Haunted Duke’s Daughter

Chapter 46


Lilia, returning from Tina’s room to her own, slammed into her desk as she entered her bedroom.

Lilia praise by Tina and Saila continued long after that. I have no idea what is so appreciated. I was embarrassed at first, but when I was the last, I could only be embarrassed.

After all, Lilia herself has left Tina’s room with Saila, without much to talk about. I also feel like I wasted my time, but Saila seems to have made a good impression on Tina, so it’s good. Although I am not convinced that this is due to the mysterious Lilia praise.

– Although the passage along the way didn’t make sense anymore…… That’s all right, Sakura.

– Yeah. Just like that. Good luck this week, Lilia.

– Good day, Sakura. Oh, I’m really tired. Especially at the end and much more tired……

– Haha. Well, it’s better than being hated. Let’s keep going at this rate.

Makes it easy for me to say, does Sakura know Lilia’s hard work is considerable? I can’t help it, so I won’t.

– Well, tomorrow’s your weekend to wait! It’s study day! Let’s go out!

– Do you know what self-study means?

While I’m frightened, Lilia herself is going out tomorrow, so I can’t say very strongly. We have a place to go. Last week was a tour of the south side of town that didn’t patrol much for the night club. This time, Alisa and the others have been asked to cooperate in advance. They were supposed to cooperate without any particular objection.

Most of all, they’re still not welcome, so it was a painful laugh to give up.

– You can go around slowly tomorrow. Lilia, I want to eat Tae Fu.

– I’m the one who eats…

With such a conversation, Lilia herself was inflating her expectations tomorrow.

The next day. I left my room with Alisa and went into the same place as the last class I changed. Get dressed quickly, Alisa drops me off and Lilia heads to the gate. After all, just like last time, they sent me out with a smile.

– Let’s go a little far today.

– Fine, but remember the way. Because I’m busy eating.

– You’re reopening. But I get it, I’ll take care of the road and eat something delicious instead!

That’s how I started walking in the city with Sakura. When I find something that looks delicious, I buy it and eat it. It’s not the same as last time. I haven’t decided on directions, so I’m going to eat what I see. Lilia had already lost track of her way home in the fifth case, but she’s left it to Sakura, so she’ll be fine.

– Wow, that wasn’t a good idea earlier, but this is delicious. Happiness……

A little, no, seriously, I get anxious, but it should be okay.

After that, he tours the store at will and walks around eating. Remember the store that I thought was delicious with Sakura. There were many flavors Lilia didn’t know, things she didn’t know, and they were very fresh.

It was after noon as it was, and I was just about to change direction to walk towards the school side.

– Lilia, stop!

Sakura’s voice echoed with her head. Bring a quick glance around your surroundings with a slight glance on your face. I wonder if anyone knows him, but it should be about Tina coming to this place with an acquaintance from Lilia.

– Is anybody there?

– Yeah. I’m a little surprised.

Lilia goes into a nearby store just in case, frowning in an unclear way. As I looked down the street from that entrance, the shadow I saw came into my eyes. One boy with a lot of soldiers.

“Your Highness!”

I hear surprises and joys from around me. It’s one of Lilia’s most unwelcome opponents. He gently fled to the store, pulling his cheeks by accident.

– How come His Highness is here…

– No, no, that’s just what surprised me, too. I thought you were the least likely person to come… But you are. I wonder if he’s coming because he’s a prince.

– For what?

– An inspection, or something? I’m not familiar with what the royal family is doing either, so I can’t be explicit.

I see, Lilia nodded. Indeed, Lilia has also heard that the Prince has inspected every place several times. I had never seen that scene, but I didn’t think it was that much of a mess.

– Yeah. It’s a little too noisy.

Sakura thought the same thing, it sounded strange.

After a while of observation, a soldier ran from somewhere. And report something to some people, including the prince, and a bunch of people who hear about it change their direction of walking. I walked in the opposite direction to the store where Lilia was. Exhaled relieved, Lilia went outside buying only one small baked treat at the store.

– I don’t know if it’s a person or a thing, but it sounds like you’ve been looking for something.

– His Royal Highness came out himself for what he was looking for? Whatever it takes. It’s…

No, I just wanted to say, it’s that prince. If it’s really important, it’s not weird to be looking for it on your own feet. I don’t know what that is, but I’m just a little interested. But that’s it. I don’t think I’m going to get involved.

– Restore your mind!

– Right. Shall we return to the city tour? Come on, where’s next…

“Mr. Lilia?

Fit, and Lilia stopped moving. Liar, Sakura is also stunned. The direction of the voice, looking slowly back directly.

Ray was there.

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