Haunted Duke’s Daughter

Chapter 47


“Mr. Lilia…… right?

– Sakura! What am I supposed to do! You seem convinced, so you should run!

– Yeah. That’s really the opposite of calming when you see someone disturbing you. Uh, Lilia. It doesn’t make sense because it’s like saying you’re right if you run away here.

– Then what am I supposed to do!

Lilia’s heart was completely panicked. The Duke’s family would be annoyed if it became public, such as when he was shopping here. I don’t care if it’s someone else in red, but it’s just a little bit when it comes to family, but I care.

– Lilia, calm down. Yes, deep breaths.

Lilia takes a deep breath, prompted by the sawdust. Ray looks at it strangely, but I can’t care less about that now.

– Lilia, calm down. Ray didn’t realize Lilia was Liliane Ardis. So it’s not like I’m panicking yet.

Sakura’s words remind me to say so. I don’t know if it’s true, but Ray only recognizes Lilia as some senior nobleman. He stroked his chest down to what had not been the worst yet, and asked Sakura what he would do next.

– I’ll put you on my side rather than delude you badly. Ray’s a smart kid, so I think he’s kind of guessing at Lilia’s outfit.

– Yes… Ok.

Lilia glanced back at Ray and tried coughing to calm down first. You reacted to that, Ray corrects your posture. I don’t know why, but I decided not to care and I kept talking.

“You got it, Ray.”

“Wow! I knew it was Mr. Lilia! I’m surprised I didn’t expect to see you here!

Ray smiles at me with a full face. He’s happy to see Lilia, and he’s honestly put joy on his face. Lilia feels a little guilty because she was thinking earlier about how to delude herself.

“But I was surprised. Master Lilia is a senior nobleman, isn’t she? I thought they wouldn’t come to these places.”

Advanced aristocracy, I guess you heard the word, some of the people around you peeling their eyes a little and looking at Ray. And that talker, Lilia, too. As Lilia pulled her cheeks, the next instruction came from Sakura.

Get him out of this place now.

Lilia nodded quickly and took that hand as she walked to Ray’s. Ignoring the surprise Ray, Lilia walked away early enough.

Lilia took a breather as she walked away from the scene and into a dim, thin street between the building and the building.

“Oh, um…”

He returned to me in Ray’s voice. That said, I brought you this far without saying anything, he said. Looking back to apologize, Ray seemed so upset.

“I’m sorry…… You wanted to keep your identity hidden…”

To the words, Lilia opened her eyes slightly. They guessed it firmly in a series of Lilia moves earlier. The head still seems to turn well. If Lilia at least did the same thing, she wouldn’t be able to stay calm out of anger.

– No, that’s rude to Ray compared to Lilia there.

– I think your words are very rude to me right now.

– It’s my fault. It’s my fault.

Lilia turned to Ray as she sighed at Sakura, who laughed joyfully. Ray stares anxiously at Lilia.

“You just have to be careful next time.”

I just got a little bit of a bluffy way of saying it, but Ray smiled, relieved, good.

“What did Master Lilia come here to do?

To Ray’s inquiry, Lilia was stuck in words. I don’t feel malice or anything at all from Ray, who smiles and tilts his neck, but still wonders if I can answer honestly.

– I think you can answer honestly. Maybe this kid will be fine.

Following Sakura’s instructions, Lilia opened her mouth.

“I got a treat from someone I knew a while ago. Which is a treat, but have you heard of it?

“Yes! Delicious, isn’t it? I like it, too.”

I wonder why, Ray’s smile is so dazzling. I look away without being able to look directly at it.

– What a malicious smile… Thin and dirty, our hearts are spicy.

– You don’t want to admit that you’re thinly dirty…

That being said, I don’t strongly deny it, rather than being able to.

“Oh, I see! That’s why you came to buy it yourself. Because I want to eat more. Lilia is unexpectedly delicious…”

but Shishi. I scratched Ray’s head with my right hand. To Ray, who was completely frozen, Lilia asks with a ‘smile’.

“I’m sorry. I couldn’t hear you very well. What did you try to say?

“Um, the… Ma, it tastes like you want to eat again! I understand very well!

Haha, and Ray laughed in a pulling mood, and his cheeks and Lilia laughed with a pasted smile.

– I’m scared.

– Shut up. Whose fault do you think it is? You must be the one with the tenderness to eat.

– Ugh… I can’t argue……

Satisfied first with the silent Sakura, Lilia let go of Ray’s head. Released Ray had stepped back two or three steps and was staring at Lilia to be vigilant. Those eyes even feel slightly wet. Would it have been a little too much?

“I’m sorry. But, Ray, remember, there are good things to say and bad things to women.”

– No, it’s about Lilia who gets angry that far…

– You don’t have the color of reflection…

– Oh, hi! I’m sorry!

Unexpectedly frowning at Sakura’s words, Ray has gained momentum and bowed his head, in front of an astonishing Lilia, Ray says, you mistakenly thought it was directed at you.

“I’m sorry! It certainly wasn’t a word for women. Then I’ll be careful.”

“Yeah… You just have to know. Yeah……”

– Poor thing. It’ll be traumatic.


– I’m sorry.

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