Haunted Duke’s Daughter

Chapter 221

A2, Rayford 4.

night. Ray tightly closed the lock on the door of his chamber and took out the paper on which the demon squares were drawn. With a demonic squad capable of delivering voices in both directions, Ray is now in touch with his own family. It’s because of this demon squad that Ray doesn’t have to go home on a long vacation or not.

When I slapped the demon squares a few times, they began to glow slightly. And I get a voice.

“Is that Ray? Hey, what’s up?

It’s the voice of my eldest brother, or first prince. At the same time my cheeks loosen in my nostalgic voice, I am also surprised because it is my other brother, the Second Prince, who is keeping this demonic formation.

“Long time no see, brother. There’s nobody over there, is there?

“Make sure of that before you crush the tone. Well, I’m not.”

“If anyone were here, no one would care what I say or do.”

………… Don’t say that. ”

Ray smiled slightly at his elder brother’s grumpy voice. My oldest brother has long hated Ray underestimating himself. I’ve been told to be confident in myself and to be able to tap into my ears.

“Well, I don’t care about that.”

“It’s you… Well, fine. So?”

“Yeah. And Brother Lew?

“Lucas is on his way to your country. Oh, yeah. That’s why I wanted to talk to you.”

Lucas is the name of Ray’s other brother, the Second Prince. It’s about that brother, so he’ll come directly, I thought, but apparently it was too late. I didn’t think you were leaving already.

What my eldest brother wants to hear, I know that somehow. Probably about the Great Spirit. So Ray said first.

“If you’re talking about the Great Spirit, I don’t know that much either.”

“Right. Well, you have no choice. I wanted information in advance.”

“But Mr. Lilia…… I know who the Great Spirit’s favorite is.”

I could see the other person was breathtaking. Ray had just a slightly mean grin,

“You want to know?

No reply. I guess my oldest brother is confused too, Ray laughs joyfully and waits for a response.

“I see, that’s who you fell in love with”

Now Ray’s out of line. As he is hardened without denying it, his eldest brother says, sneering.

“I’ve talked to someone I fell in love with about my country, rather than my own brother. That’s how you’ve been in touch. That’s what I’m saying.”

“Hey, how do you know?

“It’s just so easy for you to understand.”

I don’t know how to interpret it, but whatever you say any more won’t make sense to my oldest brother. Ray sighs and decides to keep talking.

“Yeah., well, that’s the thing. So I tried to stop Brother Lu…”

“Unfortunately, as I said earlier, I was already on my way there. The demon squares and food were ready to use the country’s finest stallions. We’ll be there in two weeks.”

“It’s too soon for anything…”

Usually it should take a month, no matter how privileged you are. That’s two weeks, I feel sorry for my horse more than my second brother.

“You guys should talk about the details. As for this one, there’s no problem with which one gets married”

Just a little cold elder brother’s voice. But Ray knows that his eldest brother is really sweet. Ray corrected his posture even though he knew he didn’t look like him, he said.

“Brother. What if I said I wanted to leave the country and marry Lilia as my son-in-law’s adopted son?

The eldest brother who heard that.

After a moment of silence, I laughed with pleasure.

“I’ll bless you. But call me early.”

Finally, the light of the Devil’s Square could not be extinguished. Ray seems satisfied with his elder brother’s words, which were also as expected, while being polite with the paper of the Devil’s Square.

“The man with the current voice is Ray’s brother?


Suddenly he was called from behind, and Ray fell off the chair. When I looked at him in a hurry, Sakura offered his hand even as he rounded his eyes.

“Sorry. I didn’t think you’d be so surprised.”

“No…… Never mind.”

Take Sakura’s hand and stand up. Ray sits back on the chair, and Sakura floats on Ray’s bed. I’d like you to sit down because I’m somewhat restless, but that’s also a little embarrassing for a girl to sit in her own bed. I decided not to say anything and turned to Sakura.

“So, who’s the voice now?

“Yes. It’s my brother. Irdine Krabiles, First Prince. The second prince, Lucas Krabiles, is on his way.”

“Who’s Lilia with?

“Lucas, right? They’ll be in this country as soon as two weeks.”

It was too soon, Sakura sighed, and Ray agreed and nodded. I wonder what you’re in such a hurry for.

“Well, I know what it’s like to be in a hurry.”

“Huh? What do you mean?

“I wonder if you haven’t heard it yet. There’s a lot of talk going on about your relationship with Lilia. in order from nearby countries. By Lilia, I’m very unpleasant.”

So I finally realized. That this guy who laughs a lot hasn’t laughed once since he came into this room. I didn’t know from the look on your face, but you’re probably in a really bad mood. But Ray doesn’t have a verse that comes to mind.

“Um… What’s wrong with you?

I had no choice but to ask, and Sakura narrowed her eyes, a little, and prefaced,

“You’ve got a lot coming for me, haven’t you? Because you like Lilia, you want someone with a big spirit, not something like that.”


Ray couldn’t say anything and turned away gently. I’m not saying it’s all true, but surely many things, because I want the Great Spirit, I guess.

“But if you say you don’t like Sakura…”

“If Lilia decides to like this guy, I won’t say anything. Everyone asks for my opinion, but only Lilia treats me equally. So I don’t give orders, either, even if I give advice. Whatever you’re dealing with, if Lilia’s okay, fine.”

After saying that much, Sakura sighed and finally smiled like that. Fun and a happy smile.

“Well, Lilia told me she’d listen to me.”

Twirling, Sakura turns on the spot. Maybe that’s what Lilia told me before I got here. So I guess Sakura is both grumpy and upbeat.

“I wish we had moved faster”

When Ray said so carelessly, Sakura stopped moving perfectly. I frown suspiciously and look at Ray. Ray, who is being watched, seemed uncomfortable and correct his residence.

“You’re giving up?

Sakura’s short inquiry. Ray lowered his brow butt sadly.

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