He, The One


"Father..." I heard the voice of a man as I slowly began to gain consciousness.

[ System boot initiating...]

[ System boot successful.]

I heard the cold and emotionless voice of the system in my mind immediately upon opening my eyes, but I wasn't focused on that for now. What I was focused on was the five beings surrounding me.

I recognized five out of the six people present, and immediately after recognizing them, I knew that I was most likely in heaven. After all, they had white wings and a halo above their heads. These beings were angels, and not just any random ones.

One was Michael, the chief angel of Faith. Two was Gabriel, the chief angel of Chastity. The third was Uriel, the chief angel of Patience. The fourth was Raphael, the chief angel of Temperance. The fifth was Azazel, who still had white wings and a halo. The sixth wasn't someone I recognized, but I had a feeling he was the God of Heaven.

"Um, father...he..." Gabriel said as she looked at me with a genuinely uncertain expression on her face.

"I know..." God said as he looked down at me before I felt myself become immobile. I couldn't move, speak, or do anything of that nature.

"It's fine for you to hate me. I didn't expect this. It shouldn't have been this way, but I can't change it now," God said as he looked at me with an odd expression on his face. But I didn't give a shit about that. Let me go demon!

"The least I can do for you is give you a name..." God said with a thoughtful expression on his completely regular face.

If you're wondering what God looks like in High School DxD, then let me tell you: a middle-aged man with white hair, golden eyes, and no eyebrows. That's it.

"Father, what are you doing?" Michael questioned God, his father, for the very first time in his life, which everyone here found surprising.

"I am sealing him away," God said, causing my eyes to widen. I just got here! Why the hell is he sealing me already?!

Just like me, all of the people present had widened eyes when they heard their God's words. I suppose nobody here expected this either.

"But he was just created, father. Shouldn't we at least give him a chance? Perhaps he can change," Azazel said. Unlike Michael, Azazel was the one who usually spoke up to God, so this wasn't out of character for him. Although he was never disrespectful to his father, he did ask questions, and God had no problem answering questions.

'Yeah! Tell 'em!' I shouted inwardly as I cheered Azazel on. Let me free, damn it!

"No, we cannot," God said as he glanced at all of his children before continuing.

"You can sense it too, his energy, the evil that lurks deep within my child who was supposed to be our lifeline, our strongest and most pure being. But this is the opposite of pure. He's dark, malicious, and chaotic," God said as he looked at me with a look of confirmation. This guy had no intention of letting me go.

"He doesn't have a halo. He lacks the pureness and holiness I intended him to have. He has four eyes and tattoos that hold a dark power, and an energy so huge, deep, malicious, and evil it disturbs me, he's isn't a pure being. Furthermore, his potential for growth is staggering, like nothing I've seen before. He cannot and will not be let free to roam the world, not with that amount of evil within him. I won't take the chance," God said seriously.

This time, none of the beings present questioned their father. They too sensed what God was sensing, but what did surprise them was what God said about my potential. It was important to keep in mind that God was super old; he'd seen a lot of stuff, so his statement held a lot of weight.

"Your name shall be Radahn Nyktael Morbidon, the last son of God, and a mistake that the world will never know of." God said before continuing as most of my 'siblings' looked at me with pity but also a look of understanding. Their father was never wrong, so they felt that this was the best outcome.

"Say your farewells; this will be the last time you meet," God said to his children.

"Goodbye, little brother..." Gabriel said as she looked at the completely motionless me.

"Farewell," Michael said without his previous uncertain face. His father had spoken, and his wish shall be fulfilled.

"Farewell," Uriel said with the same face as Michael.

"Farewell," Raphael said just as Michael did.

"See ya' around I guess," Azazel said as he scratched the back of his head. He at least held a bit of uncertainty about this situation but not enough to speak up again.

"Back away from him," God said after everyone finished speaking to me, and soon enough everyone followed his command.

"In truth, I know it would be better to end your life, Radahn, but I can't. I won't stain my hands with the blood of my children, and I hope, as hope is all I can do, that you won't make me regret this decision... farewell my son," God said, causing everyone to look at him with pure shock. Was my existence so messed up that even God, the purest being, would consider killing his own child?

Immediately after those words were uttered, I felt myself becoming heavier and heavier until the space around me distorted, and I disappeared from the completely white and gold room I was in before appearing inside a place that was completely red and black. The environment was black with a red hue surrounding everything, and under my feet was a ground that rippled like water when I walked.

"Motherfucker!" I shouted as I regained the ability to move and speak.

"God damn old fucking shitcan piece of ass hair cunt fist dickhole bitch!" I continued shouting until a few moments passed and I fell completely silent. There was no use throwing a fit now.

As I calmed down, I started looking around the place I was in, and after turning around, I soon spotted a bed. It was cool but that's all; there was nothing else here.

"Aw, man..." I said as I jumped onto the bed. This wasn't the fun I was expecting.

'System? Helllllllllllooooo?' I said inwardly but received no response from the main character Custom Super Cheat.

After getting no response from my system, I released a big sigh as I lay on my new bed in absolute silence.

'What an odd feeling,' I said to myself as I began to reminisce. Unlike one would expect, I had two other lives that I could reminisce about. The time when I was Satoru Gojo and Ryomen Sukuna was clear in my mind.

The boon description said that I would fully integrate with Gojo and Sukuna, and that's exactly what happened. I became Gojo, and everything Gojo was became me. I took on his memories, experiences, emotions, pride, arrogance, and everything else while merging them with my own, and the same happened with Sukuna.

Despite merging with these two individuals and saying that I took everything they were into myself, it was more than that. I am Satoru Gojo, and I am Ryomen Sukuna, but I'm more than that as well. The current me was a complete fusion of Leon, Gojo, and Sukuna, a combination that created me, Radahn Nyktael Morbidon. Yeah, I accepted the name because it's cool.

Also, as I reminisced about my time as Sukuna I noticed that I couldn't remember anything after Yuji ate the last of the twenty fingers. With Gojo, I could remember everything up to before the fight with Toji, which meant I was not enlightened, so I would have to achieve that again.

As I sat in bed reminiscing, I started to speak with my system again, attempting to get a response from it. I used words you would usually think of and words you wouldn't ever think of, but nothing worked until I said a rather easy word when you thought of a system.

'Status.' I said inwardly before a panel appeared in front of me.


 ~ Status ~

Name: Radahn Nyktael Morbidon

Race: Cursed Seraph

Age: 30 minutes


'Cursed Seraph?' I questioned inwardly. I hadn't heard of that race before, especially in High School DxD.

"Whatever... it's nap time," I said aloud before closing my eyes and drifting off to dreamland. I'd do some other shit after I woke up.

To be continued...

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