He, The One


"Home sweet home," I said aloud with a smile as I sat on my throne.

I was currently in the place where I had played with Yuji before, my domain within the body, and the body I was currently in was Issei's.

'I've lost some strength...' I said to myself as I felt my current level of strength, it was similar to when I had around ten fingers but what was important was that I felt my strength returning to me with each passing second, this was only temporary, it wouldn't be long before I was back at full strength.

"It seems like I can't take control whenever I want," I said to myself, but I wasn't surprised. If I could take over Issei's body whenever I wanted, he wouldn't be the protagonist, and it wouldn't be fun for me either. The fun was in the process but even if things went bad once all of my strength returned I'd be able to take over easily.

"What a guy," I said as I rested my head on my hand, unbothered by the blood my feet were soaking in.

Currently, Issei is on a date with the fallen angel chick who stabbed him at the beginning of the anime. Issei, being the pervert he is, couldn't stop himself from checking out Yuuma, who kept throwing disgusted glances his way, but Issei wasn't paying attention to that at all.

"April 6th of 2018," I said the date aloud as I did the math so that I knew when I was born, which gave me the year 918, 432 years before the beginning of the Great War. With it now being 2018, it had been 608 years since the Great War ended.

The reason I knew the date was that I had access to all of Issei's memories, which also implied that I knew everything about him, making him easier to manipulate.

"I look pretty damn good," I said with a smile as I looked at the blood covering the ground, reflecting an image of me.

I stood at around 6'4" (or) 193cm with white hair around the same length as when I was Gojo. Just like God said, I had four eyes and my body was covered in tattoos that I always had as Sukuna, but I kept my second set of eyes closed regularly since I didn't need them most of the time, I still had my dark nails still meaning I could also use my claws if I wanted to, I also had the same voice I had when I was Sukuna still. The point was, I looked like the perfect combination of my previous selves, Gojo and Sukuna.

(a/n: he has the same voice as the Japanese person who voice acted for Sukuna.)

"I guess my appearance as Leon got sucked in with my appearance as Gojo," I said inwardly as I continued looking at myself. I looked pretty similar to when I was Gojo, so the fact that my appearance as Leon wasn't anywhere didn't bother me at all.

Image of Radahn



Image of his tattoos (Plus the one above)


"Hey, Issei," Yumma, who was actually named Raynare, said to Issei, causing his attention to shift from her breasts to her face.

"Yeah?" Issei replied with a goofy smile, not noticing the eerie environment surrounding him.

"Heh, here we go," I said inwardly with a smile as I pulled my robe to the side slightly. I was wearing the same robe Yuji had first seen me in; I had no reason to be naked within my domain, and my robes were better than the plain white clothing I spawned in.

Image of the outfit



"It sure was fun today," Issei said with a smile as Yumma let go of his hand and walked in front of a fountain.

"Hey, Ise-kun," Yumma said with a smile as she looked at Issei innocently.

"What is it, Yuuma-chan?" Issei replied with a smile of his own.

"There is something I want to do to celebrate our first date. Can you listen to my wish?" Yumma said, feigning seriousness. She was a bad actor. I honestly don't understand how Issei fell for her act.

"W-What is the wish you want?" Issei replied as he began checking his breath, believing he was about to get a kiss from his first-ever date.

"Will you die for me?" Yumma said genuinely.

"...Eh? That is...huh, sorry, can you repeat that again? I think there's something wrong with my ears," Issei said with a strained smile, actually believing he was tripping out.

"Will you die for me?" Yumma said again with a certain seriousness in her voice.

"That's so funny, Yuuma-chan-" Issei said, trying to shrug off her words until Yumma, now showing herself as Raynare, released her wings and stripped her clothes while replacing them with some skimpy attire.

"It was fun. The short time I spent with you. It was like playing house with a little child," Raynare said with a cold tone, revealing her true nature to the idiotic Issei, who was frozen completely.

"GAH!" Issei screamed in pain as the golden spear Raynare had just thrown pierced his abdomen.

