Haunted Duke’s Daughter

Chapter 222

A2, Rayford 5.

“If that’s all we’re talking about, Lilia will be followed up on that response, too. I don’t think there’s room for me to intervene.”

Sakura, who heard it, narrowed her eyes in a grumpy manner. I get down in front of Ray and I look at Ray still. Ray couldn’t see that eye directly in front of him, and he strayed.

“Was Ray’s feelings to that extent?

Ray shook his head immediately. Now I can’t think of anyone other than Lilia. That’s what I think, but I couldn’t speak.

“As far as I’m concerned, Ray sees Lilia right, so I like it.”

Ray looks up and sees Sakura. Sakura was smiling thinly.

“Lilia shouldn’t feel bad about Ray either. I don’t know if you like it.”


“You don’t teach the study of people you don’t like. At least, you can use your time to watch Ray study, because that means you’re thinking about it to a certain extent.”

With that said, Sakura closes his eyes, and at the next moment he was disappearing, only a voice of Sakura arrives in Ray’s ear, open to surprise.

“I regret not being able to tell you, don’t let it happen. For the rest of your life, that’s what you’ll regret when you die.”

It wasn’t the usual floating voice, it was a very serious voice. It’s like, you know, you’ve been experiencing it, that voice. Even if I wanted to ask what you mean, the signs of Sakura had already completely disappeared.

On holiday, Lilia had been called to the castle. At first, it is an invitation to a tea party, but in fact, I want you to meet with someone who has applied for an affair. To be honest, it’s troublesome, but it’s very annoying in relation to Sakura, so the extent will have to be varied.

– I feel like I’ve been badly treated lately. Request improvement.

– Rejected.

– Immediate answer!?

Ignoring the noisy Sakura, Lilia walks within the royal castle, taken by a guide’s maid. I walked for a while and was brought to the front of one room. They have royalties from other countries here. I want to go home.

– I know how you feel, but you can’t.

– I know…

The maid prompts me to go indoors.

The room was a small one within the royal castle. It’s just a room with a luxurious table and chairs. On the other side of the table were the prince, Chris and Glenn, and two strange men stood on that side. One of them has red black eyes on his silver hair. It’s the same thing as Ray, so I guess this guy is the second prince of Krabiles.

“Thank you for coming. You’re Liliane, aren’t you?

Before Lilia could name it, a silver-haired man named it first. There would be procedures, but Lilia bowed her head to the man.

“Thank you for inviting me, Master Lucas”

“Is that it? Did you name it?

Lilia let Lucas suddenly break her tone pull her cheeks, but she quickly corrected her posture.

“No, but I heard from His Highness Rayford.”

“Oh, if you say so, you knew Ray. Then I’m convinced.”

Yeah, yeah, Lucas nodding over and over. Around that perimeter, another stranger held his head, and the prince and Chris looked somewhere frightened.

“Lucas. Fix it up a little more”

To the prince’s voice, Lucas laughed with pleasure.

“That’s good. No matter how much I say, the final decision is over there. Then you should have seen someone named me from the beginning, right? I don’t want to be disillusioned later.”

“Oh man…”

The prince sighs. Apparently, this guy named Lucas is vegan. I appreciate you showing it to me from the start, but that makes me wonder if that’s okay. Even though it would be royal.

“By the way, is there also a Great Spirit? I’d really like to see you.”

– Shit.

Sakura’s answer strikes me in the head. A voice of genuine rejection. Lilia bowed her head saying she was sorry, even though she thought it was something unusual.

“Because he doesn’t want to leave now…”

“Oh well. That’s too bad.”

Lucas dropped his shoulder like he was just a little discouraged, but quickly regained his mind and smiled.

“Come on, sit down. Let’s talk slowly.”

To Lucas’s invitation to smile, Lilia sat in the chair, being urged to remain a little vigilant.

As a result, vigilance ended in vain.

“First place in the school year! That’s amazing! Lilia is someone who can work hard.”

I haven’t talked very deeply about it since I came to this room. Lucas asked for a story about Lilia’s daily life. And then again, Ray’s life. Lilia doesn’t know which is really what she was looking for.

“Hey, it’s quite fun talking to Mr. Lilia. Wouldn’t you like to come to Krabiles next time?

“I don’t like it.”

“Ha, just now”

Lilia has also already, to some extent, broken down her attitude. Somehow, but because I felt like I was being asked to.

“By the way.”

Lucas accidentally became a serious face. While a little surprised, Lilia also corrects her posture. Lucas looked straight at Lilia and said.

“Actually, I don’t know. If you’re coming to Krabiles, I’ll make it as convenient as possible. I’ll have what I want, and I don’t care if you bring anyone you want to come with me. What do you say?

Immediately after the heartbreak, I might have nodded in two replies. To be honest, I still feel so shaken. Lilia also tightened her expression and tried to answer, the door knocked and stopped the words.

Lucas lifts one eyebrow slightly and looks at the maid at the side of the door. The maid immediately opened the door thinly and exchanged words briefly to close the door. Quiet, move to the prince’s side. Whispering something in the Prince’s ear, the Prince glanced at him as surprised. I guess that was what I heard, Chris had his eyes open, too.

“Lucas. Ray’s here”

Lucas raised his mouth with pleasure. When Lucas nods, the maid returns to the door. And through the open door, Ray came in.

Unlike the usual student clothes, he was well dressed. Lilia honestly admires her unfamiliar appearance. And the words I said,

It’s a costume for a horse.

“Ugh… Yes…”

Drop your shoulders and Ray will be depressed. Lucas, who saw it, was leaking a sneak laugh.

“Rayford. May I ask you something?”

Reduce laughter and Lucas asks Ray. Ray corrected his posture as soon as he regained his mind and turned to Lucas.

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