He, The One


"...Weak," I said aloud as I watched the fight between the Yokai and The Five Principal Clans, they were getting slaughtered by humans... There humans were stronger than most humans but still humans at the end of the day and that wasn't something I could accept.

As I stood in silence I watched the streets which looked like they were pulled from Japan back in the 1600s and placed here stained with blood. Yokai loved the old Japan so everything within their land still had all of the culture Japan had to offer.

Buildings that had stood for generations were now reduced to rubble. Yokai who believed they were safe to live a carefree life was now dead. Katana's clashed at every corner of every road. Magic was thrown at the Yokai children while the casters watched with smiles as they murdered their greatest foes. This was war.

"Heh, if I knew it would've been this easy I would've supported the other factions, we should've killed these things off much earlier." A random mystic said with a smile as he separated a Yokai's head from its shoulders.

'These guys suck.' Ddraig said with an amused tone, he didn't hide the fact that he didn't like Yokai, he was the same as the rest of the supernatural society, they all hated the Yokai.

I ignored Ddraig since there wasn't any need to respond to the dragon and opted to continue watching the fight. Currently, Nararihyon was fighting against the heirs of the Five Principal Clans, Seiryuu Kushihashi from the Kushihashi Clan, Genbu Doumon from the Doumon Clan, Byakko Shinra from the Shinra Clan, Suzaku Himejima from the Himejima Clan, Ouryuu Nakiri from the Nakiri Clan.

Image of Seiryuu Kushihashi


Image of Genbu Doumon


Image of Byakko Shinra


Image of Suzaku Himejima





(a/n: I couldn't find a pic of Ouryuu Nakiri)

"You alright old man? You look like shit." Byakko said with a smug and amused tone, the heirs were winning the fight against Nararihyon.

Although Nararihyon was far stronger than most Yokai, he was at the same level as an Ultimate class Devil which was strong but not enough in the long run and that was showing itself now.

The group of heirs were all bordering the level of an Ultimate class Devil which was unexpected on my part, I didn't remember them being this strong but it wasn't something to rack my head about, I've already been shown that this world isn't the same as the canon High School DxD.

The heirs, armed with strong Sacred Gears, and training to specifically kill beings of darkness like Yokai and Devils, were able to push Nararihyon to near his max.

"I've arrived Father," Rihan said with a smile as he appeared next to the panting Nararihyon.

"...About time..." Nararihyon said between bated breaths as he looked at his son who was still smiling.

"Ah! More food!" Byakko said with a big smile.

"Stop shouting you beast," Seiryuu said as he pushed up with glasses.

"Eh? Don't tell me to shut up, dumbass!" Byakko replied to Seiryuu.

"Father." Rihan interrupted their conversation as he spoke to his father but this time without his smile.

"What?" Nararihyon said after standing up and preparing to continue the fight.

"His lordship, he's watching," Rihan said before instantly bowing in my direction.

As soon as those words were uttered Nararihyon's face morphed into one of nervousness and fear as he looked up towards the direction Rihan was bowing in and was met with the sight of me who was watching everything with a completely passive face despite my actual feelings about everything I've seen.

It wasn't just Nararihyon who was looking up at me but the heirs as well and different from Nararihyon none of them seemed nervous or fearful, they looked at me the same way as they did Nararihyon, as prey to slaughter.

"M-My lord, I apologize for my incompetence," Nararihyon said as he bowed while trying to control his body which was shaking.

At this point, the only reason I was spotted was because I didn't hit myself and the only reason Nararihyon was nervous was because I told him I don't accept mediocre subordinates.

I didn't bother responding to the Yokai and opted to simply stare down at him not showing any expression.

"Would you look at that, the dude came here by himself, talk about Lucky," Byakko said with a smile before freezing for a few moments.

"What do you mean? why would I run?" Byakko said to the air.

"What?" Seiryuu said but just like Byakko, his words weren't directed toward anyone present.

"I'm no coward, dragon," Ouryuu said to the air with a scowl.

"Although I'd like to, I can't," Suzaku said as she released a deep sigh like she hated what she was doing and didn't want to be here.

"Umu, I'm leaving!" Genbu declared before running away and while I could stop her, I didn't.

'Their sacred gears are telling them to run.' Ddraig explained letting me know that my assumption was right.

"..." The heirs all didn't look surprised at all to see Genbu run away, all of their Sacred Gears had warned them and told them to run away as fast as they could but they didn't listen, Genbu did though, the child was just like that.

'How amusing.' I said inwardly.

"Hey," Byakko said as he looked up at me while trying to be menacing,

"Why don't you get your ass down here so I can kill you? I don't wanna be here for long you fu-" Byakko said with a condescending tone before being interrupted by Rihan.

"Watch your mouth," Rihan said with a scowl as his leg connected with Byakko's ribcage before sending Byakko flying through some buildings.

 For those unaware Rihan was stronger than his father Nararihyon, there was a reason why Nararihyon seemed relieved when Rihan arrived.

"Idiot," Ouryuu said as he ran at Rihan along with the rest of the heirs before being intercepted by Narahiyon, although the old Yokai was tired he knew he needed to perform since he was now aware I was watching.

"Hmpf." Nararihyon sounded as he dodged an attack from Suzaku.

The fight between Rihan, Nararihyon, and the Heirs of the Five Principal Clans continued on for a bit while I watched before someone interrupted me.

"Hello, mutt." A masculine voice laced with venom sounded behind me causing me to turn around and look at them

Upon turning around I was greeted with the sight of a man who seemed average in every aspect but the snakes coming from his clothes told me otherwise, plus the pure energy I was sensing from him spoke volumes about just how irregular this man was.

'This is Hoso Kami, a God of Plauges who originates from the Shinto Pantheon, the Pantheon I warned you about.' Ddraig said inwardly in an 'I told you so' voice.

'I suppose this is a good reason for the Five Principal Clans to attack so abruptly.' I said to myself.

As I mentioned before the Five Principal Clans had their own reasons for attacking that I was certain of but the God who had just appeared before me told me this definitely had something to do with the Shinto Pantheon, why? Because the Five Princibale Clans are devout followers of the Shinto Gods, they possess a divine connection to the Shinto gods.

"Do you plan to ignore me, Hakumen?" Hoso said to me with some anger in his voice.

'If you're wondering why he knows you're Hakumen it's because of your tails, they look the same as Hakumen's. Plus Hakumen never showed anyone his human form so it's safe to assume you're Hakumen despite your tails being far bigger.' Ddraig said letting me know why the God was proceeding as he was.

I gave the God a condescending smirk but remained as silent as I was when he first appeared and just as anticipated, the God got angrier. I didn't know the God deeply enough to understand how he would react all the time but I did know that he was aggravated right now since I wasn't speaking to him, and almost all gods had some arrogance in their personality so if I ignored him again while giving him a smirk that said "I don't need to respond since I'm better than you" would definitely anger him some.

"You..." Hoso said as he gritted his teeth before breathing in deeply, I don't know why he arrived in a state of aggravation but he realized that fighting me with anger wouldn't get him the results he wanted so he attempted to calm himself.

"You know what?" I said as a sinister smile slowly spread onto my face.

"Wha-" Hoso said with raised brows, he didn't know where this conversation was going.

"I don't care anymore, I need some fun in my life," I said as my devilish smile fully appeared on my face before pointing my finger at Hoso and continuing.

"Red," I said still smiling as a huge bright red sphere appeared above my finger before being shot at my wide eyed victim, Hoso.

To be continued...

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