"Sorry. You were a threat to us, so we decided to get rid of you early. If you want to hold a grudge, then hate the God who put the Sacred Gear inside you," Raynare said as she used her wings to fly toward Issei, who now lay on the ground in his blood.

At this point, the hole in Issei's stomach was preventing him from functioning properly. He was incredibly dizzy, his vision was blurry, and he couldn't speak. Despite that, Issei could still hear Raynare's voice, and he couldn't help but wonder what a sacred gear was.

Raynare, being the idiot she was, gave Issei one last glance before flying into the sky, leaving Issei bleeding out on the ground. Later on, she'd regret it very much.

Issei sat on the ground completely motionless for a few moments before reaching for something in his shirt. After struggling against his steadily weakening body, he was able to pull out a devil-summoning paper—the paper that would summon Rias Gremory.

"If I'm going to die... I wanna die in the arms of a beautiful girl..." Issei said as his hands stained the summoning paper, successfully fulfilling the condition to summon a devil.

Immediately after Issei's blood touched the paper, a red magic symbol appeared on the ground near Issei. A few moments later, the magic circle appeared, and so did a woman—Rias Gremory.

"So, you were the one who called me," Rias said as she looked down at Issei.

"Looks like you are dying. Your wound... oh my, it looks like something interesting is happening to you. So it's you… This truly is interesting," Rias said as she chuckled some but continued looking down at Issei.

Although Issei was entranced by Rias's beauty, his body was failing him, and because of that, he passed out.

'And so it begins,' I said with a smile on my face, knowing that there were a few moments in the canon where Issei was desperate for strength—strength that I would allow him to borrow, but with a price, of course.

~ Six days later ~

'Almost there...' I said as I looked at Issei screaming for Asia as her sacred gear was being extracted by Raynare.

For the last six days, I've patiently watched Issei go on about his life—his perverseness, his genuine care for random people, the way he had improved his relationship with the rest of his peerage members, and everything else. I watched carefully while waiting for the moment I would let my presence be known.

Although six days of doing nothing seems like it would be extremely boring, and in most cases, it would be, but it wasn't bad for me. I was used to far worse. When I was Sukuna, I was sealed for a very long time, and just recently, I was sealed for 11 years. Six days of watching TV was nothing for me, and yes, watching Issei's life was like watching TV.

Another thing that happened was Issei awakening Ddraig, The Heavenly Dragon. Unfortunately for the Dragon, it couldn't detect me, so we hadn't made contact with each other yet.

"This is it! This is the power that I craved for a long time! Sacred Gear! With this, I will be loved!" Raynare shouted as she completely extracted Asia's sacred gear, Twilight Healing.

"Asia!" Issei screamed as he watched Asia's body fall to the ground.

"Ise-kun..." Asia said as she struggled to breathe, she would die any moment.

"Ufufu. Ahahahahahaha! I finally have it! The supreme power! With this, I can become a supreme Fallen Angel! With this, I can pay back all those who were looking down on me!" Raynare exclaimed with a crazed expression on her face, she was ecstatic.

With Raynare distracted Issei ran to Asia and kneeled down before taking her into his arms.

"Asia, I came to take you back." Issei said as he looked down at the weakened Asia with a smile trying to convince himself she was fine despite how sickly she looked.

"…Yes." Asia struggled to respond as she put a small smile on her face.

"It's futile." Raynare sneered with a smile on her face as she looked at Issei holding onto the still weakening Asia.

"Possessors whose Sacred Gear is taken away from their body will die. That girl is going to die." Raynare said smugly.

"Then give the Sacred Gear back!" Issei shouted at Raynare who laughed in response.

"There's no way that I will give it back. You know I even deceived my superiors to get my hands on this? I will kill all of you and erase all evidence." Raynare said thinking everything was under control.

"...Shit. You are nowhere close to the Yuuma-chan that I remember." Issei said as he clenched his fist.

"Fufufu, it was pretty fun. The time I dated you." Raynare said with a sarcastic tone.

"...You were my first girlfriend." Issei said.

"Yes, watching it was very cute. It's fun to play around with guys who have no experience with a woman." Raynare said teasingly, she didn't take Issei seriously at all, he was just a toy to her.

