, and there were ruthless informants everywhere. The Gestapo searched for Jews who fled from the quarantine area every day.

  In order to save the children who had been rescued so hard, Elena and her companions rushed to produce 3,000 forged documents in days and nights, including Catholic birth certificates signed by priests and ID cards signed by senior officials.

  Jews don’t believe in Catholicism, so they don’t know how to pray. This is also a way to judge whether a child is a Jewish child. Irina teaches prayers to protect children.

  The hiding of Jews in Warsaw at that time was a capital crime, and even family members would be implicated and executed. This was even more serious than printing "reactionary newspapers", transporting weapons, and attempting to subvert Germany.

  It was in such a high-pressure and harsh environment that Elena was found and arrested in 1943. The Gestapo tortured her, but she did not get any valuable information from her mouth.

  Extremely angry ** decided to execute her. Fortunately, the Polish underground organization spent a lot of money to buy torture soldiers to rescue her.

However, Elena, who was rescued, did not stop there. She continued to rescue the Jews incognito. She also kept detailed records of the rescued children in a jar and buried them under the neighbor’s apple tree, so that they could talk to their parents after the war. Reunion.

  It is a pity that almost all parents have been killed or missing, and only a few children have found their parents.

  In the 54 years since then, she has lived a life like an ordinary person, and has never told anyone about the heroic deeds of saving more than 2500 children.

  It wasn't until 1999 that Elena's dusty past was brought back to the world under the hard pursuit of middle school students in four Kansas country schools in the United States.

At that time, the four girls were collecting information and participating in the school's historical theme activities. In a short report in the newspaper "Other Schindler", a name was mentioned: Elena Sendler, and the introduction was only a short sentence "During World War II, she rescued more than 2,500 children from the Jewish blockade."

  Four students could not believe the report, thinking it was a typographical error, and printed 250 into 2500. Schindler only saved 1,100 Jews, so they hurriedly asked the teacher for help.

  The teacher also suspects that this is a typographical error, but the teacher who has always encouraged students to think independently, is not eager to deny the children's discovery, he encourages the children to take the initiative to explore the truth of the matter.

   With the teacher’s affirmation, the four children immediately searched the Internet for Elena Sendler, but what was disappointing was that there were only two entries on the Internet about her, and they all came from the same website: The Jewish Justice Foundation.

  Several children sent emails to the Foundation non-stop, and finally confirmed that the number of 2500 was correct, but there was no other information about Elena.

  In the next few months, four middle school students used the time after school, weekends, and holidays to constantly go back and forth to archives and libraries to search for various World War II materials.

  They even checked all the lists of World War II monuments one by one, hoping to find Elena's final resting place, but they still found nothing in the end.

  Maybe it was the persistence of the children's hard pursuit, which moved God. When they were desperate, a message came from the Jewish Justice Foundation that Elena is still alive. She now lives in Warsaw, Poland and is 90 years old.

  The four girls finally unearthed this story of Elena and won the national championship of the historical theme competition.

  They were invited to give a lecture tour in Kansas, and finally they simply arranged the heroic deeds of Grandma Elena into a drama "Life Hidden in a Jar" and toured in Kansas.

The girls also prepared a big bottle while performing drama performances and put all the income from the performance into it, ready to use it to fund Grandma Elena in the future; at the same time they began to sell lollipops to raise money and plan to save enough travel expenses to visit Poland Grandma Elena.

  However, before they could save enough travel expenses, things turned around. A wealthy businessman named John Shuzart was deeply moved after hearing their story and immediately decided to sponsor them to go to Poland.

  The mustard seed is smaller than all other seeds, but when it falls into the cultivated soil, it will grow into a big tree and become a shelter for all the birds in the sky.

  The twilight hero also received various honours that were long overdue. The Polish president and his wife went to the nursing home to see Elena in person.

  Pope Paul II personally wrote to Elena, praising her outstanding efforts during the war.

  Now, there is also a letter on the secretary’s desk. It was written by a child. Her handwriting is very large, and there are graffiti in various colors. If he has a grandson, he will draw the same picture as her.

  She wrote in the letter:

  Hi, my name is Erica Esposito and I am five years old this year. My family lives in Naples. My parents are company employees. They are usually very busy. Last week they took me to the zoo, but there were no pandas in the zoo. Pope John. I think you can talk to the president of China and let Chinese pandas. When I came to Italy, I was afraid that one day I would not be able to see it because I was seriously ill. My parents had to work to pay for my hospitalization. They couldn’t stay with me often, and they were not as wise as you. I don’t know why pandas can’t come to Italy, can you tell me why? looking forward to your reply. The signature is a panda holding a little girl.

  The Apostle’s personal secretary put down the little girl’s letter and sighed deeply.

  After the death of a pope, during the period when the old and new popes alternate, all power is temporarily automatically transferred to the personal assistant of the previous pope, the pope's servant.

  However, John Paul II did not die, but his throat was intubated and he could no longer speak.

  The current pope election has become an internal affair of the Holy See, and governments of all countries treat the pope as a mascot, and the influence of the pope is not as good as an ordinary star.

