Haunted Duke’s Daughter

Chapter 250

Work Experience

Not long before I graduated from school. Eating Sakura and Dafu, I thought.

After graduating from school, Lilia will be working for this country. I already had a meeting with him more than the king, and he told me that maybe it would be nice to have a crumb, so it’s an accepted job. If I start that job, I will never go in or out of the Mansion and the Royal Palace.

Actually, it’s not, but Lilia really thought so these days.

I will do my best for this country. As a nobleman, I take it for granted, and the work I have been diagnosed with is not a bad thing. So that’s good. I hope so.

Lilia doesn’t know much. of this country, a civilian job. how they work. It wouldn’t be a bad thing to want to know that in order to do everything for this country.

Sakura said that, and she turned her eyes round,

“I don’t think it’s Lilia’s word”

“What does that mean?”

When Lilia said in a grumpy way, Sakura thought a little,

“Yeah. Meaning as words say. I’m so glad Lilia’s grown up. Good luck with that.”

“It’s, well… The…. I appreciate that.”



Lilia’s eyes that can be narrowed down. When Lilia offered her right hand to Alisa, Alisa silently placed one thing in her hand. Green object. That is, pepper.

“Wow! I’m just kidding. I’m sorry. So stop!

Lilia turns a slightly chilled eye to apologize the moment she sees it. Lilia sighed and returned the pepper to Alisa with a pulled smile.

“Let’s get back to it.”

“Yes. Copy that.”

Lilia nodded satisfactorily in response to the submissive Sakura reply. I think it’s just a little too much, but I think it’s Sakura that’s bad. That’s what I’ll do.

“So, what do you think?”

“Hmm…… Isn’t that okay? I know it’s unprecedented that the Duke’s son works on the south side, but it’s important that you’re interested. I think so. I think so!

Sakura’s tattoo came out. All right, nodding Lilia. Now no one will complain.

It is a very useful handkerchief.

“Didn’t you just think about being rude?

“I just thought it was a very handy pawn.”

“You don’t have to put it in your mouth! Terrible!”

I’ll stroke your outraged Sakura head, laughing and laughing. Sakura laughs in a good mood as soon as possible. This is what Sakura said, a little, I guess.

That’s why. A week later, only one day of experiential labor was decided.


………… Um… One miso dough. ”

“Thank you. I also recommend Dafu.”

“Hih… Oh, please do that too……!


Why? Why are you scared?

Lilia asking the usual store to borrow clothes and try to work. But why? Customers who come to the store purchase the product as Lilia recommends without leakage. with a frightened look.

I don’t know what that means.

Behind the store the shopkeeper and clerk, as well as three Sakura people who were coming to visit, were grinning desperately with their bellies.

“Oh no, I have to make the next one…! Laughter, but I can’t stop laughing……!

Store owner’s words. Rude.

“No, no, Father, don’t laugh…! Customers know you’re here, but you’re scared, you laugh, but you can’t…!

You’re rude enough, too.

“Hihi, hihi… Huh! Scary, this is scary……! Ha, ha, ha…!

I laugh too much and Sakura is acting strange. This guy is the rudest.

You must have noticed Lilia’s flashy expression, Sakura says.

“Lilia, let me imagine. People here, you know Lilia’s the Duke’s house, right?

“What’s that?”

“I can recommend the product to the Duke’s house. You can’t say no.”


You’re right if you ask me. Sure, this seems like Lilia has a nothingness that I couldn’t imagine that far. But to put it that way, this Lilia experience had to have been notified in advance. I came shopping after knowing that, so I guess the customers are still bad.

“And I’m afraid of smiling. She’s smiling.”

“Huh…… I didn’t mean to.”

I tried my best to do something about being sorry for sales, but apparently Sakura said it was counterproductive. It’s quite difficult.

With that in mind, a new shadow came.


Lilia’s words broke off.



Lilia staring at each other, and Tina the guest. Next to Tina, there’s Chris.

Awkward. Very awkward.

“Um, I heard Lilia was working… So…”

“Oh. Yes. Welcome.”

In the meantime, I’ll float the whole business.


They leaked a short scream. Tina says, as she panicked, that she is heartily hurt by Tina’s reaction.

“Oh, I’m sorry, Lilia! That, because I was so scared!

“Mr. Tina… that’s called a chase…”

Chris, who says so, is also laughing next door. I’m doing a pretty complicated thing of laughing in blue.

“Um, Lilia. I’m sorry? Uh… Five bakes, please.”

“Yes, sir.”

I’ve lost my temper to fix it. I put a bake on a box of paper and say it all the time.

“How about Dafu? I think it’s a good idea today.”

“Really? Whose, by the way?


“I knew it.”

Sounds like Sakura-sama, Tina laughs. I have the person in the back of the store, but apparently he hasn’t noticed.

Then she also sold Dafu to Tina, who said, and Lilia said after she left.

“It’s hard to work.”

“Yeah. Lilia’s tough is tough in a completely different direction. This doesn’t make any sense?

Lilia sighed heartily at her very now even sakura sentiments.

Turns out, sales were better than usual with customers who saw something scary, and the store owner thanked them. Happy or bad, as for Lilia, it’s a complicated mood.

Working from morning until after noon, one large silver coin was received as wages. I thanked you and received it, but I was heartily surprised at how little it was. Although I was seriously surprised to hear from Sakura that she was getting quite colored.

Reflect on your work while eating Dafu from a souvenir in your own room. Something unpleasant happened, but it was reasonably enjoyable. And more than that, I’m tired.

“Well, it’s not what I usually do. And it’s really tougher.”


“Yeah. We were just polite customers this time because we all know about Lilia, but there’s a lot more trouble if it’s true. There are people who are obsessed with obsession.”

“I see. Let’s crush it”

“I’m scared!

You can’t let a human being go wild who can hardly afford to be obsessed with such a good store. With that said, Sakura laughed and turned away.

“Seems decent and off somewhere. How did this happen?”


“No, anything. By the way, delicious?

At the end of Sakura’s gaze is the sweets Lilia has. I bought it with the big silver coin I got as a paycheck, cookies. My first paycheck turned out to be this cookie.

“Well, yeah. Not bad.”

I think it tastes better than usual, I can’t tell you what a ripped mouth is. Lilia put it that way.

You’d be guessing, including that. Sakura laughed somewhere happy, you know.



Lilia secretly lowered her sip when she saw the sawdust smothered by the peppers she had snuck into the dish as a vengeance for laughing.

You realize the thought of Lilia like that, and Sakura was desperate to complete the dish, so I complimented her and handed her over Dafu. I still think Sakura, who just gets in a good mood for that, is a bit.

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