"...I was serious about taking care of you." Issei said with his head down and his teeth clenched.

"Ufufu, yes, you did take care of me. When I was in trouble you managed to take care of it right away and made sure I didn't get hurt. But did you know that I did all of that on purpose? Because it was funny to see your face when you were in panic." Raynare replied amusedly, she was clearly having fun.

"...I made sure I planned our first date carefully. To make sure it would become a great date." Issei said growing angrier than he already was.

"Ahahaha! Yeah! It was an ordinary date! Thanks to that, I was very bored!" Raynare said as she laughed as if this situation was the funniest thing she'd ever encountered.

"...Yuuma-chan." Issei said as his face began to show his anger.

"Ufufu, I chose that name so I can kill you at Dawn. Wonderful, isn't it? Right, Ise-kun?" Raynare said after she finished laughing but still held a smile on her face.

"RAYNAREEEEEEEEEEEEE!!" Issei screamed in rage at the Fallen Angel.

"Ahahahahaha! I don't want a rotten brat like you calling my name!" Raynare replied as she laughed.

"Hyoudou-kun! Our formation is at a disadvantage while we are protecting that girl! So go upstairs at once! We'll make the path for you! Now, hurry!" Kiba shouted while fighting the priests that filled the room.

"Koneko-chan, we will make an escape path for Hyoudou-kun!" Kiba shouted again.

"…Affirmative." Koneko replied calmly.

Just like in the canon story Kiba and Koneko fought off the preists allowing Issei to escape the room and enter the sanctuary of the church they were fighting at while Raynare watched with a smile, in her mind, she was merely playing with her prey.

"Just wait a bit! You will be free soon, Asia! You will be able to play with me from now on!" Issei said growing desperate as he ran through the sanctuary.

"...I was happy that...I had a friend...even for a short while..." Asia said between bated breaths while trying to hide her pain.

"...If I were to be born again, would you become my friend once more...?" Asia said to Issei with a desperate tone.

"W-What are you saying!? Don't say that! Let's go somewhere to have fun! I will drag you even though you don't want to! We will go to karaoke! Game center! Let's also go bowling! Also other places! Also to that place! And there!" Issei said as tears began to pour down his face involuntarily, it was honestly pretty funny to watch.

"We are friends! Always! Yeah, that's right! I will introduce you to Motohama and Matsuda! They are a bit perverted, but both of them are good guys! They will definitely become your friends! Definitely! We will have fun together! We'll have fun until we can!" Issei said trying to pretend like the situation wasn't as dire as it was.

"...If I was born in this country...and went to the same school as you..." Asia said weakly.

"Let's go! Come to our school!" Issei said as his tears dropped onto Asia's face.

"...You even cry for someone like me...now I can..." Asia said before musting the remainder of her strength to finish her sentence.

"...Thank you..." Asia said before taking her last breath.

"Nononononono" Issei repeated rapidly as he shook Asia's dead body in an attempt to wake her up but no matter how much he tried she didn't respond.

"Hey, God!? You are there right, God!? Devils and Angels exist, so you do exist as well, right, God!? You were watching, right!? You were watching all of this, right!?" Issei screamed at the sky in a frenzy.

"Pfft!" I laughed as I watched Issei cry but continued to watch nonetheless.

"Please don't take this girl away! Please! I beg you! She hasn't done anything! She just wanted a friend! I will be her friend forever! So please! I want this girl to smile forever! Hey please! God!" Issei continued screaming frantically.

"There's a price." I said as I formed a mouth on Issei's arm causing him to jump slightly.

Issei was surprised to actually have gotten a response and even more surprised when it came from his arm but as soon as he opened his mouth to respond someone interrupted him.

"Ara, a Devil is repenting in a place like this? Or were you wishing for something?" Raynare said with a smile on her face as she arrived in the sanctuary.

"Stay back!" Issei shouted worriedly for his peerage members, he believed they would be hurt by Raynare.

"Look at this. This is the wound I got from the Knight boy while I was coming here." Raynare said as she showed Issei the wound on her palm before using her other hand to heal it with a green light, Asia's sacred gear.

