Haunted Duke’s Daughter

Chapter 237

A6 Relationship between the two · Tina; 3

“I won’t be watching.”


Lilia and Sakura walk alongside the roads lined with shops. A little further, there’s Tina and her brother. My brother would notice Lilia and the others, but apparently Sakura is still doing something. It’s not close enough to hear a conversation, but it’s also a distance you won’t lose sight of.

And it’s an otherwise deafening conversation, but it can actually be deafening. Sakura said, I’m sick of the air flow, so be it. I don’t know what that means.

“What about these two after all?

To Lilia’s words, Sakura roared briefly,

“The conversation itself is easy… But I don’t think I hate either of you…”

“Whatever your feelings, your brother will hide them.”


Sakura was frowning and thinking, but eventually pounding her hand. Looking back to Lilia, say.

“Hey, Lilia. What if Lilia is a boy?”

“I guess that means I’m like a man.”


As he eagled Sakura’s head, Sakura turned pale and shook his neck vigorously. ‘Cause it’s not,’ he says again and again. I heard an excuse, but I couldn’t keep talking, so I had no choice but to let go. Encouraging him to continue, Sakura continues, even with his frightened eyes.

“Well. If Tina is heterosexual, and if she likes Tina, what would Lilia do?

Lilia began to think, wondering that it was a strange analogy.

“Right…… I wouldn’t do anything.”

“What do you mean?

Sakura leaned her neck, but the expression was, after all, Still want to hear from Lilia, looks like she’s waiting for Lilia’s word. Lilia nods and continues.

“I’m a senior aristocrat, and that kid would be a junior aristocrat. Definitely, it would be an unfulfilled love. Then I won’t tell anyone, and I will continue my current relationship.”

I don’t want to be like Your Highness, and when I concluded, Sakura nodded again and again as satisfied.

“I knew it… I’m sure your brother thinks the same thing.”

“What?… Oh, that’s the thing…”

Finally Lilia could understand too. Even if my brother liked Tina, he wouldn’t put it on the table. Just like Lilia thought, I have nothing to say to anyone.

But is it something that can be broken? If you ask me so crudely,

“Come on?”

That was a very short reply.

“Because I have no experience either. But I know it’s a very hard thing. More than that, does Lilia support you two?

Asked, Lilia looked up. I thought I could do something, but when people ask me if I want to support them, I bother replying. I care about Tina, but I’m just not going to stick my neck in a romantic relationship.

“When Tina marries your brother, Tina’s your sister. Tina, sister.”

I’m a little surprised and imagine that will happen.


“Let’s interrupt”


Sakura gets embarrassed with a bitter smile. Lilia turned to Sakura even as she seemed unhappy.

“To be honest, I don’t want to call Tina that.”

“Because it’s not going to be reciprocal?


Seeing Sakura’s mean smile, Lilia glanced away again. What is it that you say from time to time as if you are reading people’s minds? Without responding to Sakura, I follow Tina and Cross, who were a little separated. I immediately followed Sakura as well.

“So, what about Lilia?

“I’m not gonna do anything.”


Sakura pointed her lips in dissatisfaction. What do you want Lilia to do? I’m just guessing a little bit, but I’m not going to go along with it either.

Lilia looked again at her brother and Tina, out of sight and down the road. Straight ahead, on your way back to school. Sakura said something. I did, but I ended up lining up next to Lilia without saying anything.

That evening. Lilia entered the dining room used by senior aristocrats a little earlier. There is still time until dinner time, so there is no sign of the user. The cooks and servants were preparing for it.

“May I have a moment?”

When Lilia spoke from the entrance, everyone turned around a little. Admitting what Lilia looks like, everyone looks surprised. One of the servants came before Lilia on behalf and bowed his head.

“Welcome, Master Ardis. Sorry, we’re not ready for dinner yet”

“I know. Another errand.”

“Is it another errand?

A servant tilts his neck and Lilia looks behind the room. I had eyes for a man who would always prepare sandwiches for Lilia. That’s all the man smiled bitterly and moved forward in front of Lilia.

“What shall we prepare?

“That’s quick and helpful. Can I ask you for lunch by dinner time?

“I’m in awe. How many can I get you?”


For two, Lilia immediately reconsidered when she tried to say. Sakura’s face comes to mind, and then the two faces that are serving Lilia come to mind.

“For five.”

“I’m in awe”

More than expected, the man put a slight surprise on his face, but immediately concealed the look and bowed his head respectfully. Lilia nodded satisfactorily, saying hello, and finally left the room with a voice.

That night. I had lunch for two, and Lilia was in front of Tina’s room. The remaining three lunches are delivered to my room first. Sakura seemed happy, and Alisa and Cynthia were receiving in awe. Though I couldn’t get them to follow the word, as I make them adults in my room instead.

– What are you talking about?

They’re going to make you an adult in Lilia, so let’s compromise. Lilia answers to Sakura as she knocks Tina’s room.

– Just asking clearly.

– That’s Lilia.

Leaning his neck against the pleasant sakura voice, the door in front of him opened. Tina’s face puffing into sight. Tina shrugged for a little while, but she broke her face gladly when she returned to me.

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