Haunted Duke’s Daughter

Chapter 238

A6 Relationship between the two · Tina; 4


“May I come in?

“Yeah, of course!

I got Tina’s permission, so I’m gonna follow Tina into the room. It’s Tina’s room, which hasn’t changed since before. You were studying, books and notebooks were open on your desk.

Am I interrupting?

Tina shook her head laughing as Lilia listened watching it.

“That’s not true. It was like I was busy.”

“Yeah. I hope so. Then don’t hesitate to give it to me.”

What? Before Tina asked, Lilia pushed one lunchbox, Tina. Tina, who received it reflexively, was stunned for a while, but eventually drops her gaze and returns her gaze to Lilia if she didn’t know what it was. Lilia said, showing her lunchbox.

“Even if it’s dinner with you, think so. I got it in the dining room we use.”

“Huh…… Yeah!? So, this, uh, is so expensive…?

“Come on, I don’t know”

Lilia laughs joyfully and sees the lunchbox Tina was suddenly given. It should still be warm, so I just want to eat it early if I can.

“Tina. Let’s eat first. It’s going to get cold. Or was it too early for dinner?”

“Oh, that’s not true! I got a little nervous…… But how do you eat it?

This is the only desk I have, but Tina lowered her eyebrow butt to apologize. As long as we clean up the material, the desk will be large enough, but there is only one chair. Lilia shrugged her shoulder, she said.

“Don’t worry, I’ll stand and eat.”

“I care! Because I stand! Lilia, sit down!

“You’re saying you don’t have to worry about it. Just stand up, okay?

Both Lilia and Tina insist on standing with each other. As both continued to shy away, Sakura eventually sighed.

– It’s totally civilian… You should both stand up now.

– So is that…

Follow Sakura’s suggestions and tell Tina. Although Tina was still an unintelligible face. You thought it wouldn’t end like this, snorted shabby.

Tina clears off the desk quickly and spreads her lunch for two. The contents were bundled, with meaty steaks and salads on one side and white rice on the other. I guess he took care that the steak could be eaten without a knife, it was already cut.


Tina shines her eyes. I was about to nod at Lilia even though I had eaten it, but for some reason I don’t try to get my hands on Lilia.

– Aren’t you waiting for Lilia’s permission?

– I don’t know what that means.

Turn your gaze to Tina and you’ll see. Apparently they’re really waiting for Lilia to say something. Think about it for a second, Lilia said.

“It’s gonna get cold. Let’s eat.”


The two of us finish our prayers and quickly carry the steak to our mouths. The moment I chewed, the gravy overflowed.


Tina is making strange odd noises. If you look at it, he was snoozed with a tranced look. I know it’s delicious, but I’m not expecting a reaction that far.

– Is Sakura satisfied?

– Just shut up. Because I’m enjoying it now.

– Oh, yeah…

Apparently it also fits Sakura’s mouth and he liked it. I was just a little lonely to say that I was dissatisfied with being treated in an evil way.

Eventually I finished my lunch and sighed as Tina seemed happy. Clear out the lunchbox quickly, smiling at that smile. I have to return it when I get back to my room.

“It was delicious:”

Tina smiled and said, Lilia nodded with the same look.

“It would have been nice if you’d been happy. Well, let’s talk a little bit.”

“Talk? What?

“About your brother”

Tina’s smile froze. You’ll soon see something, it’s an easy reaction to understand.

– I saw a terrible surprise.

Lilia continues while ignoring the frightening sarcasm.

“What’s going on? I wonder why you keep your mouth shut. Is there something you can’t tell me?

“Oh, no, I don’t…”

Tina’s gaze wandered everywhere, but eventually sighed as she had noticed.

“Since when have you noticed?

“I would have been with your brother on the south side today”

“Wow, they were watching…”

Lilia smiled as she chased Tina, pulling her cheeks in unintentional fashion,

“We were in the store where you came in, in the next seat. I couldn’t help but notice that there were so many things that I couldn’t see Sakura.”

“What’s so sloppy about it”

Tina held her head and shut up. It makes me a little nervous that I would have pissed you off, but it’s not my nature to ask away. I just didn’t feel like going on with the words any further, and Lilia decided to wait for Tina to react.

After a while Tina slowly raised her face. It’s not like anger, it’s a frightened look somewhere. I didn’t expect him to look like that, and Lilia wolfed inside. I didn’t have to put it on my face somehow, but it would have passed on to Sakura.

“Um, right. Lilia…… Angry……?

Tina’s inquiry in a small voice. Lilia immediately shook her head, not knowing what it meant to be angry at herself. Then Tina sighs as small as she relieves herself, and still looks at Lilia’s complexion, she says.

“For a long time, I’ve seen you every once in a while. Well, what kind of life does Lilia have…”

“Is that really all? From what I’ve seen today, though it didn’t look like it.”


Tina gets stuck in words and makes her gaze wander. But this time soon, I stared straight at Lilia.

“I’m not really talking about Lilia right now. Like going to dinner, shopping,…”

– That’s a date! You’re dating!

“A date? Will it be something like that?

The moment Lilia said that, Tina’s face turned bright red. Lilia gets spooked by a really palpable reaction. Is it not my intention to hide it?

“Tina. Can I ask you something clearly?

“Ugh, yeah.”

“What do you think of your brother?

Tina, this time she didn’t turn a blind eye. staring straight at Lilia, short,

“I like it.”

Again, well, when I’m oddly convinced, Tina goes on.

“But if you say that to Mr. Cross, I think he’s going to be very concerned, so I’m going to say nothing.”

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