Haunted Duke’s Daughter

Chapter 251


Spill’s day begins with the wake of Sakura.

Sakura is always sleeping in the appreciated room or in Lilia’s room. I always circle myself on that side after Sakura sleeps. However, you will not sleep. Because the Spirit doesn’t need sleep.

Then I don’t know why Sakura, my boss, sleeps. I asked, because it feels good, but I didn’t know what it was good for.

Sakura always wakes up a little faster than Lilia. It stretches as you stretch and waves at the spiel. Once you see that, Spill runs right over to Sakura.

“Morning, Spill. You’re fluffy today.”

It’s useful, what can I say. Sakura caresses my spirits. Very gentle, then firmly. It feels so good, it sticks to my body.

“You’re still a sweetheart.”

Nah, nah, nah, nah. Sometimes I don’t understand what Sakura is saying.

After Sakura is satisfied, we head to wake Lilia. He’s Sakura’s best friend, and he’s like another boss to Spirit. I’m human, but that has nothing to do with spiel.

As Sakura rocked Lilia’s body, she woke up immediately. Good morning, I know very well that the two of you who greet each other are very close smiles.

“Spill too. Good morning.”

Lilia strokes my head. It’s a very gentle gesture.

“What will Sakura do today?

“Was Lilia’s work this morning?”

“Yeah. I’m free from noon, though.”

“Then I’ll go for a walk till lunch. Breakfast before that!

“Yes, sir.”

You two will leave the room if you take them. Spill rushed over Sakura’s head as he was about to be left behind. Oh, I’m sorry, and Sakura strokes me.

Join us in the dining room and watch the breakfast.

Eating is fun. I know this is spiel, too. So I always, secretly, get meat and fruit from Sakura. Today was thick-sliced bacon. Eat fast under the feet of the sakura. Delicious.

After you finish eating, you are free to move.

Lilia goes to work and Sakura goes for a walk. Spirit will also be free in the meantime. In the beginning Spill was also on Lilia’s side all the time, but now they say you can be free while you’re at work.

Or so I have nothing to do.

Spill will also try to walk around your garden imitating Sakura. Relax the large garden. Maids and deacons do a lot of work. It’s the usual sight, but you’re all very working people.

That’s how I came back to my room and relaxed again, and Lilia came back first today.

When Lilia puts her luggage on the table, she changes into a moving outfit while the maid helps her. It’s not a dress, it’s a piece with a calm atmosphere. It’s a patience outfit.

“Spill. Is Sakura still going to take?

“Wait a minute…… I’ll be right back, but it’ll still take, that’s for sure.”

“Oh yeah. I don’t know what to do…”

I sat in a chair looking bored somewhere. The spill circles under its feet. Hmm, and Lilia sees Spill,

“Spill. Come.”

Called to Lilia, Spill fits in that arm. Lilia then caresses the spiel for a little while, then hugs her all the time.

“Ha…… Fluffy……”

Sakura has secrets, and this is how you pretend. I don’t think we need to keep it a secret, Lilia said, but she’s embarrassed. I’m not sure about Spill, but I guess that’s what it is.

Let go of your hand a little bit, and the next thing you know, you’ll be gripped on the forefoot of the spiel. Forefoot, not meatballs. puffy. It’s just a little ticklish.

Naturally, I don’t inherently need meatballs for my spirits, but when Sakura gave me spirits, she gave birth to me as this figure. Much softer meatballs were born than actual dogs. puffy. By the way, Sakura often comes along.

“Lilia, what are you doing?

Unexpectedly, I heard a sarcastic voice. Lilia trembles and looks back in momentum. Sakura stood smiling.

“Sakura? Didn’t it take a little longer?

“Yeah. I tried to surprise you, and I lied to Spill”

I think that’s terrible. There was a accusation of spiel. I took my gaze and I laughed bitterly that Sakura was sorry.

“No, but I can’t believe Lilia did this. I’m so glad you liked Spill.”

“No, you’re not. This is… You know, Sakura.”

“You don’t have to tell me! Spirit is cute, I can’t help it!

“Wait a minute. Listen to me.”

“Cuddle up and puff it. Hey, there’s something cute about Lilia too!


Oh, maybe it’s time to suck. Spill gently left Lilia. Sakura is unfortunately unaware of Lilia’s condition.

“Me too, I mean high nose…”

“Come on, shut up!

When did you have it, Lilia put something in Sakura’s mouth in a agile move. Immediately thereafter,


Sakura goes around screaming. This reaction of Sakura is only one, pepper.

“Totally. For you kids who can’t eat peppers. Alisa!”


When was this again prepared, a plate with peppery vegetable stir-fry in Alisa’s hands? When Lilia receives it, she leans over to Sakura.

“Hih… Wait, Lilia, that’s not… Please, forgive me…”

“You want me to forgive you?






Two people who are stunned and rampaged. It’s the same thing we get along with.

“Dear Spill. Would you like some juice?

Oh, I’ll take it, and Spill will be right on the table. Lick the juice poured into the plate. Grape juice. Delicious.

There’s still a lot of fuss right there.

“You’re still at peace today.”

Hey, and Spill agree. I don’t know a lot of twists and turns. It’s more of a peaceful proof.

You’re getting hungry, and eventually you two are moving slowly, and two exhausted people are back. Sakura is stubborn, but I’m in a good mood right away with Dafu, given to me by Lilia.

We had lunch and the two went out. I had less lunch, so I guess I’ll even walk again. He says Spill’s off today, so I’ll relax and relax here.

Eventually I got plenty of treats for the two of us back and Spill felt very happy.

Dinner’s over, by the time I go to bed. They’re going to sleep together today. I envy you for being really close.

“Spill come too”

Don’t hesitate, Spill will fit between you two. I’ll have both of you do the same. It’s the happiest time.

“Good night, Sakura. And Spill.”

“Good night, Lilia. Spill, too.”

Shake your tail and reply. That’s how they fall asleep, and then Spill looks back at what he is today. It was also a very pleasant day.

May the day go on forever when you two can laugh at each other like this. Spill thought about that, small and round.

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