"Look. Wonderful, isn't it? I can heal any kind of wound. To us Fallen Angels, who lost the protection of God, that child's Sacred Gear was a wonderful present." Raynare said wanted to rile up the emotionally vulnerable Issei.

"My status will rise since I will be a Fallen Angel that can heal Fallen Angels. I could be of help to the great Azazel-sama and Shemhaza-sama! There is nothing more wonderful than this! Aaah, Azazel-sama… My power is all for you…" Raynare said as her hands roamed her body, she really loved my older brother, and speaking of him I wonder how he'll react when we meet again.

"Like I care," Issei said as he stood up with an expression of pure rage on his face.

"I don't care about that. Fallen Angels, God, and Devils… Those things had nothing to do with this girl." Issei said with clenched hands.

"No, it did. She was a chosen human that possessed a Sacred Gear." Raynare replied.

"…Even so, she could have lived quietly. She could have lived normally!" Issei shouted.

"She couldn't. Those with irregular Sacred Gear would be left out of the world and groups. Because they possess a powerful ability. Because they have a different power than others. You know humans hate those things, right? Even though it's a wonderful power like this." Raynare replied as if Issei was stupid which he was.

"…Then I would have protected Asia, as her friend!"

"Ahahahaha! It's impossible! Because she died! That girl is dead, you know? It's not a matter of whether you protect her or not. You couldn't protect her! You couldn't protect her back in that evening and even now! You really are a weird boy! It's so amusing!" Raynare said as she laughed hysterically.

"... I know. That's why I can't forgive you. And myself-" Issei said as a look of resolution appeared on his face.

"I know I'm weak, I know I can't beat you so...." Issei said with self-hatred in his voice, he hated how weak he felt, he hated how weak he was.

"It's good you know," Raynare said with a smile, she felt that Issei had finally understood his position.

"What's the price?" Issei said causing Raynare and his peerage members to look at him oddly.

"Have you gone insane?" Raynare said with an amused tone.

"WHAT'S THE FUCKING PRICE?!" Issei shouted desperately again.

"Partner-" Ddraig's voice sounded from Issei's hand but was interrupted by me.

Immediately after Issei screamed those words his body seized up completely and the reason for that was simple, I pulled his consciousness into my Doman.

"Where-" Issei said as he looked around my domain before pausing as he noticed me seated upon my throne.

"You... Are you a God?" Issei questioned immediately, he wasn't in the mood to play around.

"I am." I lied, I was no God, at least at the moment.

"Then you can bring Asia back?" Issei asked eagerly, he seemed to look at me as his new hope, how naive.

"I can." I lied, I couldn't but Rias would do it anyway so it's fine.

"Then do it!" Issei shouted desperately.

"I'll need to use your body," I replied and received an answer immediately from Issei.

"No problem! Go right ahead!" Issei said excitedly, he was thrilled Asia would come back but a small amount of nervousness could be detected in his voice.

"Very well, now I will send you back and when you arrive say the following, I allow you in," I said causing Issei to nod.

I didn't need to do this but for my future plans, it was all necessary, each of my small actions was just as important as my bigger ones, everything counts.

"I allow you in," Issei said causing everyone to look at him oddly before his body became completely rigid, I had taken over.

Immediately upon taking over Issei's body, it began to change to accommodate my existence, unlike when I was a curse and occupied someone's body this time I was a different being entirely so the changes that happened to the person's body I took over were more drastic.

Issei's hair turned snow white while an extra set of eyes appeared before his current set, his brown eyes turned a bright blue, the signature of Six Eyes, tattoos appeared all over his body and his facial structure changed rapidly causing him to gain the same appearance as me. At the moment the body of Issei Hyoudou looked the same as the current me, a mix of Gojo and Sukuna but not as tall.

"Ah, I knew it!" I shouted with a crazed smile.

"The living world always feels best in the flesh!" I said happily.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!" I laughed heartily with a big smile on my face, this was great, everything felt so amazing in the world of the living, unlike the dimension I've lived in so far, but even so, I knew this wasn't permanent yet, however long I was in control was how long it took for Issei to know he could take control back and that'll continue being the case until I regain all of my strength, then I'll be able to take over permanently.

