Haunted Duke’s Daughter

Chapter 244

A7 Farah 4

That night. Lilia decided to visit the Fort Count house mansion. Naturally, I can say that it would be insane to visit at such times, but I didn’t give in when Sakura said I was going to go now.

“Sakura, I’ll use your name.”


A senior nobleman would know about Sakura. Then you won’t have to do it right now, but you’ll see me as soon as you can. With that in mind, I asked Alisa to go deliver it to me in order to write a brief letter. In summary, the Great Spirit wants to see you, so make time. It could be close to blackmail.

“What about Farah?

Sakura asked, sipping a little tea that Alisa prepared for me before she left here. Farah tilted her neck small, not knowing what the question meant.

“Come with me or go home.”

When Lilia briefly supplemented, Farah answered immediately.

“I’ll go with you. Because I’m afraid there’s something out there that I don’t know.”

“It’s okay! Because I’m just gonna shut you up!

“No, you know what? Sakura’s. Is that what you’re worried about? Do you recognize spirits?

“I didn’t expect Farah to even tell me…”

Sakura dropping her shoulders, Lilia and Farah laughed face-to-face and small.

Unlike Sakura, Farah is apparently newly born and raised here. Therefore, there is more common sense about the Spirit than Sakura. Sakura’s current standing also probably understands more than he does.

“Oh, but can I come with you?

Farah asks Lilia. Lilia nodded,

“It’s okay because you’re a party. No matter what happens, I’ll shut you up.”

“Oh, that? Dear Liliane and Sakura, it doesn’t seem much different……?

“Excuse me.”


Lilia and Sakura’s words are worn, and the two of us face each other. Sakura laughed happily for some reason, and Lilia was just a little embarrassed and then turned away.

“Are you okay with not contacting the orphanage?

“Ah…… I have to……”

I forgot, Farah starts panicking. Lilia said it was okay and called for Sakura.

“Sakura. What you write. ‘Cause I’ll let you write me a letter.”

“Let’s go ourselves. That’s about it!

While complaining, Sakura immediately brought paper and a pen from Lilia’s table. Farah, who received it, will soon write to you.

“You can write letters.”

Orphans are often unable to attend school. When I heard it just a little unexpectedly, Farah grinned and nodded.

“For once, I’m a former nobleman, not to mention a junior.”

“Oh…… You did…”

That’s how I finished writing the letter, calling the maid to take it with me.

More awhile later, Alisa came back to Lilia’s room. I have a letter that will have a reply written. Take it from Alisa and look through. There are still many far-fetched rhetoric that should be referred to as advanced aristocracy. I think I’m tired of reading.

“What does it say exactly?

“Please come anytime, you’re welcome,”

“Ooh. Then let’s go!

All the goodness says is hurry and Sakura draws Lilia and Farah’s hand. Lilia and Farah laughed bitterly, but followed suit.

The Fort Count house mansion was outside the King’s Capital. How can you think of this place, but apparently the Earl of Fort chose this mansion himself?

By the time Lilia and the others arrived at the mansion, the Earl of Fort had already waited in front of the gate. I make about three maids refrain, but I didn’t bother to think the Count himself was waiting.

“Welcome, Dear Liliane, Sakura”

The Count carefully bows his head. Lilia was just about to say hello, too.

“I want to talk to you. Let me in.”

Sakura said in a cold voice. The earl as well as Lilia seem surprised by the sound, with a slight pull on her cheek. When I looked closely, I was also pale.

“I’m in awe. Please come this way.”

The Earl went inside first, followed by Lilia and Sakura, Farah, and Alisa.

The room thus guided was a little spacious, supposedly the reception room. There’s a couch on the big table that looks soft. The corners of the room were lined with bookcases and ornaments.

Lilia sits opposite the Count, and Sakura and Farah sit next to her. Alisa stands a little behind it. When everyone took their seats, the maid came into the room with tea and sweets.

“I don’t know if it fits Liliane’s mouth…”

While the Count says so, put tea and cookies in your mouth one bite at a time. Lilia mouthed the tea and nodded small.


“That’s good”

The Count smiled as relieved. Next door, Sakura also drank tea, and

“Mmm. Alisa’s tea tastes better, doesn’t it?

The Count’s expression froze. Lilia stares at Sakura sideways, but eats cookies with an unfamiliar face. With a small sigh, Lilia told the Count.


“It’s a hassle, so can I ask you straight in?

Sakura said to wear Lilia’s voice. to Lilia and the Earl, who frowned suspiciously, Sakura smiled,

“I hate being tough. So can I ask you something?

“Ha…… I don’t mind…”

The Count nodded a little confused but small. The gaze is directed towards Farah from time to time. I guess I’m on the lookout for something at all. Sakura nodded at it and said.

“Bye Lilia, nice to see you again!

“You’re swinging at me in the end.”

Lilia turned to the Count again, smiling bitterly.

“Then this is what Sakura is saying, and I ask you to go straight in. I heard you’re welcoming this Farah as a maid of honor, may I ask why?

“Hmm. Is there a problem?

“I’m asking you what the Counts mean about hiring orphans for maids, etc.”

“Ha. Would you say that?

Sure, it wouldn’t be the kind of thing Lilia would hear going shopping on the south side. But it’s not the same thing as this. It can be said that civilians rarely do anything to defy nobility, especially senior nobility. Hire that civilian, but also a woman in a vulnerable position: an orphan. I don’t feel very good thinking about it, but it’s unlikely I could think about it.

“Ha ha.”

The Earl smiled ill-willed and stroked his jaw.

“Are you thinking about me not attacking Farah or not having such a purpose?

Lilia turns a slight blind eye, not to say from herself. The Count distorted his face with pleasure and nodded.

“That’s Mr. Liliane. You know that.”

Lilia stagnated, not expecting to admit it, and Farah paled. The Count laughed somewhere mocking at the way those two looked.

“But for you, orphans and other people who have nothing to do with it. I don’t know why we’re together, but I need you to keep your mouth shut.”

Not an outsider, I’d say, but it wouldn’t be a good idea to reveal that Farah is a wise man. It will be an extra hassle. Sakura said Lilia was thinking about what to do.

“This girl, Farah, she’s a good girl.”

The Earl frowns at such sarcastic words. Sakura said with a smile.

“So you want it. Hey, you can have it, right?

Or is it no good?

When it tickles, it tickles. The Earl breathed in that chilly grin.

“No…… I don’t mind. However, it is still difficult for you, the Great Spirit, to hire people…”

“Then let Mr. Kelvin hire you. Isn’t that nice? Lilia.”

That’s not for Lilia to decide. Lilia was stuck in words only for a moment, but nodded quickly. If it were a request from Sakura, my father wouldn’t say no. Besides, you can’t shut up and overlook that Sakura’s acquaintances will be treated intact, regardless of who else is in red. You can try to convince my father.

Confirming Lilia nodded, Sakura told the Count.

“Well, I’ll take this girl.”

“Ha… I’m in awe. Let me give it to you.”

“Thank you! You know what I’m talking about.”

The Count seems to have no choice but to smile bitterly at the delightful Sakura smile.

You won’t need to talk to this man any more. Lilia, letting Farah stand, decided to leave the room with Alisa. I said a short hello, and I was just about to leave the room.

“Regards Farah”

Strangely enough, I nodded and left the room that I understood.

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