Haunted Duke’s Daughter

Chapter 69


– Let’s admit it. That’s my friend. If that friend is annoying, there’s no way I’m keeping quiet.

– Yeah. It’s a good thing. But, Lilia. That sermon just now still applies to Lilia.

– That’s… I’ll be careful. Tell me if you notice.

Lilia knows that too. I also know that my present is far from my ideal for Sakura. Still, Lilia has Sakura with her all the time, so you can’t go wrong.

Thinking about it makes me mock myself that it’s a lot unfair. Because there is no one to watch out for at all times.

“Your Highness.”

When Lilia called, the prince lifted his face loose. It’s something that has gotten a lot worse in a dozen minutes.

– You look terrible. Who? Who did you do this poor thing to!

– Oh, is something wrong?

– Nothing. I think we should do more!

That said, Sakura laughs with pleasure. I wonder why, that laugh was somewhere creepy. It was my fault, I shook my head inside and turned my face to the prince again.

“I’m disturbed. I’m sorry.”

That’s what I say, head down. The prince turned his eyes round and smiled powerlessly.

“No, you were right. It sure didn’t seem like I had enough thought. Let’s think a little bit more about what’s around us next.”

“Yes, thank you very much.”

“Oh. Nevertheless…”

The prince looks seriously at Lilia. As Lilia tilted her neck, the prince smiled somewhere funny.

“I don’t think you were harassing Tina. People change.”

“Please don’t. Because I’m still being taught, too.”

“Teach? To whom?

Lilia was stuck in words, but smiled to fix it immediately. This is the story, with the meaning. The prince saw it and just shrugged his shoulder.

“Did you even find a good mentor? I just wanted you to introduce me, but it wouldn’t be worth asking.”

– I can introduce you if I can…

– You can’t physically.

I laugh inside with Sakura. Really, now I sincerely think it’s good to have Sakura.

“Your Highness. I’ll talk to you later in the week. I don’t have much time, but you should think about the future.”

“Oh…… Right. I’m sorry, but tell Tina I said hi.”

“Yes. I’m in awe”

Carefully bow your head and return the calamity to the door. The servants I saw in the corner of my sight, everyone was grinning bitterly. While I learned about the prince’s rampage, I guess they couldn’t really say it. Lilia and a few of her eyes were somewhat bowing their heads so that the prince wouldn’t notice.

Come to the door and look back at the prince. The prince sat deeply at the chair, not in one movement, except it was dripping and dusk. I may have just done a little too much, but it should be better than halfway through.

Soon Glenn and I stood next to the prince in sight. Glenn smiles bitterly and waves at me every time she tells me not to care. Lilia bowed her head small and left the rest to Glenn to leave.

The next day. Lilia left the room with Alisa before noon. Alisa has a crate in her hand, with her usual clothes in it. Sometimes before noon there seemed to be a few people who expressed an interest in Lilia and Alisa, but no one was going to move on and get involved.


When I entered my usual classroom, Cynthia was there dressed differently than usual. Very elegant clothes, inferior to the clothes Lilia will be wearing. It just suits me well for some reason. I won’t say it because it’s not going to be a compliment.

“Dear Lilia,”

Cynthia called her name, and Lilia looked up. Cynthia continues.

“I am accompanied by Lilia-sama for a small time. May I?

I see, Lilia nodded. I guess Cynthia chose those clothes intentionally. You can’t let a small-timer wear clothes that are superior to the Lord. I just still wonder if something happened a little more.

But now I can’t help it. Lilia gave up and sighed small.

“Shall we go”


That’s how Lilia headed south with Cynthia.

– Lilia! I want that dough!

– Yes, sir.

Lilia’s recent eating walk has mainly moved as directed by Sakura. Sakura is a way of exploring what you want to eat. I had taken this shape because I had no idea which was tasty in Lilia.

However, I find it like other personnel that it would be difficult for Cynthia to act together. Sakura’s instructions are not uniform enough to go that way or this way. Cynthia seemed confused by that irregular move.

– Oh! Lilia! That! That!

Lilia shook her body frighteningly with a sudden sawdust. Cynthia watching it immediately alerts her surroundings. Naturally, I felt a little sorry because there was nothing.

– Sakura, what’s wrong?

When asked with a slightly insured voice, Sakura laughed lightly.

– I’m sorry. I want that one.

Follow Sakura’s instructions to a nearby store. There was some liquid on the dough stabbed on the skewer.

– No, I’m not wrong, but I want you to say “Ta”… Misato dumplings, right?

– Misato dough? Delicious?

– Try it and you’ll see!

That snorted, too, and Lilia bought three copies of the dough. Pass one of them to Cynthia. Cynthia, bewildered, received it.

“Thank you”

Cynthia holds the skewer and cheeks the dough. Lilia was watching over it. Cynthia tilted her neck anxiously when she realized it.

“Oh, um… Dear Lilia……?

Lilia shook her head saying it was nothing, holding a skewer and cheeking the dough just like Cynthia. I was wary of mysterious liquids, but how could this be, quite delicious.

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