"Who are you?!" Ddraig shouted from my arm causing everyone to stare at me harder than they were already.

"Y'know, you should've killed him off back then, Issei I mean," I said to Raynare with a smile completely ignoring Ddraig.

"W-What a-re y-ou..?" Raynare stuttered as she looked at me warily, her reaction was amusing, I guess my presence really did disturb beings like her.

'I should make this quick.' I said to myself knowing I didn't want to return to my domain yet but had no other choice, my energy had a unique signature so my sibling might recognize it and come here, I was in a weakened state so I most likely couldn't beat them now.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" I said as a sadistic smile appeared on my face.

"AAAAHHHH!" Raynare screamed as her left wing and right leg were separated from her body without the slightest sign of an attack.

"Even a fallen angel would miss a wing right?" I said as I walked toward the Fallen Angel with a smile.

"Bastard!" Raynare screamed at me from the floor, her anger overpowering her fear.

"Heh." I sneered at her as I cut her tongue from her mouth with Cleave.

"MMMM!" Raynare screamed again as she held her mouth which was leaking blood profusely.

"Pathetic." I said as I crouched down next to Raynare with a devilish smile.

"I guess I'll do Issei a favor and let you suffer some more before killing you." I said with a sadistic smile as five small black orbs appeared above each of my fingers.

"Here." I said still smiling as I placed my fingers on Raynare's abdomen before she began screeching like an animal.

This was a new technique I created, each black orb held the power of compulsion and repulsion and we know what happens when something like that enters a body, a whole lot of damage.

"AHHH!!" Raynare continued screaming as the inside of her body was completely shredded.

'Stop this and revive Asia!' I heard Issei's voice in my mind but paid him no attention, Rias would arrive in a few moments so she'd handle it as she did in the canon.

"Hey, Raynare." I said as I kicked the body of the fallen angel but received no response, her heart had stopped beating, more like it was shredded.

"You..." Ddraig spoke again with an odd tone.

"Me." I replied with a smile as I walked toward the dead body of Asia with an ungodly smile on my face.

Upon arriving in front of Asia I crouched in front of her before extending my index finger and cutting it off then used the Reverse Cursed Technique to reform it, yes, I planned on using Asia at a later time... heh.

'What the hell are you doing?!' Issei's voice sounded through my mind.

"My part of the deal of course." I lied as I pushed my finger down the girl's throat, I wondered what face Issei would make later on when Asia came to use.

'Now for the last part.' I said inwardly as I saw Asia's sacred gear float from Raynare and rush toward Asia before entering through her chest.

"Now you simply need to ask Rias to revive her as her servant," I said to the main character of High School DxD.

'Revive her? Weren't you going to do that?' Issei said with some irritation in his voice.

"I planned on it but having it done this way will be better," I replied not planning to give him any other details, yeah I scammed him.

"Who are you?" Ddraig asked with an extremely serious voice.

"Ryomen Sukuna." I replied, I planned to use my previous name for a while because my actual name was rather sensitive at the moment, if Issei brought up my name when he met Azazel things would grow more difficult.

"...I've never heard of someone with that name," Ddraig said with an odd tone, he was trying to figure out who I was but to no avail, nobody in this verse knew a lot about me.

"Issei!" Rias shouted as she entered the sanctuary accompanied by her peerage and immediately upon walking in I released control over Issei's body causing him to regain control and fall to the ground before transforming back to the regular Issei, he didn't get to keep the Six Eyes, my cursed energy, or my great appearance, he got nothing.

"I'm fine..." Issei replied as he got up from the ground feeling incredibly fatigued but that didn't stop him from begging Rias to revive Asia as a servant.

'Short but fun.' I said to myself as I sat on my throne, I do wonder what Issei felt about this, was he scared of how cruel I was, did he appreciate how cruel I was with Raynare, how would he react when Ddraig spoke to him about me, how would my first appearance effect things?

I was excited to see if things would go as planned or fall apart completely because either way it didn't actually matter, once my strength returned and I'd had enough fun playing around, Issei Hyoudou would cease to exist.

To be continued...

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