Haunted Duke’s Daughter

Chapter 70


– Mysterious liquid… So if you say so.

Sakura laughed bitterly, but soon sang her nose out in a good mood. Misato dough, because you like it. I know Lilia is delicious, but is it more difficult to get your hands dirty than what you’ve eaten?

– Sakura. Can’t you handle this?

– Hmm? Oh, that’s sticky! What if I lick it?

– That’s just…

– Right? Well, if you’re buying something else, you can take it sometime.

Sounds irresponsible, but Lilia decided not to care first either. If you hadn’t taken it when you left, you could have thought about it then. When she changed her mind, Lilia walked out again following Sakura’s instructions.

“Was Lilia eating and walking like this every time she came to this side?

That’s what Cynthia asked me when I thought it was time to go home because I was so bloated. He nodded to Cynthia as he asked Sakura to show him the way home.

“That’s right. Naturally, but don’t tell anyone. Of course, to my family.”

“Yes. I’m in awe”

Keep your head down, Cynthia. Lilia nods contentedly at it and begins to walk according to the return route Sakura has indicated.

“I heard from your father that you were eating and walking, but I honestly half-hearted it”

“I guess so. I have others too…… Well, I doubt your eyes if Chris walks around eating. Don’t you want to serve me like this?

Without looking at Cynthia’s face, that’s what I ask. Cynthia seemed stuck in words for a moment, but immediately she seemed to shake her head with momentum.

“No. I felt more familiar”

“Yes…… I don’t know if I’m happy as a nobleman, but let’s just say it’s good.”

“Ah…… That’s right. I’m sorry.”

It’s better than being able to leave, so I guess it’s a good thing. That concludes Lilia walks to school.

– Lilia, I forgot Dafu!

Sakura stopped shouting at the store where she always bought Dafu.

– Oh, I’m sorry. I’ll buy it soon.

Without a doubt this buying and eating will be a sawdust effect, thinking in a corner of my head, I reserved it for bitterness because it is not particularly offensive. More importantly,

– Huh… Happiness……

Listening to Sakura’s happy voice was making me wonder if those trivial things mattered.

Tina came back to her room after a meal walk and thought about studying until the night club. When I invited him in with his neck tilted as to what was going on, he bowed his head in momentum as he entered the room.

“Lilia! Thanks!”

Lilia was stunned for a while in a sudden thank-you, but with a sarcastic sneer she returned to me and coughed to deceive me. Let them sit in their usual seats, and Lilia will sit opposite them too.

“Oh, I don’t know if I can thank you for this…”

That’s what I’ve been saying and offering you is a small box. That box, which I’m used to seeing these days,

– Dafu!

– You just ate.

Though frightened inside, Lilia smiled at Tina.

“Thank you. What can I thank you for, by the way?

“About the night club. This morning, His Highness’ maid arrived and received a letter from His Highness. Lilia told me, didn’t she?

“Oh…… I just told him.”

– Anyway?

– Shut up.

“So? What did it say?

When I asked her that, Tina smiled very happily. Tina tells me to Lilia, who tilts her neck.

“Eh. It says here a long time, to sum up, I’m sorry I didn’t think enough of it, I don’t mind being absent from the night club, I’m going to see you again.”


“And I only got one round of flowers because it would be annoying if it was a bouquet of flowers”

“That’s what your Highness wrote in his letter?


I was heartily surprised without expressing myself as to whether it was something that would change that much in just one day. I think you said it in person. I’m also curious about the type of flowers, but don’t ask because this could get you involved in something odd if it’s a flower that makes any sense.

– Well, this will be fine for a while. I guess we’ll do the rest in person.

– I hope so.

– Because it’s that prince…

Lilia continued her bickering with Tina, smiling bitterly.

If I had noticed, it was time for the night club to start. Lilia doesn’t care that much because she’s just going to come home to show her face, but Tina had said many times she apologized that she had caught Lilia all the time.

“You’re saying you don’t have to worry about it”


“Tina, I’m persistent.”


I really don’t care, but apparently Tina thinks she cares. First of all, I think I want you to guess from what Alisa and the others haven’t even said.

“Look. Because it’s time for me to go show my face. Go back to your room.”

“Yeah…… Sorry, Lilia.”

“So you’re saying it’s okay.”

I just get a little irritated. You guessed that, Tina didn’t say any more. I left Lilia’s room. I remained depressed, but will it be okay?

“Dear Lilia,”

Alisa called out as she stared worryingly at the door.

– Lilia. I know you’re worried, but it’s time to go.

– Yeah…… Right.

Sakura also encouraged Lilia to head to her bedroom to change into a dress she had been groomed to prepare.

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