He, The One


"Ugh... I'm bored," I exclaimed aloud for the millionth time since I had been sealed away in this place.

Update time! It's been one year since I've been sealed away, yup! You guessed it! I just turned one year old today.

What have I been doing during this year, you ask? Well, the answer to that is simple: training, training, training, training, training, training, training, training, and more fucking training.

I've spent the last year relearning every technique I knew because my body is different from before. Physically speaking, I was far better than I was when I was a human, incomparably so. One thing to take note of was that I had Cursed Energy still, an enormous amount of Cursed Energy since I was a fusion of Gojo and Sukuna. Then, if we tack on my Six Eyes, we can see that I basically have unlimited energy.

"I need to get the system incentive done," I said to myself as I got off my bed and began training again.

Oh yeah, the system had gotten off its ass and given me what's called an incentive, which is basically a system quest but without a time limit and failure penalty. Pretty cool, right?


 ~ System Incentive ~

Task - Regain mastery of all of your abilities once again

Reward - One-time use Incarnation selector

 - Reward Description: A requirement to use your incarnation ability is to have someone digest an object imbued with your soul and energy, but the system will bypass those requirements one time and place you within the body of the being you choose.

 - Incarnation Requirement 1: Selected incarnation must be alive


"Hahaha," I began laughing while training as I thought of who I would use the incarnation selector on — Issei Fucking Hyoudou!

How fun would that be? Slowly but surely, I would take over the body of the main character of High School DxD while ruining his life, just like I did Yuji's. If that isn't fun, I don't know what is. Just think about it; I would gain freedom, which was amazing by itself, and I would be able to have some fun. I had everything to gain from this.

"Progress, progress, progress," I said as I continued training. I had formed the habit of training in a completely mindless state so that time could pass by quickly, and it did.

Oh yeah, another thing that changed after being in this place for more than a day was my status; it showed me something pretty useful.


 ~ Status ~

Name: Radahn Nychtael Morbidon

 - Other name(s): Leon Spilter, Satoru Gojo, Ryomen Sukuna

Age: 10 years (Using real-world time)

Race: Cursed Seraph

(Current Dimension Time Dilation - 1 year inside = 100 years outside)


Now, what did time dilation mean? Well, stupid, it means that time inside of this place I'm currently sealed in moves at a different pace than the time outside of it does. One year of training here is 100 years out there, which should be the opposite if you ask me. Shouldn't the main character get to train his powers in private for a super long time before going outside super strong?

Well, either way, that's just how it was. So although I knew Issei wasn't born yet since God was still alive the last time I was outside, all I knew was it wouldn't take a ridiculous amount of time for Issei to be born.

~ Time skip no Jutsu! - 2 years later! ~

Hola, it's been three years since I've been sealed away in here, which means it's been three hundred years on the outside. Now, what have I done in the last two years? Train, that's all I've got to do. I already traveled around the place I was sealed in and found nothing—just a never-ending space. I walked, walked, and walked some more, but still made no progress on finding anything about the dimension I was sealed in, so I opted for training.

How was training going, you ask? Well, it was going fine. It's not really difficult to re-master the abilities I already had, but the more difficult part was synchronizing my abilities with my body. I wasn't human or a curse; I was something more than that.

At the moment, I am around 40% done with mastering my abilities, and maybe it shouldn't have taken me so long. But I've decided to be extremely thorough and cover everything. I had the time, and it was better to have no exploitable weaknesses. Weaknesses lead to death, and I won't be dying anytime soon.

~ Time skip no Jutsu! - 2 years later! ~

Bună ziua, it's been another two years, making it a total of four years since I've been sealed and 400 years on the outside—hopefully, God died already; that'd be nice.

I'm around 70% done with the system incentive now. Yeah, I had slowed down some, but like I said back then, I was being very thorough, leaving no stone unturned, one could say. I was aware that at my peak strength, I wouldn't be the strongest in this verse. So with that knowledge, I decided to dive deep into my abilities while training them.

I knew very well that my current set of abilities wasn't enough to keep me alive in this verse because, despite the bullshit shown in High School DxD, this verse was riddled with all sorts of danger. Gods, Dragons, Yokai, Vampires, Fallen Angels, Angels, Devils, and more; this place was lurking with danger hidden under a perverse pretense. But I wouldn't fall for it; I wasn't stupid enough to do so.

Why do you think God could seal me away so easily when I was born? I may have been unprepared and not accustomed to my abilities or body, but the fact was that I still held the combined cursed energy of myself when I was Gojo and Sukuna meant that sealing me should be no easy task, but God did it effortlessly.

And yes, I know that God is one of the strongest beings in the DxD verse, but that's the point; he proved to me that although I reigned supreme in JJK, the same couldn't be applied here. I wasn't strong enough for that yet; my current set of abilities needed to be improved upon, explored more, and evolved. I had work to do so that I wouldn't succumb to an unfortunate fate.

~ Time skip no Jutsu! - 6 years later! ~

Welp, it's been 11 years in here or 1,100 years on the outside since I reincarnated in the High School DxD verse, and guess what I achieved? I mastered my current collection of abilities. Yeah, at the moment, I was waiting for Issei to be born, which was going by slowly, but I did have something to keep me occupied, and that was training, that's all.

Even though I finished the system incentive and gained the one-time use incarnation selector from the system, I still continued training. I wanted to use it on Issei, and that guy wasn't born yet, so I was playing a waiting game.

Now, although my continued training was monotonous, it did benefit me. I was smooth in all of my actions; everything I did was as it should be. I was harmonized, and that was important. The current me was a perfect synchronization of what I used to be. Nothing was out of place. I could use Cleave and Cursed Technique Lapse: Blue at the same time, but despite my synchronization, I couldn't use my domains at the same time. Malevolent Shrine and Unlimited Void were two separate domains that refused to collaborate, and that was a problem.

'Guess I'll try using the selector again.' I said to myself as the panel appeared in front of me with a search engine on it, I had to search the name of the person I wanted to use as my incarnation then I'd their names popped up I could use them, if they didn't it either meant one of two things, they weren't born yet, or they were dead.

"Finally." I said after I clicked enter on the keypad and saw the name Issei Hyoudou.

Immediately upon seeing that Issei's name had finally shown up a big smile appeared on my face, I had been waiting for years for this guy to be born, and finally, it happened, the main character of High School DxD had appeared.

"Looks like I won't have to wait long for some action." I said aloud as I looked at Issei's current basic stats.

At the moment Issei was 17 years old which meant that the canon events of HSDXD were close at hand, and it also meant my piece of shit papa was mostly likely dead, yay! Fuck you old man!


~ One time use incarnation selector ~

Target: Issei Hyoudou

 - Status: Alive

- Race: Human

- Age: 17

[ Are you sure you wish to continue? ]

[ Yes ]

[ No ]

Warning: This action cannot be reversed, please choose carefully.


I already knew I was certain about this so I wasn't worried about the system warning and immediately pressed the yes button, I hated being sealed here and right after doing so I lost consciousness, the system was quick to get to work.

To be continued...

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