Haunted Duke’s Daughter

Chapter 243

A7 Farah 3

In Lilia’s room at the Ardis family mansion, Lilia was comparing Sakura to the girl.

Sakura is the usual smile, but she looks a little more in a good mood than usual. However, he seems to be slightly alert. Although I don’t feel that way because it doesn’t appear on my face.

The girl against me was well aware of her nervousness. I run my gaze around me, tiny but trembling all the time. I don’t think you have to be that nervous, but is it still something that makes you more nervous than it is at the Duke’s house mansion?

Lilia is seated next to Sakura. I was going to stay away for a little while, but Sakura told me to stay here. I have no reason to say no, so I have no choice but to stay here. Besides, Lilia herself wanted to know a little about Sakura’s relationship with the girl in front of her.

“First, I’d like you to introduce yourself so I can understand.”

As Lilia said, unable to endure the silence that lasted forever, the girl let herself snort, but nodded quickly.

“Farah, it’s called. I live in an orphanage now.”

“So, my former classmate, his name was Shizukumi Amamiya at that time”

A girl named Farah peeled her eyes at what Sakura added.

“Mr. Winter Moon, can I say that?

“It’s okay. Lilia knows what’s going on over here.”

Farah is even more surprised by this and turns her gaze to Lilia. As Lilia nodded, Farah exhaled in relief.

“Should I call you Farah? Or, Mr. Rain Palace?

Sakura asks, Farah thinks a little and answers.

“Please in Farah. ‘Cause I’m more used to that one.”

“Mm-hmm. Roger. I’m fine with Sakura. Winter moon, I didn’t throw it away, but I’m a little anxious because I’m no longer called.”

“Yeah. Okay.”

Sakura and Farah nodded at each other, smiling together just a little happy.

“Can you tell me what Farah’s been up to?

“Yeah. Tell me about Sakura later, too”

“Of course.”

Lilia and Sakura were not less surprised by what was thus spoken from Farah’s mouth. I was particularly surprised that he was from a lower aristocracy. I didn’t know you were in an orphanage, even though you were from nobility. But given that something called lower nobility is not very different from the civilian population, it may not be surprising that if your parents are dead, then so be it. I don’t know anything about Lilia yet.

“It’s that fucking gami again!

Sakura seems outraged elsewhere. Lilia is about to get spooked by the name that comes out of Sakura’s mouth from time to time.

“The gods of your world are like gods who are not roaks.”

“I don’t deny it”

Farah as well as Sakura agreed to this. Really, what kind of god is it?

Farah finishes talking and Sakura talks about what’s been going on next. I was surprised at the content, now Farah rounded her eyes.

“I just didn’t think I was a nobleman in another country, but I can’t believe I was a spirit…”

Farah stares at Sakura. Sakura didn’t escape that gaze, even though she was just a little confused. Rather, he’s got his chest strung up somewhere great. When I slapped Sakura on the head because it was not funny, Sakura looked at me dissatisfied.

“I think Lilia is beating my head too hard!

“I wonder. Then I’ll stroke you.”


When Lilia stroked her head, now she flipped and Sakura broke her frivolous rapport. After seeing the sawdust that seemed to be shaking if he had a tail, Farah was just a little grumpy.

“You two are close…”

“It’s like a handy little sister.”


In that exchange between Lilia and Sakura, Farah erupted small. After a slight laugh, Farah bows her head saying she is excused. Lilia waved, never mind.

“Though I forgot to tell you, there’s nothing else to say about what we’re talking about here, especially Sakura”

“Okay. About me too, please.”

“Yeah. Sakura, okay?


Still a distracted reply. Lilia gets frightened, but Farah’s eyes narrowed a little nostalgic.

“By the way. You live in an orphanage, don’t you? Can I go play next time?

Sakura asked Farah with her eyes shining in anticipation. I guess it’s still fun to talk to friends in my hometown. It’s just a little complicated for Lilia, but it’s also something she can’t help. Lilia has no way of knowing Sakura’s homeland. With that in mind, I can also say that I was fortunate to meet Farah.

Farah answered immediately, of course, but quickly clouded her expression.

“Um, starting next month, I’m gonna be a little bit impossible…”

“To? Why? How long?”



Sakura set herself on the table. Seeing Farah jammed the words as she was surprised, Lilia pulled back to grabbing Sakura’s root.

“Take it easy. It’s gonna be hard to talk to.”

“Oh, yeah…… I’m sorry.”

Sakura lowers her brow butt sorry. Farah shook her head while smiling bitterly.

“Never mind. That’s why I’m working as a maid at the Count’s mansion next month.”

“Yes? Farah did? Count…… maid at a senior aristocrat’s?


Sakura narrowed her eyes to Swordswallowing. Farah seems perplexed by the change in that sawdust expression, but Lilia also knows how sawdust feels.

Few senior aristocrats, like Lilia before, push through their will by letting them speak of things of status and power, rather than. And those people have high pride.

Advanced aristocrats hire orphans as maids. Normally, I can’t think about it. I hear some of them hire from orphans as a substitute for support, but I’ve never heard of them, such as nominating individuals.

“Is that okay? Not a bad person?

Farah let her eyes swim to the worrying sound of Sakura. That’s not much different than saying the answer already. The expression disappeared from Sakura’s face, Farah said hastily.

“Because I simply don’t get it! You must be a good man! Maybe!”

“Maybe not. What’s the name of that countess?

“Huh? The…”

Farah throws her gaze at Lilia as she asks for help. Lilia nodded at it and said.

“Answer me quickly.”


I guess I guessed I didn’t have an ally. And when Pharaoh was powerless, he uttered the name of his earl.

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