   Besides, he didn’t know how to answer the little girl’s question.

  Because the China fever caused by pandas is sweeping the West, that country does not have a creation myth. They believe that the world is not created by the creation of the gods, but the natural birth, which was transformed by a giant called Pangu.

  Maybe the pope and the panda are messengers of peace, but they still have differences, but who can reject the last wish of a terminally ill child?

  Scotland and England are splitting up, and the question of who belongs to the pandas at Edinburgh Zoo will stop.

  Zoologists say that the panda is a beast. Where is the furry and rolling "bamboo-eater" fierce?

  The pope's servant laughed unconsciously.

  At that moment, the phone on his desk rang, and the secretary told him that the person he was meeting with had already arrived, so he put the letter in the drawer.

  It was an ordinary secular youth who came in.

  Counting from the day of the birth of the first test-tube baby, many such “artificial” babies have been born. Although this does not conform to the creation order established by God, these children cannot be shut out.

It is not the first time in the history of science that a male scientist "steals" the results of a female scientist. Watson and Crick stole Rosalyn Franklin data and discovered the double helix of DNA; Jocelyn Bernell observed and discovered Pulsar, but it was her mentor Shuvish who won the Nobel Prize.

  In 1862, the British doctor John Langton Tang noticed that among the babies who were "naturally idiots", some children had common characteristics: wide faces, small eyes and upwards. By the beginning of the 20th century, people had realized that this is a relatively common congenital disease with an incidence of about one in a thousand. At that time, in many countries, children were usually taken in by specialized institutions, but there was almost no decent treatment. Most of the patients died very early, and few people lived to be 20 years old.

  A young female doctor named Mart Gautier returned to Paris after a year of advanced pediatrics at Harvard. She got a clinical position in a local hospital. Raymond Turpan, the director of the hospital's pediatrics department, is very interested in Down syndrome. Many years ago, he suspected that it might be related to chromosomal abnormalities, but he didn't have time to study in depth. One day Turpan complained that no one was paying attention to his conjecture. Gautier remembered that he had received relevant training at Harvard and volunteered to take over the study.

  The hospital assigned her an abandoned laboratory with a refrigerator, a centrifuge, and a poor quality microscope. No funding. She bought glassware out of her own pocket, raised a rooster herself as a source of serum, and if she needed a human blood sample, she would use her own.

  During this period, Turpan herself had never been to her laboratory, but a student under Turpan’s gate often visited him. His name was Jerome Legena. One day Gautier talked about the trouble of her being unable to take pictures. Legenne suggested that she could take her slides to other laboratories to take pictures for her. Since then, Gautier never saw those slides again. Until 2 months later, at the International Genetics Congress in Montreal, Le Rene announced to the world that he had discovered the cause of Down syndrome, and the photos used were correct. It's these slides. In the submitted paper, Le Jeane was the first author, Tourpan was the corresponding author, and Gautier, who was unaware, was placed in a humble middle position. According to the description of the paper, her contribution was mainly "from The United States has brought back a new method of tissue culture".

  Under the blow, Gautier decided to bid farewell to scientific research and return to clinical and teaching positions. However, Le Rene gained fame, not only because he discovered that the cause of Down’s syndrome was an extra chromosome 21, but also found a principle of prevention: you didn’t know the baby when he was not born. Appearance and intelligence, but his/her chromosomes can be sampled. If a genetic diagnosis can be performed early in pregnancy and there is a problem with chromosome 21, then no tragedy can be avoided if the abortion is pregnant?

  Dan Lejeune is a Catholic, and Catholicism is against abortion. He believes that even a child with Down syndrome has the right to survive from the moment of pregnancy. Medicine can only improve his/her quality of life, and even if it cannot be improved, abortion cannot be used to "solve" the problem.

  Should a child with Down syndrome be born?

  Abortion is not a simple ethical issue, but is mixed with countless political and religious factors, and the situation is complicated. For China, such children with Down syndrome will not hesitate to choose to fall, which will reduce the burden on parents and children.

  In 1994, Lejeune died of lung cancer. To commemorate him, the Jerome Lejeune Foundation was established. This foundation has three tasks: research, care, and appeal. The first two are very good, but the third part used a lot of energy to oppose abortion.

Although Le Géne had belittled Gautier's importance when he was alive, at least he did not deny that she played a role. However, since this foundation uses Legenne as its spiritual leader, it cannot tolerate such "slander". In the profile of Legennes on the website of the foundation, all the results are attributed to Legennes, without mentioning a word about Gautier. The "Learn More" link at the end of the page points to an organization called the "Association of Friends of Professor Legennes". The purpose of this organization is to win the Catholic Church for a posthumous blessing for Legène, and the blessing requires at least one A certified miracle.

   "I'll give you a task." The pope's servant said, "You have to promise, can you swear to be tight-lipped about it? Child?"

  "What task is it?" the young man asked.

  "Use your expertise and mix into the hospital." The inmate said, "You have to make sure that the sample used by the pope to treat the disease does not become the material of other people's papers. Can you do it?"

  (End of this chapter)

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