He, The One


"W-" Hoso said before being thrown like a ragdoll through the buildings in the Yokai district.

Immediately upon unleashing red havoc, complete chaos was unleashed, destroying everything in its way, leaving nothing but rubble behind. Before there were old Japanese buildings etched with the age and culture of old Japan but now there was just a huge divot in the ground that led to Hoso, who was screaming.

I watched all of this happen from the roof where I had been standing the entire time. But at this point, it wasn't just me watching; my subordinates and the heirs had paused their fights and looked upon the devastation I had just caused with wide eyes.

In the eyes of my subordinates and the heirs, I had simply pointed at Hoso, a God, before sending a red ball at him. In their minds, it should've been something simple; they didn't expect to see much from my actions, but when they did, they couldn't help but be surprised.

"Do you plan to continue hiding?" I said aloud, causing the spectators to grow confused. They didn't know who I was speaking to.

I waited a few moments for the God who was playing hide and seek with me to come out, but they didn't.

"Fine," I said as I summoned my Gunbai and parried the attack that was sent at my face.

This attack wasn't from the God who was hiding but from Hoso, who held a furious expression on his bloodied face.

"Bastard!" Hoso shouted as all of the power from his attack was dispelled and released from the sides of my Gunbai as wind.

'I see why you were so adamant about training with that weapon now,' Ddraig said with a supportive tone, the opposite tone he had before when he told me to get rid of the Gunbai.

"Idiot," I said with a condescending smirk as I pulled my Gunbai to the side and pulled my left fist back before striking Hoso's face. But it wasn't a regular punch; it was a punch imbued with my fire ability, the fire ability that mutated into a black Fox Fire after I was reborn, making it far more potent than ever before.

"GAH!" Hoso screamed as the left side of his face was severely burnt.

In all honesty, Hoso would've already been done for if he wasn't a God. Being a God gives you many benefits, and those benefits involve a ridiculously tough body, and Hoso, being a God, had such a body.

"Is that all you have to offer?" I said with a condescending tone as I looked down from the top of the building which I hadn't moved from.

"Ugh..." Hoso groaned as he got up from the rubble. But this time he looked a bit different from before; his eyes had turned completely black.

"I'll make you regret this, Hakumen," Hoso said with a deep scowl as a black mist permeated from his body and began to spread extremely fast.

'I'd end the fight as fast as you could,' Ddraig said inwardly.

'Would the mist hurt you if you still had a body?' I questioned with an arched brow. I could sense that the strength of the mist was high, but I seriously doubted it would hurt Ddraig or myself.

'No, but the mist will kill the Yokai easily,' Ddraig said inwardly, causing me to look around as I saw Yokai beginning to fall to the ground motionlessly.

"My lord! Please end the fight quickly!" Rihan said while fighting the heirs. They had already resumed their fight.

Hearing Rihan and Ddraig, as well as seeing the Yokai dying due to the mist which was spreading fast, I raised my Gunbai into the air and swung it down with the intent to cause a huge gust of wind, which would blow the mist away.

"Hehe, not so fast." The God who was hiding said as he descended from the sky with a thunderbolt.

'Ajisukitakahikone, the God of thunder,' Ddraig said inwardly with a tone more serious than when he spoke of Hoso.

'It seems they're serious about wanting you dead, partner, a god of disease and thunder is a serious match,' Ddraig said.

"Hello, Hakumen," Ajisu said as he held onto my Gunbai.

I offered no response and looked at the God with a passive face. Unlike Hoso, Ajisu had far more divine energy within his body; I could feel his strength was at a much higher level than Hoso's.

"What? Cat got your tongue? I know I know, I'm way stronger than the last time you saw me. After the beating you gave me, I really got into my training arc," Ajisu said with a smile before continuing.

"After all, as you said, Gods are arrogant creatures who at birth believe themselves to be higher beings than others, but you proved that wasn't true," Ajisu said.

"How flattering," I said as I pulled my Gunbai away from the God's hands despite his attempt to keep it in his grasp.

"I knew you wouldn't disappoint," Ajisu said with a smile as he disappeared from his spot and reappeared in front of me.


The sound of Ajisu's punch connecting with my chest was heard as I was sent flying into a building.

"Hoso! Kill as many Yokai as you can! I'll deal with Hakumen!" Ajisu shouted at the other God who was preparing to enter the fight against me.

"Bu-" Hoso said before being interrupted by Ajisu.

"Do as you're told! I wasn't asking!" Ajisu shouted at the God with a serious face.

"Yes..." Hoso replied with clenched fists as he began to spread out his mist more effectively, killing more Yokai.

"Your lord is messed up now," Byakko said with a smile despite his bruised and battered face.

"..." Rihan and Nararihyon offered no response as they continued fighting the heirs. They knew just how strong the Gods were; they were the beings who suppressed them so forcefully.

"C'mon Hakumen, I know that wasn't enough to put you down, right?" Ajisu said as he walked toward the building I was in.

"Oi!" Ajisu shouted.

"Stop yelling, I'm right here," I said as I walked out from the rubble without even the slightest wounds or damaged clothing.

Upon seeing me, Ajisu scowled. He had put some power into the punch, but here I was, without a single wound or ailment in sight.

'Infinity for the win,' I said inwardly. Yes, I had activated Infinity right before Ajisu's attack hit me, and the reason for that was because I knew I would suffer a good amount of damage from that hit if I didn't.

"Hmpf." Ajisu snorted before rushing me.

"Heh." I chuckled slightly as I parried Ajisu's fist and sent my own attack at his face, only for it to be dodged.

With Ajisu dodging my punch, there was an opportunity for him to move in and attack. But unfortunately for him, it was a feint, and as soon as he moved in, my elbow connected with his nose.

"Ugh," Ajisu grunted as I broke his nose, causing golden blood to leak from it.

"Bitch," I said with a condescending tone as I delivered a kick to the God of Thunder's chest, sending him flying into the building behind us.

Unlike Ajisu, I didn't plan on giving him any time to get up. So immediately, as he hit the building, he was hit with another one of my attacks, and from there, it only continued.


The sound of me delivering a barrage of attacks on the God who was dodging and weaving from beneath me was heard throughout the surroundings, while the crater I had just created only continued to expand due to the strength behind my punches.

"You'll need to be faster than that!" Ajisu shouted as he dodged my fist again before grabbing onto my arm and flipping me away from him.

Since I was now standing further away from Ajisu, this offered him enough time to get up and into a proper fighting stance again. Immediately upon doing so, he raised his hands into the air, causing a thunderstorm to appear in the night sky.

"Take this!" Ajisu shouted as he slammed his hands down to the ground.

As soon as Ajisu's hands hit the ground, a yellow lightning bolt descended from the sky and attempted to hit me but missed.

"Hmpf!" Ajisu snorted again as hundreds of lightning bolts descended from the sky, with high winds picking up, completely destroying the environment around us. But for me, despite this being slightly difficult since these lightning bolts were far faster and stronger than usual ones, I was still able to dodge them as I danced around the battlefield.

"Why don't you fight in your true form, Hakumen?" Ajisu asked me while I continued dodging the lightning bolts.

"This wouldn't be any fun if I did," I replied smugly, causing Ajisu's face to contort into a deep scowl.

"You-!" Ajisu shouted before raising his hands again, but this time something he didn't expect to happen.

"AGH!" Ajisu shouted as he watched his wrist fall to the ground. I used dismantle to sever it with the opening he had left.

To be continued...

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